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When your coworkers say shit like:

"Makes sense to me"

"Yeah, that could be it"

"That's a good question"

"I'm not sure...I'l have to check"

"I was wondering about that!"



And the fact that you need to ask questions that get answers like that makes you exactly how much smarter than your idiot coworkers who also don't know the answers? blush.gif

When your coworkers say shit like:

"Makes sense to me"

"Yeah, that could be it"

"That's a good question"

"I'm not sure...I'l have to check"

"I was wondering about that!"


If it makes you feel any better, you are now top of the layoff list!

..And the fact that you need to ask questions that get answers like that makes you exactly how much smarter than your idiot coworkers who also don't know the answers? blush.gif


Ahh, how I wish it were that simple.

I think they say shit like that instead of "Uuhhhh....."

because you know, you can eventually get answers out of them, but jeezus, sometimes they just like to hear themselves talk.

Good burn, though!


You're in luck...


Tomorrow is the official Slap Your Irritating Co-Worker Day: Do you have a co-worker who talks nonstop about nothing, working your last nerve with tedious and boring details that you don't give a damn about? Do you have a co-worker who ALWAYS screws up stuff creating MORE work for you? Do you have a co-worker who is SOOO obnoxious, when he/she enters a room, everyone else clears it? Well, on behalf of Ike Turner, I am so very very glad to officially announce tomorrow as SLAP YOUR IRRITATING CO-WORKER DAY! There are the rules you must follow:


* You can only slap one person per hour - no more.

* You can slap the same person again if they irritate you again in the same day.

* You are allowed to hold someone down as other co-workers take their turns slapping the irrita! nt.

* No weapons are allowed...other than going upside somebody's head with a stapler or a hole-puncher.


* If questioned by a supervisor [or the police, if the supervisor is the irritant], you are allowed to LIE, LIE, LIE!  Now, study the rules, break out your list of folks that you want to slap the living day lights out of and get to slapping.....and have a great day !

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