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Haunted Climbs!!!!


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Was it me, or where their a lot more trick-or-treaters out and about yesterday?


And If you were the superstitous type and had to pick the local climbing areas that would most likely to be haunted, where would they be?

Mine: (not that I am superstitious)

Oregon Jack, Lillooet BC (area said by the natives to be haunted -historical records say). Plus it had a blood streak on it that never seemed to go away fast after an accident

Johannesburg, Mt. NCNP-secret cabins, a dark vibe, and it tries to kill everyone.

Peshastin pinnacles on a late fall day with no other climbers or farmers around.

Fossil rock-Ted's wall or fern gully areas (Jurrasic type landscape. I heard some really weird noises after dark)

The climbs that approach through the ghost town of Monte Cristo.

Tieton- "The cave" area for reasons that I can't divulge on this website.

Unicorn Peak, MRNP

Anyone else care to chime in?

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This is not a climb, but a hike. The first time I ever hiked the Lime Kiln Trail, I swear there was a "presence" there. Ever get that feeling that you are not alone? Well I had it, and it wasn't exactly scary but certainly felt weird.


I got to thinking about the large number of men who died in accidents building the Everett and Monte Cristo Railway. Probably most of them didn't even get an obit in the newspapers a the time, poor immigrants that they were.


I had this digital camera and some of the pictures had this weird fog in places that I never saw through the view finder. One time, this white patch messed up a shot really badly. I took it again and it wasn't there the second time.


I've been on that trail many times after that and never experienced the same thing again. You have to go in the winter when it is really quiet, and go alone.

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