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Fitzcarraldo- nice reference!


Yeah, that's a pic of someone else's adventure, and I'm dreaming of what's in my future. My dreams do not include sucking exhaust from powerboats.


and FW, I would totally ride a bike down Adams. The margin between the ridiculous and the sublime is so thin that there's use making the distinction. Climbing is absurd to the core.

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Reminds me - a few years ago there was a story in the paper. Four guys in New York state got all lubricated with liquor and decided to have a go at the Lake Placid ski jump in the dude's bass boat. They carried it up there after midnight and they did it! The article ended with a quote from the local sheriff: "They were released from the hospital into the custody of their wives."

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It seems these guys might be wanting to start their run at the source.


Here's the from which I stole the photo. It's actually a pretty cool story & worth checking out the slide show. thumbs_up.gif


Could you post the link? I'd like to read it (and see the slideshow).

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Reminds me - a few years ago there was a story in the paper. Four guys in New York state got all lubricated with liquor and decided to have a go at the Lake Placid ski jump in the dude's bass boat. They carried it up there after midnight and they did it! The article ended with a quote from the local sheriff: "They were released from the hospital into the custody of their wives."


The whole adventure started off with these key words: "hold my beer and watch this!"

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So Squid, you into river boating these days? The little bit I did was fun stuff, keep your shoulders strong. cool.gif


But I decided that I had successfully confronted my fear of water and confirmed that it was real. shocked.gif And went back to climbing and biking. I'm gonna give sea kayaking a try this summer though.


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I'm with you on that! I don't fear water, but my only two near-death experiences were on rivers. Once on a rafting trip down the Black Canyon-Methow River, and once on a canoe trip down The Cedar.


BTW, Squid! I'm serious about that bike trip if you're interested. I think the pics would be funnier than shit, and we'd likely break some bones. And we'd possibly be violating a wilderness reg, or at least a code of ethics... if you are ok with that let's talk. cool.gif

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hey Squid, checkit....


kayak stuff is still for sale.

that pic is pretty cool, btw. I don't know where that is, but i have heard about people packing their kayaks a few miles up trail to run "The Grand Canyon of the Elwha", as it's called. thumbs_up.gif




FW, I might be into the Adams trip! hah. no but seriously, i AM gonna be biking Mt. Muller some time this spring, probably mid-June. you wanna go?



and re. MTB-unicyclists... I have seen them. I can vouch that yes, they do indeed exist. I got passed once (yes, passed) on the Preston trail on Tiger Mtn once by one. shocked.gif un-fuckin-real. don't know how they do it.


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FW, I might be into the Adams trip! hah. no but seriously, i AM gonna be biking Mt. Muller some time this spring, probably mid-June. you in?







thumbs_up.gif I'm not sure where Mt Muller is. What's it like? My bike is an old Trek 8000 with front suspension only, and while I'm perfectly willing to throw myself down the side of a volcano, I'm too old for jumps, see-saws, catwalks or other man-made obstacles! cool.gif


Mount Adams. thumbs_up.gif We may need to put a large group together just to raise the odds someone will survive to tell the tale.

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Muller is near the west end of Lake Crescent. you can read about it on (I think) both www.dirtworld.com and www.mtbr.com; i've never done it, but I think it's roughly a 3000' climb ... not too technical, except for a couple places where you ride a real narrow ridge.


and BTW, the cool/true term for riding them man-made obstacles is "freeriding". grin.gif I suspect that Muller doesn't have any of that tho. I'll do some of that stuff sometimes, but nothing higher than like 2:1 height-to-width ratio. noway.


yeah do you know about www.bbtc.org? watch the ride calendar ... I'll be posting/organizing this Mt. Muller ride. Or I'm not sure... might do Dungeness River instead. something up that ways, mid-June.


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My brother and I biked up to Cutthroat lake and Cutthroat Pass last October for a 3000 foot climb. Brutal. On the descent, I would stop every 10 minutes just to pry my knuckles back into the straight position such was my grip on the brake levers.


Let me know about Mt Muller! I love the north peninsula. I just put new carbon fiber bars and new cassette on my bike with a 34 low gear. I'm ready to sit & spin! grin.gif



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