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Pubclub Pushup Contest


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You should probably break it into three classes.






Of course, I as well as Oly would probably be in the last category, but at least we'll have a chance. bigdrink.gif


I might as well volunteer to join since I'm talking so much trash too. thumbs_up.gif

Don't forget the final catagory:

Women who do more pushups than men

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Well Minx -


Your post in this super duper thread inspired me to consider the possibility of entering the push up contest. I was devestated when my personal trainier began lecturing me on how the contest would be smack dab in the middle of my "power" phase. Sadly a pushup competition is an "endurance"oriented activity and to participate would reduce the effectiveness of my training plan so I will not be able to compete. frown.gif

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what more of a bad omen do you need to do nothing all day. wazzup.gif


DFA usually holds off on any preemptive bad-day assessments until he finds 13 goat heads in a circle of black candles on his front stoop, and a pentagram drawn in blood on the front door. Even two out of three is usually not enough to warrant staying home, although tripping over a pile of goat heads and spilling your morning coffee is a real bitch.

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I get the sense that there are a lot of people, like Peter Puget, how are intimidated by my manliness. But, as I've oft repeated, I haven't done a push up since highschool. If we could just set aside our reservations and get down to a good ole fashion pushup contest and beer drinking session, it would be greatly appreciated.

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