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Smith Rock - Epic descent


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I'm glad it's a funny story. Because if we had gotten hurt, it wouldn't have been.


Now is anone else here man enough to admit to a funny story?


I have too many to list. Heresa stupid one: the very last time I did Super Slab (this is after having probably done it at least 20-30 times previosuly) we got offroute on the descent and all kinds of F*ed up. Long story. Glad to have gotten down safetly.


On topic- a bit:

Here's an interesing historical aside. Steve told me Danny and him had been buzzing hard for 3 days on crank when they hit that cliff. They looked up and thought it would go, and they were wayyy cramped up in the forearms when they topped out and kissed the ground in glee.


Imagine that cliff with loose stuff on it. Having no knowlege if it would go. Now imagine no sleep for the last couple of days.


"Amphetimine Grip" - truth in advertising blush.gif

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Some people hadn't heard the story, and some stories stay funny. hahaha.gif


I'm glad it's a funny story. Because if we had gotten hurt, it wouldn't have been.


Now is anone else here man enough to admit to a funny story?


Your right if somebody had gotten hurt you just would have been a dumbshit. wink.gif Nobody got hurt, so it sets up a clasic comic situation.


Here's a funny story: Last evening we were walking down from Bridge Creek Wall in the twilight. The light was getting very faint and the trail was not much more than some randomly spaced cairns. Every once in a while we'd stop to get our bearings and someone would say, "what would Gary do in this situation." hahaha.gif


Go rent a Faulty Towers DVD. John Cleese was the main actor, but he was also the main writer, and he'd write ever episode so that he ended up being the biggest idiot in the show. It's funny stuff and you could learn a lot...Embrace your dumbness Gary.

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