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Canada has its "loonies"...


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(Wiki)"The roots and development of the Thaler-sized silver coin date back to the mid-1400s. As the fifteenth century drew to a close the state of much of Europe's coinage was quite poor because of repeated debasement induced by the costs of continual warfare, and by the incessant centuries-long loss of silver and gold in indirect one-sided trades importing spices and porcelain and silk and other fine cloths and exotic goods from India, Indonesia and the Far East. This continual debasement had reached a point that silver content in coins had dropped, in some cases, to less than five percent, making the coins of much less individual value than they had in the beginning."

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The U.S. Treasury also could save billions from a switch because coins last 30 to 40 years in circulation compared to about 18 months for paper currency. A number of other countries, such as the United Kingdom, use coins exclusively for their single-unit currencies.

How ironic - the public getting upset for the government actually doing something rational.

Fact is, Americans perceive paper bills to be more practical (ignoring the cost of production and distribution), so until the $1 bill is eliminated, we'll never have a succesful $1 coin. And our politicians can't even have enough spine to push that through.

Personally I've spent a lot of time in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, all of whom have $1 and $2 coins (not bills). It wasn't a problem.

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How ironic - the public getting upset for the government actually doing something rational.


Kind of like that whole metric system thing President Carter tried to introduce us to way back in the day. You know your country is in trouble when it's citizens can't handle multiplying and dividing by ten. Speaking of money, when are we going to stop having dull, fugly money?

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