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Trask outted and banned on Ascentionist:


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GottD posted this: Thought some of you would find it interesting.



I'll clue you in on what happened. Trask (AKA Joe Matthews) has been ruthlessly trolling the internet for years. He has sytematically manipulated a series of avatars with no seeming connection to one another, who play people off one another until he creates enough anger and angst that people are willing to come to blows. Meanwhile, he sits back and watches the fireworks. This is done all for his own personal amusement while he strokes himself off at the keyboard.


As the user Trask, he repeatedly developed topics which reflect poorly on this site, and any user who chooses to respond to them. His latest series defaming Dwayner, Jews, blacks, gays, his repetetive themes of Nazism, etc. simply paint out a picture of an angry bigot. Trask is nothing more than an obscene abusive internet personality, who hasn't gotten the message that the internet is no longer anonymous. It's anything but, and people take it personal. You have to learn, grow, and move on. Almost everyone here had to learn that lesson the hard way. Mr Matthews made the mistaken assumption that his brand of "spray" would be allowed to continue on indefinitely.


On top of everything, Mr Matthews was given an exclusive section of this website with which to forment his dischord, but that wasn't enough for him. He had to allow his ego to bleed into every other section of this website, trolling on legitimate threads in legitimate forums. This has gone on until recently when his avatar PETA stepped on it's own dick and made threatening remarks. This topic caught my attention because it was unprovoked, and involved a seemingly authentic threat to people's safety while riding a mountain bike. I reported this activity to the authorities. Not the wee-tiny authorities, but the shiny fuck off kind with the big badges.


This scared Mr Matthews so badly he started backpeddling behind the scenes. He tried to get all his IP's and avatars shut down because he thought the bureau wouldn't be able to track him. Ignorant ass.


He sent me a PM trying to ward this off, saying how he had "banned PETA" (a forum he had no admin rights in, which sealed the deal for me investigatively), and that I should chill out. This is just ONE example of his devious-behind-the-scenes childhish BS.


Trask was known to have engineered several other manipulative trolls which ended in people being banned, and angry words flying back and forth over otherwise inane topics. His trolls have been nothing short of obscene, abusive, and defaming.


Mr Trask is not even a climber. Why we have tolerated his presence for so long is beyond me. Cascadeclimbers was right to ban him, and Trask finally stepped on his dick here one too many times. Preying on the same people who allow you to exist is called "biting the hand who feeds you".


I think a lot of us who were banned from the other climbing website, learned some lessons from that. To an extent, as a collective or individually, some of us have been guilty of at one time or another of SOME of the same things. However, Trask is a one man show beholden only to whatever personality he decided to put on for the day. I think most of us have outgrown this typf of internet behavior, or it's just been played out ad nasuea. Besides a few occasional jabs, and some well deserved personal animosity, I think we've all moved on. I sometimes, but less frequently enjoy taking a jab at those guys over there, and I know they're not my kind of people, but I don't really harbor resentment or anger. For Trask though I do. I've never enjoyed his postings, his bigotry, and having been the target of his spineless-senseless trolling on at least three occassions. I find it two-faced and pathetic that a guy who acts like you are his internet buddy would create such angry abusive posts defaming you. If I actually had a bone to pick with anybody Mr. Matthews it would be you.


Goodbye Mr Matthews. Don't come back again in any form. Oh and so you can get some sleep at night I told the feds that you're probably nothing more than a psychotic tapping away on a keyboard and not associated with PETA. PROBABLY being the key word. Sleep well asshole. "














All I can say is...uhhh well, I'm speechless - I'm not saying anything. shocked.gif

Shocking outting of Trask:


Small note: it looks like they cleaned up the Trask posts so if you are looking for the posts that got him banned, don't bother: you won't find them.


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