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CCH is fokked up...


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We'll have to wait and see what happens. I’ve always wanted to have at least some CCH Aliens on my rack because they fit spots where other cams don’t, even though they are prone to getting bunged up more quickly than other small cams. If quality control isn’t resolved, however, I’ll be buying something else next time I replace anything.


Interesting how that thread resembles a cc.com discussion: a dozen guys repeating the exact same arguments and presenting them as a new "insight," unfounded accusations and speculation, and grandstanding by guys who know nothing about the matter. Not surprisingly, the subject (target) of the discussion may decide to lay low.


I’d like to see a company representative discuss these issues but I would not be surprised to see CCH delay or avoid direct engagement there no matter what the facts turn out to be. Checking with Google, I find no cch website. The Internet does not appear to be their media choice.

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We'll have to wait and see what happens. I’ve always wanted to have at least some CCH Aliens on my rack because they fit spots where other cams don’t, even though they are prone to getting bunged up more quickly than other small cams. If quality control isn’t resolved, however, I’ll be buying something else next time I replace anything.


Interesting how that thread resembles a cc.com discussion: a dozen guys repeating the exact same arguments and presenting them as a new "insight," unfounded accusations and speculation, and grandstanding by guys who know nothing about the matter. Not surprisingly, the subject (target) of the discussion may decide to lay low.


I’d like to see a company representative discuss these issues but I would not be surprised to see CCH delay or avoid direct engagement there no matter what the facts turn out to be. Checking with Google, I find no cch website. The Internet does not appear to be their media choice.

People have this expectation of an instant response these days as a result of too much time spraying on message boards. They are used to instant gratification.
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Given the subjects at hand, and a backgrounnd in manufacturing, I chuckled pretty good when I read this off their website




Quality connections. The main cable is individually silver brazed 10mm deep to the stainless cable eye fitting. Nicopress copper cable fittings are used for the swaged connections.





Quality control. All machined parts are manufactured in our shop with modern computer numeric controlled equipment. This allows us to control the manufacturing processes from start to finish, eliminating possible errors from outside contractors.

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I thought I'd reprint this one post from mgear_pres on RC.com, lest it remain buried.


Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:41 am




I've followed this thread for a day and believe that as both a user of Aliens and as a reseller, Mountain Gear should weigh in.


Climbing Gear is "mission critical” and as such any concern about its safety should be taken seriously and resolved quickly. Take the past examples of BD, Metolius and other vendors putting out recalls for products where just a very small number of units were found to have flaws.


We believe a manufacturer should act proactively to ensure the quality of their product. It's certainly better to be safe now, than sorry later.

Though we do not believe the retailer should be responsible for a manufacturer’s quality control, there are instances where we believe it is in the best interest of climbing and our customers to be proactive.


To this end Mountain Gear has sent an orange alien from each batch that we have in stock (1105 and 1205), as well as another alien of each size from any batches we have, for testing. We should have pull test results back early the week of Jan 9th and I commit that we will post our findings here.


We do not have any cams stamped 805 but if you purchased an orange 805 stamped cam from Mountain Gear and would like us to exchange it we would be happy to do so.


Let's try to get this resolved so we can all go back to trusting and using some of our favorite gear.


Paul Fish


Mountain Gear, Inc


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I will say that I was a dealer of CCH Aliens for several years and my opinion of CCH is not good. I had a problem with a run of cams that were swaged with the wrong hardness of materiel on the trigger wires. The first or second time I placed the cam the trigger wires pulled right out of the holder, rendering the cam useless. Never mind I was run out and in need of a quick placement. When contacted, CCH, Dave in particular, he said that some wrong hardness material was sent to them by mistake and used in a run of cams. I was told to send mine back and they would be replced, whigh they were. BUT, there was no recall, no public mention of the wrong material being used or any kind of attempt to fix this problem, short of replacing broken cams. I have loved Aliens for years but this experience gave them a black eye in my opinion. Not the kind of reaction I would expect from a company who makes potentially life saving equipment.

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Also this from gsgambill, which leads one to belief this whole thing is just a troll (the original poster claimed he contacted CCH):


In an earlier post I had asked people who have contacted CCH to post the results of their conversations. I've been keeping a fairly close eye on these threads and have not seen any posts conveying such information. So, I decided to contact CCH myself. I just got off the phone with Dave at CCH who verified that cchaliens does in fact represent CCH.


I've also read some reports that CCH has poor customer service. When I initially contacted CCH Dave was unavailable, so I left a message and was told that Dave would call me back within an hour. Lo and behold, 1/2 hour - 45 min later, he called me back. He believes strongly in his product and has confidence in his brazer. I believe that it is possible for even the best of us to make the occasional mistake. Dave also gave me some other interesting information. He stated that he has NOT been contacted by the person who made the claim that the cam failed. Dave also stated that if the OP were to contact him and pursue this issue with CCH, CCH would basically take the action I stated they should in my prior post. -He did not cite my post-


I have to run to catch a train at the moment, but will post more of my thoughts later.

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go read it again idjiot...its not a hoax....gimme a break.
Damn, Rudy, you are a hothead.


And in the fullness of time, now this:


insainio wrote:

OK guys, here is what's happening.


I spoke to David this morning and I will be sending the cam to a lab that he recommended in Denver. David said that we should have the results next week. He also graciously offered to pay for the testing.


I just want to say thanks to David for doing that.


Also, to clear up the communication issue. I asked David if he had checked his email, and he told me that he hadn't. So, for future reference, it is probably better to call or mail if you have any questions.



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