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Give me your address and I'll send you a postcard from Utah next week. wazzup.gif


Seriously, where are you going in Utard?


What are you stalking me? Don't worry your little head... I'll keep my hands off the sheep d00d.


No stalking. Your little girle, Hannah, called me up and said your little neutrino just wasn't fulfilling her and she wanted to come "hang out" with me for a few days. I was just wondering when you'd be getting back so I'd know whether to buy the playah box of condoms, or the "super pimp-daddy" economy pack from Cosco.

Therefore, any info on your intirary would be appreciated, thanks! wave.gif


so you're going to try and "enrich" the lives of millions of women? evils3d.gif

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Didn't you learn your lesson the first time dumb fuck? Dragging other people who had nothing to do with this thread into play time is uncool and cheap! Furthermore Hannah and I aren't dating! Jesus fuck you are stupid.


Now hurry up and delete your post before you make more of an ass of yourself. wave.gif


PS: if you are hurting for some new material to dog pile on Layton has met the girl I am currently seeing. He should be able to bring you up to speed.


hahaha.gif That was way too easy.


Have fun in Utah wave.gif

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Damn it! Why didn't somebody page me! Now...lets get down to brass tacks. Here are the facts: A. NOLSe is going to Utah and he wants us all to know it. B. Climbing at Smith and little known WI climbs is not NOLS endorsed climbing C. Pandora and NOLSe are no longer going out D. There is no D.

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I won't be home to recieve your postcard cause I'll be in Red Rocks.


Me too, woo hoo, when you going, it's my first time, I leave april 9th




Damn, I fly back to SEA on the 8th.


NOLSe, Look back at the thread. Sped didn't mention Hannah by name, YOU DID dumbshit. It's amazing that such a cool girl wasted so much time with you.


I suppose if I was out aid sieging classic alpine free routes then I could be a REAL NOLSEy approved climber... STFU. the_finger.gif


To all those who have been living the climbing bum lifestyle vicariously through me... I apologize for letting you down. It's a dark day. But have faith! I'm only working PART TIME and I took the job on the condition that I can leave whenever I want with no hard feelings.



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I'm still a little vexed with this "REAL CLIMBER" business. There are vague ideas floating around this board about what it really means, as you throw down these little nuggets of wisdom and the kids bandy them around with much joy. I do know that it in someway involves windshirts. Also "bagging" something or another. Also...something about working in outdoor retail. There is the amount to time spent a week climbing (so far I understand it as number of days: 2. Could you be more specific...maybe put it in hours?). "REAL CLIMBING" is not Smith Rock. It is not unclimbed WI. It is something that CAN be achieved by weekly dry tooling seshs. If you are a "REAL CLIMBER" you can be on the recieving end of a lot of guff, because everyone want to knock the guy on top off.


These are a few of the ideas I've been putting together, and I think there may be enough material for a manual. Lets call it "NOLSe's Guide to Becoming a Real Climber". We can pitch it to The Mountaineers. Don't worry if you don't know how to write...I'll ghost write it for you. I just need you to throw it down and kick the k-knowlege. I figure the people on this board should know what it takes, even if they don't have a chance at that level.


Lets do this.

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I'm still a little vexed with this "REAL CLIMBER" business. There are vague ideas floating around this board about what it really means, as you throw down these little nuggets of wisdom and the kids bandy them around with much joy. I do know that it in someway involves windshirts. Also "bagging" something or another. Also...something about working in outdoor retail. There is the amount to time spent a week climbing (so far I understand it as number of days: 2. Could you be more specific...maybe put it in hours?). "REAL CLIMBING" is not Smith Rock. It is not unclimbed WI. It is something that CAN be achieved by weekly dry tooling seshs. If you are a "REAL CLIMBER" you can be on the recieving end of a lot of guff, because everyone want to knock the guy on top off.


These are a few of the ideas I've been putting together, and I think there may be enough material for a manual. Lets call it "NOLSe's Guide to Becoming a Real Climber". We can pitch it to The Mountaineers. Don't worry if you don't know how to write...I'll ghost write it for you. I just need you to throw it down and kick the k-knowlege. I figure the people on this board should know what it takes, even if they don't have a chance at that level.


Lets do this.


When they named the Colossal Squid, they did so to emphasize it could grow even bigger than the Giant Squid.


Similarly, the X-word isn't going to cut it here, and Twight already has it copyrighted anyhow. Howabout "Hyper-Alpinism".


Maybe you could bypass The Mounties books altogether and go with The "### For Dummies" publishers. "Hyper-Alpinism for Dummies" has such a compelling ring to it.

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Chapter 1: The Ego


"Real Climbing" is achieved within. It is a state of mind, a lack of humility. It is the ability to chestbeat even in defeat. It is the ablility to stand and take the heat from wannabees....even some who have never met you. Thus, the "Real Climber" stands tall as a shining example, ready for his chance to be profiled in Alpinist Magazine.

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