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It's a good day to be a Democrat.


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From today's Seattle Times:


Among social conservative activists in Washington on Monday, there was intense anger and calls for House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., to resign. Even the editorially conservative Washington Times joined the calls.


"Either he was grossly negligent for not taking the red flags fully into account and ordering a swift investigation ... or he deliberately looked the other way in hopes that a brewing scandal would simply blow away," said an editorial posted on the newspaper's Web site.

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From today's Seattle Times:


Among social conservative activists in Washington on Monday, there was intense anger and calls for House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., to resign. Even the editorially conservative Washington Times joined the calls.


"Either he was grossly negligent for not taking the red flags fully into account and ordering a swift investigation ... or he deliberately looked the other way in hopes that a brewing scandal would simply blow away," said an editorial posted on the newspaper's Web site.

The old one-two snafu: Either he knew or he should have known, and either case qualifies him as a total scumbag. I recall a partner of Arthur Andersen LLP for whom those were essentially the first last words spoken when the news initially broke about the company's complicity as the auditor of Enron's books. The partner knew right then it was time for him to start packing -- his company was as good as done on the spot and his partnership and net worth effectively vaporized on that one day.


But Congressional ethics rules are different from standard professional practices enforceable by law. No way anybody is going to step down, that's obvious after they went to all the trouble of covering for the sexual advances made to minors by a "predator" and "pedophile" in their ranks -- just to hang on to one miserable seat in the House.


The big show now will be the response of voters. Fwiw, the RNC is already hitting the phones hard in the affected districts. Word spoken is that it's all Clinton's fault -- he's a notorious pervert, you know, "and he's still there!"



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There's word the Miami Herald knew of the electronic communiques near a year ago, but took no action for fear of the appearance of "gay-bashing".


I haven't read the transcripts of the communications between the two parties, but again, "there's word", the sixteen-year-old page was playing along or baiting Foley.


When I was sixteen, I hung out with various crowds:

I was active in school government, I held a State record in competitive swimming, a school record for strike-outs pitching baseball, co-captain as the starting mid-fielder for the State championship soccer team, and youngest active member of the Detroit Foreign Film Association. It was in gatherings of the DFFA that I was informed numerous times by gay members that I could "make a million bucks" as a consort out in the Bay area and was offered expenses-paid travel and accomodations. I was tempted to make the "big switch" to homosexuality to advance my own wealth and social power.


All this to say, I can readily see how a sixteen-year-old cavorting in the halls of power might play along with advances from those in power in order to advance his own cause.


I make no excuse for Foley's behavior, and I believe he should be prosecuted if proven he's broken the law, but I sincerely doubt this is the first time a congressman or congresswoman has flirted or made hetero- or homosexual advances toward a comely page.

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I make no excuse for Foley's behavior, and I believe he should be prosecuted if proven he's broken the law, but I sincerely doubt this is the first time a congressman or congresswoman has flirted or made hetero- or homosexual advances toward a comely page.


No they did it back in 1983. Interestingly the man who slept with a 17 year old female page lost his reelection campaign, the man who slept with a 17 year old male page (though there was only a 19 year delta) won reelection.


Neither of those canidates based the bullwark of their political career on protecting children, including protecting those under 18 from online and other forms of electronic sexual solicitation

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A 50-something year old queen was "played" and "baited" by 16yr old boys? Umm, riiiiiggghhhhttt!


but again, "there's word", the sixteen-year-old page was playing along or baiting Foley.


Sure, but you neglect to mention that the "word" is coming from party propagandists Limbaugh and Drudge.


Go read the IM's and then tell me he was set up...I'll wait...



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Perhaps; it's often difficult to ascribe motivations to behavior.


My mini-autobio was put forth to explain my understanding of potential for behavior to further wealth and power in considerations by a sixteen-year-old. I'm not saying this was in play in this instance certainly.

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Perhaps; it's often difficult to ascribe motivations to behavior.


My mini-autobio was put forth to explain my understanding of potential for behavior to further wealth and power in considerations by a sixteen-year-old. I'm not saying this was in play in this instance certainly.


er, WTF is your point? The adult is responsible to not misuse his power. He is not to trade power for sex with minors. End of fucking story. Are you a closet Humbert?


This is the same rep who was on the Missing and Exploited Childrens Caucus - who was working to criminalize electronic sexual contact with children - and who staunchly opposed gay rights. His hypocrisy is the big deal - to all but those who need to rationalize this away to salve their right leaning conscious.

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I'm saying I'm really a Republican in denial

Glad we could clear that up




He is not to trade power for sex with minors. End of fucking story.


Is there evidence this occurred? Or, are you conjecturing to make more of this than has been reported?


Trading power for sex with minors or power for sex talk with minors, either way is abusing his position of power, the question is of scale.

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Notwithstanding the gravity of hypocrisy in this instance, which is estimable, nor the hypocrisy that seems to predominate in ubiquity in the halls of government, I'm saying this is a:




Here's Foley commenting eight years ago on Clinton's affair:


"It's vile," said Rep. Mark Foley, R-West Palm Beach. "It's more sad than anything else, to see someone with such potential throw it all down the drain because of a sexual addiction."


That was "just sad," Foley said. "It's unbelievable that he could behave so carelessly in that setting."



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Here's Foley commenting eight years ago on Clinton's affair:


"It's vile," said Rep. Mark Foley, R-West Palm Beach. "It's more sad than anything else, to see someone with such potential throw it all down the drain because of a sexual addiction."


I agree with Foley's statement: Clinton had immense potential and squandered it.


But at least Clinton had potential. Foley was never in the same league.

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[*]Boys 16 and older


[*]Admitted virtual sex


[*]Blamed it on alcohol and abuse by a priest




[*]Girl 22


[*]Denied (under oath) actual sex - because blowjobs aren't sex

[*]Fought charges



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