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Women's Studies: The Heavy Bootprint.


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If she had spit on me I would have given her just what she wanted- equality with men- and a punch in the nose. Can't have it both ways.


I'm a scrawny, wiry guy. I was even more so in college umpteen years ago. I would probably still be out cold on the cold floor of whatever building that was if I woulda done that. Ever watch "Be The Creature" with the Kratt Brothers, and there's that one little Impala surrounded by the pride of lions? Yeah... it was like that.


But with loogies. (I looked up the spelling this time.)


And not to further stereotypes... but she WAS rather linebackerish looking if my memory serves me. Definitely not a waif looking at her shoes.

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I bet in most cases these Women's Studies courses don't create the rage but they give focus to what was pre-existing from shitty experiences growing up. Lots (prbably most) of women have been treated like various amounts crap by men in their lives - fathers, boyfriends, coaches. It's not surprising that some lose a sense of proportion.


I sure don't see this thread evincing progress in the spirit of "we are all equal human beings and deserve respect".

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I sure don't see this thread evincing progress in the spirit of "we are all equal human beings and deserve respect".

No, it's about the level of most womens studies programs - a bunch of like minded people egging each other on absent sense of decorum, tact or intellectual rigor.

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I bet in most cases these Women's Studies courses don't create the rage but they give focus to what was pre-existing from shitty experiences growing up. Lots (prbably most) of women have been treated like various amounts crap by men in their lives - fathers, boyfriends, coaches. It's not surprising that some lose a sense of proportion.


i think you meant to post that here rolleyes.gif

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"I sure don't see this thread evincing progress in the spirit of "we are all equal human beings and deserve respect"


Don't see much of that coming out of the more, er, enthusiastic Women's Studies classroom's either.


I think that there are probably quite a few young men drifting around college campuses who feel like they've been wronged by their mothers, girlfriends, etc - but codifying their grievances into a field of study and granting it an institutional home wouldn't do much more than calcify-their hostility and severely circumscribe their ability to interact with 1/2 of humanity.


I feel sorry for women who have been victimized by men, and there's certainly no shortage of them cruising around, but my hunch is that the angry-millitant ethos that seems to infuse a certain percentage of the students in the Women's Studies programs harms them quite a bit more than it does the objects of their anger, virtually all of whom will drift through the remainder of their lives sublimely unaware of and indifferent to it.

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I think that there are probably quite a few young men drifting around college campuses who feel like they've been wronged by their mothers, girlfriends, etc - but codifying their grievances into a field of study and granting it an institutional home wouldn't do much more than calcify-their hostility and severely circumscribe their ability to interact with 1/2 of humanity.

yelrotflmao.gif I thought you spent time working for the man and the union Jay. Misogny is already a field of study; it just doesn't grant degrees.

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I wasn't defending Women's Studies courses ... I've never taken one.


i think you meant to post that here rolleyes.gif


you're never gonna get an invite to join crazyjizzy and me at the Moderators Townhouse poolparty featuring the Sonic's Dance Team if you roll your eyes at me pitty.gifyoda.gif

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I sure don't see this thread evincing progress in the spirit of "we are all equal human beings and deserve respect".

No, it's about the level of most womens studies programs - a bunch of like minded people egging each other on absent sense of decorum, tact or intellectual rigor.

Sounds more like Spray to me. rolleyes.gif

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I sure don't see this thread evincing progress in the spirit of "we are all equal human beings and deserve respect".

No, it's about the level of most womens studies programs - a bunch of like minded people egging each other on absent sense of decorum, tact or intellectual rigor.

Sounds more like Spray to me. rolleyes.gif


Yeah... but for credit! yellaf.gif

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I sure don't see this thread evincing progress in the spirit of "we are all equal human beings and deserve respect".

No, it's about the level of most womens studies programs - a bunch of like minded people egging each other on absent sense of decorum, tact or intellectual rigor.

Sounds more like Spray to me. rolleyes.gif


Yeah... but for credit! yellaf.gif

You mean, this is all for naught? confused.gif

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I sure don't see this thread evincing progress in the spirit of "we are all equal human beings and deserve respect".

No, it's about the level of most womens studies programs - a bunch of like minded people egging each other on absent sense of decorum, tact or intellectual rigor.

Sounds more like Spray to me. rolleyes.gif


Yeah... but for credit! yellaf.gif

You mean, this is all for naught? confused.gif

like our existences

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I can almost guarantee there's at least one guy on the UNH campus who was desperate enough to adopt the Sensitive Guy personae in an effort to pick-up women, who is by extension desperate enough to abase himself still further and alternately endure the inevitable blizzard of bizzare post-modern gender-ranting, and hold her hand while she weeps into her pillow while contemplating The Patriarchy and all it has wrought - in and effort to get himself a bit of angst-laden action.


longest sentence in universe?

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If she had spit on me I would have given her just what she wanted- equality with men- and a punch in the nose. Can't have it both ways.


I think I would have wasted several days trying to dig up the devastating put down that I should have come up with at the time.


This story reminds me of my own little bizzaro interaction at UW involving a random angry woman. In highschool I'd noticed that the bigger I got, the less inclined random dickheads were to fuck with me, and even though it was no longer necessary to do so in college, I continued with the bulkification process. By the time I hit my humble apex, I think I weighed just shy of 180 and was benching about 100lbs over that.


I was actually on the way to the gym on campus when I heard this stream of wild profanity coming from behind me. When I turned around this wild-eyed woman who must have been pushing 50 - at least - was throwing down her bike and coming at me full throttle. I looked behind me to see if she was screaming at someone else and I was just in the way, and when I turned around she was front and center, about 1/2 a second away from her first shove to my chest.


"What's up now mothe%$#er!"


"Yeah - what's up punk-ass! Cut me off, huh. Well we can settle this right ^%$ing here, mother^%$#"

"What are you talking about, I didn't even..."

"Didn't even &^$*ing look, did you you (*&^%ing punk."

Shove.[Look behind me for a camera. Surely this is a joke.]

"Hey - what's with the shov..."

"What's with the cutting-me off, mother^%$er?"

"Settle down. I..."

"Are you gonna settle me down, you piece of shit. Huh?"


"Look lady, I don't know wha..."


"Listen - I...."


This went on for at least a couple of minutes, and I was caught between confusion, and despair. All those years of lifting, all of the bulkification has clearly been for naught. This build I've been working on is not even sufficient deter violence from a rail-thin 50+ woman with waving skin beneath her arms and the beginnings of osteoporosis...


I walked away listening to her strange, aggressive catcals.


"Yeah - I thought so - PUNK."


I walked away from the gym, back to my room, and pondered the sheer futility that had been the bulkification crusade. I kept going to the gym, but it just wasn't the same...




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I think that there are probably quite a few young men drifting around college campuses who feel like they've been wronged by their mothers, girlfriends, etc - but codifying their grievances into a field of study and granting it an institutional home wouldn't do much more than calcify-their hostility and severely circumscribe their ability to interact with 1/2 of humanity.

yelrotflmao.gif I thought you spent time working for the man and the union Jay. Misogny is already a field of study; it just doesn't grant degrees.


Don't you get a certificate from Robert Bly when you complete one' of those Reclaim Your Inner Warrior/Manhood/Etc drumming-in-the-forest thingies, though?

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