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Pubclub Pushup Contest


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I will attend one of the next Pubclubs, under one condition: we have a pushup contest. Now, I haven't done any pushups since highschool, really! Pushup contests are becoming really popular, I think they might have an article on them in the next Time magazine. I bet all of you can do more pushups than me. Everybody is doing it, so what do you say? It'll be fun!

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KG: Do you think that um, do you think that when the album, when this is out...

JB: Yeah?

KG: Do you think it will make us um, more attractive to the ladies?

JB: Pshh, yeah, in fact, I been getting ready.

KG: Yeah?

JB: Yeah, I been doin cock pushups.

KG: Cock Pushups?

JB: Yeah.

KG: What are those?

JB: Its where you fuckin lay down flat on the ground.

KG: Yeah...

JB: And then you let your boner lift you up off the ground.

KG: N...no, that's, that'd be impossible. Your cock can't support your whole


JB: Well not at first...

KG: Yeah?

JB: But over time.

KG: Hmm...how many pushups can you do?

JB: ...cock pushups?

KG: Yeah...I guess, you could only do one really.

JB: Yeah, well one is all ya need

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I've been getting quite a few PMs and phonecalls about this exciting contest.


Yes, it will be like a normal pubclub. You can drink beer and stare at people as usual. But you can also do pushups.


Yes, you can still come even if you don't want to participate in the contest. But I hear its way funner if everybody does.


Yes, it *is* true! I really haven't done any pushups since highschool.

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How about pullups then? Over better yet, Kicks. We could have old Chucky show us all a few tricks or two.


Back in undergrad when I was lifting regularly, I could do a headstand against a wall and push up to a handstand and lower back down a dozen times in a row. I'm probably down to just one or two times now.

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