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In your face Karl Marx


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Ah yes, but, having your dump truck paid for is not unlike owning the needles for your heroin habit outright. You get richer quicker sitting cross legged under a tree, lighting 20 dollar bills on fire, one after another..........all the while chanting: "Dump trucks are swell; dump trucks are swell.............."

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more like a jackbooted fascist pig-rigger hanger-on.


That is so sadly true. There is only one true pig rigger. He needed a loud little idea man, and a ground guy. Kurt only flouts his little pig-rigging experience to pick up chicks. But real women are repulsed by his mis-treatment of the working class.

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I've paid off my dump truck which means I own all my machinery outright.


I had the same feeling of elation paying off my machinery. Then, the state came in (every year) and taxed me for owning the shit. Here, I can never really own anything. If I don't pay the tax, the state can come take it away. Doesn't matter that I earned the money for purchase through my own labor.



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Property is theft...property is freedom...property is impossible.


The act of destruction is also a creative act.


A Spectre is haunting Europe. The Spectre of AlpineK.


One man with a gun can control one hundred men without guns. How many men can a man with a chainsaw control?

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You're upset cause your business model is based on illegally subcontracting to capitalists. smirk.gif


Wow Kurt, what a burn! You're showing the thought and debating skills that propelled you from the back of the short bus, all the way to the Captaincy of the Fircrest School Debate Squad! I bet Rolf is crying, you got him so bad.

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