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Hexes are stupid thread.


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Hey guys, I have this opinion that is controversial and I bet none of you have ever put much thought into it before:


"Hexes are stupid"


What do you think? Is that altering your little narrow-minded climbing paradigm. I sure hope so, cuz I hate seeing all you stupid wool-sock wearing, lederhosen donning, jingle-jangle walkin', know nothin', mountaineer baitin' motherfuckers in my mountains.

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I usually carry a number 10 hex to the crags because it makes a pretty good hammer to bash on the nut tool to get out my stuck nuts that I fall onto and weld to the rock on my 5.9 projects.


Someone also said once that they are good for throwing at sleeping belayers, but I haven't tried that yet. And there's the ol' "hex-pipe" trick, with one of the middle sized hexes.


I also REALLY REALLY dig the sound of big hexes jangling together. It reminds of when the hippies taught me to climb at the columns in Yoogeene. I have fond memories of that time.



- a s s m moon.gif n k e y

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I usually carry a number 10 hex to the crags because it makes a pretty good hammer to bash on the nut tool to get out my stuck nuts that I fall onto and weld to the rock on my 5.9 projects.


Someone also said once that they are good for throwing at sleeping belayers, but I haven't tried that yet. And there's the ol' "hex-pipe" trick, with one of the middle sized hexes.


I also REALLY REALLY dig the sound of big hexes jangling together. It reminds of when the hippies taught me to climb at the columns in Yoogeene. I have fond memories of that time.



- a s s m moon.gif n k e y


You're OK assmonkee.

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