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Squamish Roc Trip, June 24-26


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Squamish Roc Trip 2005


Planning is well under way for Squamish Roc Trip 2005, a promotional, community building, and fundraising event on June 24 th – 26 th . The event's lead sponsors are Petzl and Arc'Teryx, and net proceeds will be divided between the Access Society and a Squamish-area initiative that benefits the climbing community, perhaps at the Stawamus Chief. Other sponsors include Prana, EntrePrise, Climbing, New England Ropes, La Sportiva, Howe Sound Inn & Brewing Company (Brew Pub), Valhalla Pure Outfitters (Squamish), the Ministries of Forests and of Water, Land & Air Protection, District of Squamish, Squamish Rock Guides, the Edge Climbing Centre, On Sight Equipment, and others. The Roc Trip will include lots of activities:


Friday 24th:

- Adopt-a-Crag (Stawamus Chief), with free post-event social for volunteers.

- Trade fair at Squamish Station mall, including dyno competition.

- Registration

- Social and speaker (Brew Pub).


Saturday 25th:

- Invitational sport climbing competition at the Big Show (Chek) and the Grand Wall boulders, featuring 20 of the best rock athletes from Canada, the U.S. and Europe.

- Open sport climbing competition, also at Chek (Conroy Creek FSR).

- Portable climbing wall at Squamish Station.

- Technique clinics.

- Huge Evening Party.


Sunday 26th:

- Open bouldering competition (Stawamus Chief – Grand Wall boulders).

- Portable climbing wall at Squamish Station.

- Technique clinics.

- Post-event Party and awards.


Details are still being finalized, and will be published as soon as possible, both to the Access Society website and those of Petzl ( www.petzl.com/roctrip.bc ) and Arc'Teryx ( www.arcteryx.com ). The number of entrants in the competitions will be limited, so register early. For information about accommodation and amenities, try the District of Squamish at www.squamish.ca , or the Chamber of Commerce at www.squamishchamber.com .


The Access Society is helping with planning, organization, and promotion for the Roc Trip, and providing volunteers to help run the various events, and make it all a success. There'll be lots of benefits from being a volunteer, including free admission to events, booty, and being in the centre of the Roc Trip. If you can help, send a note to squamish(at)access-society.ca. Keep June 24 th – 26 th free on your calendar!

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Online Registration and Website: Roctrip Webpage

June 24-26


Fred Nicole • Chris Sharma • Sonnie Trotter • Lynn Hill • Katie Brown • Dave Graham • Lisa Rands • Scott Milton • Liv Sansoz • Ines Papert • Said Belhaj • Harry Berger • Mauro Calibani • Joe Kinder • James Litz • Sean McColl • Jerome Meyer • Gérome Pouvreau • Patxi Usobiaga • Daniel Woods • Michi Tresch • Steve McClure

All procedes go to the Climbers Access Society of BC.


Yeah, it'll be crowded, but it will be fun.


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I wouldn't worry too much just yet. Any attempt to forecast the weather around here for more than two or three days out is doomed to fail. On Sunday evening the forecast for next weekend was 100% chance of heavy rain Friday through Monday. Yesterday the forecast was for something like 40-60% chance of showers Sunday and Monday. By this time tomorrow they'll be forecasting something wildly different again. They simply don't know. By sometime Friday afternoon they'll be starting to get a fairly realistic idea of what to expect for Saturday, but really they won't even know that until early Saturday, so they habitually low-ball the forecast to cover their asses. We beat the forecast probably about 80% of the time during spring and early summer. The weather here is almost never as bad as they predict.

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I wouldn't worry too much just yet. Any attempt to forecast the weather around here for more than two or three days out is doomed to fail. On Sunday evening the forecast for next weekend was 100% chance of heavy rain Friday through Monday. Yesterday the forecast was for something like 40-60% chance of showers Sunday and Monday. By this time tomorrow they'll be forecasting something wildly different again. They simply don't know. By sometime Friday afternoon they'll be starting to get a fairly realistic idea of what to expect for Saturday, but really they won't even know that until early Saturday, so they habitually low-ball the forecast to cover their asses. We beat the forecast probably about 80% of the time during spring and early summer. The weather here is almost never as bad as they predict.



Aren't you the owner of the local gear store Murray? ....bit o' conflict o' interest with this advice, mate. shocked.gifthumbs_down.gif

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Aren't you the owner of the local gear store Murray? ....bit o' conflict o' interest with this advice, mate. shocked.gifthumbs_down.gif


As owner of one of the local gear stores, I may very well be suspected of lying through my teeth, of saying whatever I had to in order to get people up here.


