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why don't you wave?


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I try hard to be a courteous driver. I almost always let you into my lane when you need it. Even when you've pulled a fairly jackass maneuver like trying to pass me just as your lane is ending, I go out of my way to leave a gap for you. Sometimes it's very obvious. Sometimes it involves me stepping on the brake, which I hate to do. But it's better this way, it doesn't do traffic any good to block you out as punishment. And I'm being nice.


So why don't you wave?

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Maybe I've already got enough fucking people in my life want me to fucking read their goddam mind and figure out what they want, so I don't have to try to please your fucking petty goddam desires too. Leave me afuckinlone. Thanks for not running me off the road though. You're a prince.

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Maybe I've already got enough fucking people in my life want me to fucking read their goddam mind and figure out what they want, so I don't have to try to please your fucking petty goddam desires too. Leave me afuckinlone. Thanks for not running me off the road though. You're a prince.


Are you the one who ran into my g/f yesterday when she totaled her car??

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Maybe I've already got enough fucking people in my life want me to fucking read their goddam mind and figure out what they want, so I don't have to try to please your fucking petty goddam desires too. Leave me afuckinlone. Thanks for not running me off the road though. You're a prince.


Are you the one who ran into my g/f yesterday when she totaled her car??


No, he sounds more like the guy who gave me the finger.

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The other day, I let a guy into the HOV lane in front of me (even though he didn't have two people), and he gave me the finger. It still confuses me.


Probably just someone from east of King County voicing his opinion of the place on his way back to the non-latte-drinking part of the state. :brew:

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Yeah that was me. I flipped you off cause you gave me a stupid snooty fucking I'm better than you because I have two people in my car and your breaking the law type of snotty glare. Too much of a responsible guy to flip me off, but hoping you could show your indignation in a way that would both hurt me yet not provoke a confrontation. Well tough fuckin luck you provoked a slight confrontation. I flipped you off. wah wah



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Maybe I've already got enough fucking people in my life want me to fucking read their goddam mind and figure out what they want, so I don't have to try to please your fucking petty goddam desires too. Leave me afuckinlone. Thanks for not running me off the road though. You're a prince.


Or maybe you were just raised by wife-beatin', 40-swillin', dog kickin', kid-fuckin' trailer trash and don't have any manners.

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I am thinking that the people around here are just kind of uppity bitches and are too good to say thank you. Or maybe they're too oblivious to realize someone has been considerate to them. I've never lived anywhere else though so maybe some transplant can comment?


Al_Pine, your posts seem angsty. Reading between the lines, it sounds like you have women problems. My guess is the problems are: they don't like you because you're a dick. Ok technically that's just one problem.

Edited by counterfeitfake
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gosh you guys are all so nice here, trying to get me on your psyfuckingtherapy couch and solve my problems... maybe it was my unfortunate ubrringing maybe it's because I have woman problems...


ok geniuses , maybe it's because I didn't know you neeeded a wave to complete the contract of not running me off the road. Here :wave: happy now :rolleyes: maybe I flipped the othe fuck off because he gave me a glare, challenged me , sent me an unmistakable nonverbal message. I responded nonverbally :fahq:


underworld had it right,


I'm starting to think all this psycological discussion of my angsty problems are merely condescending digs meant to show how much fuckin better you are. Why don't you guys all just go post in the _____ bingo threads and make fun of other anonymous people...maybe that will make you happier :moondance:

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gosh you guys are all so nice here, trying to get me on your psyfuckingtherapy couch and solve my problems... maybe it was my unfortunate ubrringing maybe it's because I have woman problems...


ok geniuses , maybe it's because I didn't know you neeeded a wave to complete the contract of not running me off the road. Here :wave: happy now :rolleyes: maybe I flipped the othe fuck off because he gave me a glare, challenged me , sent me an unmistakable nonverbal message. I responded nonverbally :fahq:


underworld had it right,


I'm starting to think all this psycological discussion of my angsty problems are merely condescending digs meant to show how much fuckin better you are. Why don't you guys all just go post in the _____ bingo threads and make fun of other anonymous people...maybe that will make you happier :moondance:


My goodness. Is the new Al the same as the old Al or is someone else in charge of this avatar?

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