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Polish Bob nabbed in Pennsylvania?!


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"Welcome to York," says York (Pa.) Daily Record managing editor Randy Parker about the truly Onion-esque story that ran in his paper today.


"Man Charged With Assault on Sheep" was the headline, and the true-life story, by Caryl Clarke, begins: "Somebody was making nighttime visits to farmer Terry Patterson's sheep barn in the 600 block of Big Mount Road in Paradise Township." It goes on to tell of a man arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a sheep after the barn owner installed a barn alarm and intercom system to prevent such attacks.


But there's more. Clarke's story details the police arrest report and ends with a pull-out box highlighting previous incidents of bestiality in York, including a 1997 case involving a live turkey in a food plant and a 1992 encounter between a man and a ram at the York Fair.


link: http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000835312

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From the local fish wrapper:


Sheep rustlers caught


By Jennifer Nitson

Gazette-Times reporter



Deputy apprehends OSU football player, who denies any involvement in incident


There's more ba-a-a-d news for Oregon State University's football team.


Beavers player Ben Michael Siegert was apparently caught driving the getaway vehicle that whisked a ram away from the university's Sheep Center, according to police.


A Benton County Sheriff's deputy found the animal in the bed of a pickup after pulling Siegert over for speeding on Southwest Whiteside Drive about 1:34 a.m. last Friday morning.


Also in the pickup was former OSU football player Brent Charles Bridges, 22, and Whitney Susan Rodgers, 19, of Glendale, Ariz.


Contacted Tuesday afternoon, Siegert said he recalled being pulled over, but denied any involvement with the ram.


"I don't know anything about that," he said. "I'm from a city. I don't know anything about sheep."


However, Benton County Undersheriff Diana Simpson confirmed the sheep tale.


"Either Mr. Siegert's not being truthful with you, or maybe he was too intoxicated to remember," Simpson said.

The ram lives at the research facility on 35th Street near Campus Way and is part of a study on homosexuality in sheep, said Sheep Center manager Tom Nichols.


It probably weighs about 200 pounds, he said, and it likely took both men to get the ram into the bed of the pickup.


"I'm sure it wasn't an easy job," Nichols said.


Sheep rustling, it seems, is not uncommon at OSU.


"We have at least one prank a year where we have to go to a dormitory or a sorority house and pick up a ram or a lamb or a ewe," Nichols said. "It's one of those springtime pranks."


Fun and games aside, Siegert, 20, was arrested on an accusation of driving under the influence of intoxicants after failing field sobriety tests. Almost an hour and a half after being pulled over, he registered .14 percent blood-alcohol content on a breath analyzer at the county jail.


A worker from the Sheep Center retrieved the animal, and the deputy chose not to arrest anybody for taking the ram.

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