As owner of one of the local gear stores, I may very well be passing on a bit of local knowledge based on 6 1/2 years of constantly watching the forecasts and then comparing them with the actual weather.


You decide. But before you call me a self-interested lying S.O.B., maybe take a look at the forecast as it looks now laugh.gif


And then maybe come up this weekend and introduce yourself, maybe buy some shades cool.gif or some sunscreen - looks like you might need them. At least, according to today's forecast. By this time tomorrow it will likely have changed again.

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At least, according to today's forecast. By this time tomorrow it will likely have changed again.


Weahther network seems to have a good handle on it, chance on friday in the afternoon, but maybe they have their sat and sunday mixed up a bit, better chance on sunday than saturday I thought. but heres hoping for a decent, climbing weekend bigdrink.gif

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weathernetwork forecast has been just as volatile this week - 100% POP one day, hot and sunny the next, then back to 100% POP. For a little idle amusement, try following their 14-day trend outlook from a few days cantfocus.gif I don't know why they even bother with that stupid waste of bandwidth. Once we get into July/August maybe it will provide meaningful information, but the last couple of months I swear you can almost hear them calling "heads" or "tails" in the background.

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Actually if you follow the TREND it can be quite useful. But you must realize that it is just a trend and not a forecast.


With these cold lows and upper troughs affecting our region lately, forecasting more than a day or two out is quite difficult.


If you like the 14 day trend the you must of liked the 3 month forecast Environment Canada just issued about 2 weeks ago. Hotter and drier summer than seasonal average is the forecast, so it should arrive, sometime, hopefully rolleyes.gif

Edited by jmace
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Actually if you follow the TREND it can be quite useful. But you must realize that it is just a trend and not a forecast.


But even as a "trend", it fluctuates dramatically from one day to the next. Warmer and drier than average one day, colder and wetter the next, then warmer and wetter, then colder and drier... I saved screen shots of these "trends" for five or six days in a row last month, then went back at looked at them in sequence - it was completely random.


And "Hi" tlg, how've you been? Are you going to make it up for a visit this summer?

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if Murray stands outside and he is wet: It is raining

if Murray stands outside and is leaning: It is windy

if Murray stands outside and is squinting: It is sunny

if Murray stands outside and is turning white: It is snowing


where is the Murray-cam?

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chance on friday in the afternoon, but maybe they have their sat and sunday mixed up a bit, better chance on sunday than saturday I thought. but heres hoping for a decent, climbing weekend


its almost like environment canada is surfing this web site and took my forecast verbatim, i should watch what i say, I geuss jons right they are watching





Actually, the 30% on sat is for early morning, should stay dry, and the 60% on sunday is for late day or evening, so should be fine in squish this weekend, so far any ways

Edited by jmace
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Perfect, while the rope and rack wielding masses are bowing at the feet of their demigods, perhaps I can find some unobstructed climbing. Maybe, while the Darrington gang are busy, the bolt infested "climbing area" can start to be returned to it's natural state.

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I went to the Roc trip this last week with a couple of friends and it was great. Got to climb a little and watch and hang out alot. Met some of the best climbers in the world there and all were really friendly and hella strong! One of the highlights for me was seeing Dave Graham out late on saturday night, 1am, and them watching him warm up the next day on a V-12 to get started. Crazy! Lisa Rands came within a inch of sending Zero Zero, a V-10 thats only seen two female repeats. Liz Sansoz also just came up short on sending that problem. The weather was great. Ran into Steve Townshend in the Circus area in Chek and belayed him on a 13d with Sonnie Trotter watching. All i kept thinking was I hope this rope is long enough to lower him off, Ha Ha, True story though. Great weekend, next time I go I will climb alot more.

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thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif The roc trip was a great time this past weekend. I had some doubts, but it turned out to kick some ass. It's not too often you can share a beer with some of the best climbers in the world. bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif I got a chance to have a nice chat with beckey. He's got a nice sugar momma with him these days, which is pretty friggin hilarious. Another higlhight was hanging out wo-man child Lyn Hill herself on the same boulder problem. It was just a warm up route for her, but it was still pretty sweet. And with all the sporto's in town, the good trad lines were all free! rockband.gifrockband.gif
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if Murray stands outside and he is wet: It is raining

if Murray stands outside and is leaning: It is windy

if Murray stands outside and is squinting: It is sunny

if Murray stands outside and is turning white: It is snowing


where is the Murray-cam?



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