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pussy whipped climbers


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Maybe I should have said , women worth knowing prefer guys who stand up for themselves.


Lol! No man can ever fully understand the mysteries of the women. However, this is a pretty simple concept.



Not to be a total asshole here, but I have a hard time believing that you are capable of judging what women are worth knowing and what women are, presumably, worthless when you apparently rely on "simple concepts" to judge others by.


I don't know, it just seems like a huge oversimplification of women who are a mystery to you and a harsh judgement on men who are different from you.


Women not worth dating/marraige are ones that prefer you give into to everything they want you to do. That would mean they have control issues. Are they worthless, no. No one is worthless. Is it worth the effort to put up with control issues everyday, no. It's draining. I've done it before.

Co-existing with your mate is much more rewarding than constantly serving their demands.


This would apply to both genders.


It is simple. Complicating it is justifying attachment.


Let the force be with you.


Agreed that evaluating someone for marriage is different than what your first premise was: "worth knowing".


Agreed that we should all learn to not "prefer" that others give in to our wishes, but isn't that what you are doing when you demand that your climbing partner not bring a phone on the climb?


Agreed that control issues are not fun to put up with, that's why most people work through them or grow out of them.


Agreed that living in agreement and understanding is better than living as an indentured servant.


But if you think its easy getting there, then you are not there yet. And attachment does not need justification--we are attached no matter what--sometimes by a climbing rope, sometimes by a wedding vow, sometimes by a Spray thread.


Live long and prosper.

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Maybe I should have said , women worth knowing prefer guys who stand up for themselves.


Lol! No man can ever fully understand the mysteries of the women. However, this is a pretty simple concept.



Not to be a total asshole here, but I have a hard time believing that you are capable of judging what women are worth knowing and what women are, presumably, worthless when you apparently rely on "simple concepts" to judge others by.


I don't know, it just seems like a huge oversimplification of women who are a mystery to you and a harsh judgement on men who are different from you.


Women not worth dating/marraige are ones that prefer you give into to everything they want you to do. That would mean they have control issues. Are they worthless, no. No one is worthless. Is it worth the effort to put up with control issues everyday, no. It's draining. I've done it before.

Co-existing with your mate is much more rewarding than constantly serving their demands.


This would apply to both genders.


It is simple. Complicating it is justifying attachment.


Let the force be with you.


Agreed that evaluating someone for marriage is different than what your first premise was: "worth knowing".


Agreed that we should all learn to not "prefer" that others give in to our wishes, but isn't that what you are doing when you demand that your climbing partner not bring a phone on the climb?


Agreed that control issues are not fun to put up with, that's why most people work through them or grow out of them.


Agreed that living in agreement and understanding is better than living as an indentured servant.


But if you think its easy getting there, then you are not there yet. And attachment does not need justification--we are attached no matter what--sometimes by a climbing rope, sometimes by a wedding vow, sometimes by a Spray thread.


Live long and prosper.


It's not easy and may be almost impossible for someone to truly get there. I can't believe all the stuff I used to put up with when I was younger. I was totally whipped.

I would follow women around like a horny chiwawa and do pretty much anything they asked.


I am a reasonable man. I would never demand climbing partner to leave his phone at home. I might suggest it if the partner is a friend and it's been an issue in the past.

Who wouldn't?


If someone tells me they hate it when thier GF calls all the time, my response would be,"tell her not to call you so much". But they don't! They just keep putting up with it and getting more and more frustrated because they are attached to the person.


Yes we are attached by many things. But I would say that fear is the cause of most attachment. In a perfect world, one could live by these standards, but who is to decide what is perfect? So I just take it as advice.


Attachment is the cause of all sorrow. That's a good thing to keep in mind. If you feel attachment is effecting your decisions, then maybe it's time to rethink. That does not neccessarily mean you have to break the attachment. Just separate them from your thoughts.


I think we would be rudly suprised at how much fear and attachment effects our thoughts in everyday life.


We should start a new Buddist/meditation/Jedi thread

and keep the pussywhipped stuff here.

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i want what i want when i want it and i usually want it right now.


.....the bane of my life, but yet desired to some extent.


and yet men continue to claim women are the confusing gender. hahaha.gif


"confusing " is the verb and "women" are doing the "confusing"...there is no doubt about this...men are "confused" by "confusing" women...do you understand? Good, cuz i don't...


