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You suck, I suck, everybody sucks...


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I came across this list of things that suck and had to laugh:


Calling someone 6+ times within an hour


Telling someone you love them on a 2nd date


Telling someone you can't see them because they don't share your love of holiday music in the mall


Trying to meet guys by showing your breasts in a bar


Thinking that your period is a perfectly acceptable form of birth control on a first date(uuuuh!!!)


Calling someone 17 times in 2 days while they're on vacation and leaving progressively more disturbing messages (ala swingers but worse)after you just met this person


Having two and a half drinks and then "blacking out" for the night on a date(very convenient trick for the insane...)


Bringing a bottle of lube on a first date


Telling someone that you've never done this before while knowing perfectly well that they know you carry lube in your purse


Inspiring the sweetest dog in the world to hate pee on your face in the middle of the night(dogs can sense evil)


Being ok with the fact that a dog just dumped a gallon of pee on your face and then actually appologise to the dog


Giving someones friend a blowjob in a club rockstar style while you were trying to hook up that someone(see telling you love someone on a 2nd date, and this is not the same chick) who was home sick


Giving autographs outside the club for your blowjob performance that night

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