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The term is now 'convicted'


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sure whatever. but Rove has it perfected. you can see it coming from a mile away, yet he still manages to pull it off.


yeah right. the "other" side is always worse because you disagree with them, but the behavior from your side is "OK" because the ends justify the means.


yelrotflmao.gif You should read your own post!

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sure whatever. but Rove has it perfected. you can see it coming from a mile away, yet he still manages to pull it off.


yeah right. the "other" side is always worse because you disagree with them, but the behavior from your side is "OK" because the ends justify the means.


This whole business of "well your side did this too once" is a tool of distraction keeping people from looking at the issue objectively.


It may very well be questionable whether an actual crime was committed, on the other hand, Bush is on record long ago saying anyone involved would be dismissed. By this, I would reckon that the implication is that whether something illegal actually took place, such behavior would be considered at the very minimum, unethical, and therefore worthy of dismissal.


So, is what occurred here unethical? That is the question, and not whether conservatives "would do the same thing if it was a liberal administration" or whether "liberals have done this before". If it's wrong, it's wrong.

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sure whatever. but Rove has it perfected. you can see it coming from a mile away, yet he still manages to pull it off.


yeah right. the "other" side is always worse because you disagree with them, but the behavior from your side is "OK" because the ends justify the means.


yelrotflmao.gif You should read your own post!


Wrong. I've said nothing about Rove being a great guy, nor defending him. This is a typical political side-show with all the usual suspects playing their roles to a tee.

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I don't think the left has anyone quite like Rove, because if they did, they would probably have stood a better chance at getting elected the past to elections. As it is, Rove has demonstrated that if you have an effective campaign, you can get a chimp elected president. Of course, it helps if you're running against a block of wood who invented the internet.

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I don't think the left has anyone quite like Rove, because if they did, they would probably have stood a better chance at getting elected the past to elections. As it is, Rove has demonstrated that if you have an effective campaign, you can get a chimp elected president. Of course, it helps if you're running against a block of wood who invented the internet.


They do. They just didn't have an electable candidate.


BTW, we're all chimps - remember "Darwin" and all? hahaha.gif

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It depends what the definition of "is" is.




Yes, hmm, a blowjob by an intern or an illegal action by your top political advisor. I love it when you dumb fucks bring up Clinton every time Bush does something stupid. Get a new line jackass.


Only a dumb fuck like you could defend parsing the word "is" and then act outraged over the semantics of "convicted".




What the hell did I say about "convicted"? My point is you dipshits bring up Clinton every time Bush is attacked for genuienly bad things. "But yeah, Clinton lied about getting a blow job!" Shut the fuck up and get a new line.


Peter Puget: Proving once again the conviction of an ingorant man when he thinks he knows what he is talking about.




You and your unpatriotic homeboys are what is driving this country into the shitter.

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It may very well be questionable whether an actual crime was committed, on the other hand, Bush is on record long ago saying anyone involved would be dismissed.


In the sound byte I heard he did not use the word dismissed - he said the person would be "taken care of". Certainly Rove has been "taken care of". hahaha.gif


As for "promises" from politicians, they are broken by all of them, including the lefties. This perceived "broken promise" is just like any other.


This has nothing to do with what Carl Rove did, or what Bush promised, it's all about the same old incessant political attacks of the last four and half years by the losers who just can't seem to convince enough people to vote for them. This follows 8 years of the same but under a different party/administration.

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This has nothing to do with what Carl Rove did, or what Bush promised, it's all about the same old incessant political attacks of the last four and half years by the losers who just can't seem to convince enough people to vote for them.


You're right, this really has nothing to do w/ Rove. It's really about the assertions by CheneyCo., et al, that Saddam was pursuing nuclear weapons, and the incessant use of the word "uranium" by Cheney/Bush/Powell to instill fear and garner support for their little adventure. Oh yeah, it's also about forged documents that (((proved))) Iraq purchased yellow cake in Niger.

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Not to mention it's about an administration giving continual lip service to the idea of keeping us safe from weapons of mass destruction, and at the same time outing a trained intelligence agent who was working on corraling WMD's, thus weakening our fight against their proliferation.


Fucking hypocrites AND making us less safe. Gotta love that combination.

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I don't think the left has anyone quite like Rove, because if they did, they would probably have stood a better chance at getting elected the past to elections. As it is, Rove has demonstrated that if you have an effective campaign, you can get a chimp elected president. Of course, it helps if you're running against a block of wood who invented the internet.

Bring back Carville, at least it would be entertaining.

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You're right, this really has nothing to do w/ Rove. It's really about the assertions by CheneyCo., et al, that Saddam was pursuing nuclear weapons, and the incessant use of the word "uranium" by Cheney/Bush/Powell to instill fear and garner support for their little adventure. Oh yeah, it's also about forged documents that (((proved))) Iraq purchased yellow cake in Niger.



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