Peace out...i'm gonna go shitfaced bigdrink.gif

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Little hint: When a gal says she doesn't know what she wants, sometimes she's telling you she doesn't want what she has seen so far, or else she already has all that she wants. Or, she's just stupid.


Thanks for clarifying that wise one, now ive got it!!!! she's either stupid, fucking someone else,or doesnt mind fucking me but thniks she may want something else but isnt sure what that is.


do I have that right? I could have it wrong since it was just a little hint

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It's not easy and may be almost impossible for someone to truly get there. I can't believe all the stuff I used to put up with when I was younger. I was totally whipped.

I would follow women around like a horny chiwawa and do pretty much anything they asked.


That's just part of being young and learning. But now it looks like you are blaming women's control issues for men's "pussywhipped" actions. And you had the chance to learn from your actions, give others the chance to learn their own way in their own time.



I am a reasonable man. I would never demand climbing partner to leave his phone at home.


That's true--you said you'd send him off the mountain alone.



I might suggest it if the partner is a friend and it's been an issue in the past.

Who wouldn't?


The issue is yours, not his. The fact that you already knew it was an issue and agreed to climb with him again shows that your inner chiuaua is still alive and kicking.



If someone tells me they hate it when thier GF calls all the time, my response would be,"tell her not to call you so much". But they don't! They just keep putting up with it and getting more and more frustrated because they are attached to the person.


From this experience you should have learned the very same thing I am trying to tell you: you are not an effective relationship counselor. Perhaps your friend just needs you to listen and not to solve his problem?



Yes we are attached by many things. But I would say that fear is the cause of most attachment. In a perfect world, one could live by these standards, but who is to decide what is perfect? So I just take it as advice.


This is the perfect world, there is no other one. Once you decide that, you no longer have to control your friends' relationships.

Fear and attachment do coexist, but correlation does not imply causation. Both states are intricate, but one can exist without the other--causing me to question the primacy of one over the other.



Attachment is the cause of all sorrow. That's a good thing to keep in mind.


I am afraid this is an oversimplification. Furthermore, I have met people who are rather detatched, and they are sad. Not only have they detatched from life, but from themselves. To turn from these things, I think, is an expression of fear.



If you feel attachment is effecting your decisions, then maybe it's time to rethink. That does not neccessarily mean you have to break the attachment. Just separate them from your thoughts.


Attachments only exist in my thoughts. My thoughts are not seperated from eachother. My experiences, feelings, opinions, and beliefs work together to help me form an understanding of what's around me.


I think we would be rudly suprised at how much fear and attachment effects our thoughts in everyday life.



After having looked at this very issue in great depth, I can honestly say that I have few surprises for myself.


We should start a new Buddist/meditation/Jedi thread

and keep the pussywhipped stuff here.



Good thought--maybe we'll just rename this one. I don't really want to detach from it. wink.gif

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good lord... this one guy I used to work with was always talking with his wife on the phone thru-out the day. he would call her, or she would call him, like every single hour of every workday. .... at first I thot he was totally pussywhipped,... but then as I got to know him and stuff, I realized (and heard from other coworkers) that it wasn't just him... they were both totally co-dependent on each other. rolleyes.gif


unbelievable. i pity tha foos...






I dunno, i've heard some people criticize the... "stigma" of co-dependence, saying how "...you see, people who we love to make fun of as being 'co-dependent' are just really really really in love..."


and shoot, well.... that may be true for some of them. and so good for them. thumbs_up.gif

.... but still.... calling every goddam muthafuckin hour!?? yeesh. rolleyes.gifhellno3d.gif



with my current GF (about one year), so far our email-to-phonecall ratio has been about 20:1. seems to work pretty good. grin.gif

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...I would say that fear is the cause of most attachment.
This is the perfect world, there is no other one. Once you decide that, you no longer have to control your friends' [or your] relationships.
Attachment is the cause of all sorrow. That's a good thing to keep in mind.
I think we would be rudely suprised at how much fear and attachment affects our thoughts in everyday life.


Get with it. Love it.


But, you left out the underpinnings: the cause of fear.

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