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Why are Americans so scared and sheltered?


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I recently came back from a month of climbing and hiking in the Dolomites and besides the great landscape, I was struck by the attitude of the Italians, and other Europeans, regarding risk - of any sort.


They drove fast but efficiently - you drive slower than 130 km and you move over to the right. On the windey Dolomite roads they pass when they can - no one freaks out. Old and young are in the mountains on narrow and exposed paths - they deal with it without emotional trauma or lawyers.


The best was at the airports. They do the security thing without the fan fare. Arriving back in the US you're greeted with monitors playing a tape from DHS and Tom Ridge telling you how they are standing between you and the terrorists. STFU and just do the job already.


Maybe it's the news here - child abductions, terror cells in our midst, mother-killers, father-rapers, etc, etc. I found it refreshing when people feel they can go about their lives without much of the paranoia I see here.


I got into some interesting conversations with some Italians, Chechs, and Brits regarding collective percieved threats from terrorism, crime, and the mountains. They were aware but not fixated.

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I am convinced (or at least, my latest theory is) that a major contributor to the childhood obesity epidemic is because of this fear you speak of.


Kids aren't getting exercise because they just aren't allowed to roam the neighborhoods like we used to do when we were kids, for fear of pedophiles. I seriously doubt that rates of child attacks have increased, it's just people are more fixated on them (or aware perhaps).


This, in turn, is an analogy to what this fear is doing to all of us. By trying to save ourselves from the unlikely spectacular dangers we are succumbing slowly but surely to the maladies associated with our self-imposed bubbles/cells.

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blame the media, anytime anything bad is happening they call it a crisis, and warn everyone to watch out. everything we eat and do has had a newsperson talk about the hidden risks behind it. "the hidden dangers of walking around the block, news at 11". too many people listen to this shit and believe it all. It can't even rain without it being called a storm.

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Don't need to be a global citizen

because I'm blessed by nationality

I'm a member of a growing populace

we enforce our popularity


There are things that

seem to pull us under and

there are things that drag us down


But there's a power and a vital prescence

that's lurking all around


we've got the american jesus

see him on the interstate

we've got the american jesus

he helped build the president's estate


I feel sorry for the earth's population

cause so few live in the USA

at least the foreigners can copy our morality

they can visit but they cannot stay

only precious few can garner the prosperity

it makes us walk with renewed confidence

We've got a place to go when we die

and the architect resides right here


we've got the american jesus

bolstering thier ship of faith

we've got the american jesus

overwhelming millions every day


he's the farmer's barren fields

the force the army wields

expressions on the faces of the starving millions

the power of the man

the fuel that drives the clan

he's the motive and the conscience

of the murder

he's the preacher on t.v.

the false sincerity

the form letter that's written

by the big computers

the nuclear bombs

and the kids with no moms

and I'm fearful that

he's inside me



we've got the american jesus

see him on the interstate

we've got the american jesus

exercising his authority


we've got the american jesus

bolstering their ship of faith

we've got the american jesus

overwhelming millions every day


One Nation Under God

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i blame fat paranoid soccer moms who believe their precious little Bratleigh and Snotleigh are the saviors of mankind and therefore they can't risk letting them out of their sight. well, that and the fact that they kids themselves don't want to do anything but play Halo and eat Cheetos (yea, big surprise there eh.....we probably would too if we had Halo way back when).

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Whoa - sorry everyone.


I did it. It's my fault.


Started out as a little joke, and one thing led to another... everything just spun out of control. I was only kidding- I never meant for it to go this far.


I'm really embarassed. I'll put everything right, I swear. It will probably take all weekend.


Let's just let bygones be bygones, eh? No harm no foul?

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They drove fast but efficiently - you drive slower than 130 km and you move over to the right. On the windey Dolomite roads they pass when they can - no one freaks out. Old and young are in the mountains on narrow and exposed paths - they deal with it without emotional trauma or lawyers.


Jim -


1996 deaths/100kmiles driven: US 1.7, Italy 2.2, Germany 2.5


Noncomercial miles driven in US in 1994: 1,793 billion.


Back of envelope calculation:


Additional annual deaths in US at Italian death rate: ~9,000.




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Jim -


1996 deaths/100kmiles driven: US 1.7, Italy 2.2, Germany 2.5


Noncomercial miles driven in US in 1994: 1,793 billion.


Back of envelope calculation:


Additional annual deaths in US at Italian death rate: ~9,000.





Ahh PP, and the relevancy of a per mile calculation is...?


If Italians lived in Ohio, Wisconsin or North Dakota they wouldn't have many accidents!

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