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Yes, it is kind of creepy. But it is good for people to recognize how dangerous the streets are for cyclists.


2 cyclists have had bad accidents involving cars in the last 2 days here in Portland. Yesterday a cyclist was killed, and the driver that hit him sped off. I haven't heard if they caught him yet.

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No, its where a collection of radical cyclists get together on a designated weeknight, in a downtown area and seriously f^ck up traffic for drivers who are trying to get home to pick up the kids.


I am all for increased awareness of cyclists, being one myself. BUT I am not in favor of the tactics used by Critical Mass. They delight in being disruptive and generally piss off the majority of drivers during an event. How does that help to insure the safety of cyclists on the road?


Because there is percieved safety in numbers, they are agressive both verbally and physically. Maybe here in "polite" Seattle they are not banging on cars stuck in traffic and cussing at the motorists. But I saw a lot of this is SF back in the 90s when Critical Mass started.


thumbs_down.gif Sorry Dave, this group sucks.

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No, its where a collection of radical cyclists get together on a designated weeknight, in a downtown area and seriously f^ck up traffic for drivers who are trying to get home to pick up the kids.


I am all for increased awareness of cyclists, being one myself. BUT I am not in favor of the tactics used by Critical Mass. They delight in being disruptive and generally piss off the majority of drivers during an event. How does that help to insure the safety of cyclists on the road?


Because there is percieved safety in numbers, they are agressive both verbally and physically. Maybe here in "polite" Seattle they are not banging on cars stuck in traffic and cussing at the motorists. But I saw a lot of this is SF back in the 90s when Critical Mass started.


thumbs_down.gif Sorry Dave, this group sucks.

These folks can ride bikes without training wheels???


The behavior you describe is better matched with tricycles.

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No, its where a collection of radical cyclists get together on a designated weeknight, in a downtown area and seriously f^ck up traffic for drivers who are trying to get home to pick up the kids.


I am all for increased awareness of cyclists, being one myself. BUT I am not in favor of the tactics used by Critical Mass. They delight in being disruptive and generally piss off the majority of drivers during an event. How does that help to insure the safety of cyclists on the road?


Because there is percieved safety in numbers, they are agressive both verbally and physically. Maybe here in "polite" Seattle they are not banging on cars stuck in traffic and cussing at the motorists. But I saw a lot of this is SF back in the 90s when Critical Mass started.


thumbs_down.gif Sorry Dave, this group sucks.


this fortunately will not affect my commute. however, if it did, it would do nothing but make me resent cyclists.


right now, i respect those who choose to commute by cycling. i go out of my way to be cautious and safe when driving past and being aware of them in my vicinity. can't say i'd be so warm and fuzzy if they made me late to pick my child up. that costs me a minimum of $50 plus a $5/minute that i'm late. madgo_ron.gif

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