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Will to Believe...AKA Oct. Surpirse


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All this bickering over the details of when the explosives were looted is a bit distracting, though important in establishing what really happened. The real issue, and the one Kerry is trying to highlight, is that all those explosives (HMX/RDX or otherwise) were left unguarded... for many weeks. Very bad. If we had had enough troops, more of the ammo could have been guarded.

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I think the real story is that either side will stoop to anything at this point to get elected.


Pretty disheartening, really.


i strongly disagree. it may be reductionist to focus on missing high-grade explosives but this story is truly indicative of what has gone on. invading a country under pretense of imminent danger when in fact increasing danger through the dispersion of weapons that were closely garded by an anti-fundamentalist regime and united nation inspectors, points to some of the lies that this venture has been built upon.


as for the overall "what does it take to win an election today?" i am afraid there is little choice in the matter considering the immmense role of the media in determining who'll be president and the unfortunate tendency of many to focus solely on soundbytes. a little reductionism seems a small price to pay considering the alternatives.

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i should also add that the evolution of the reporting of this story is also extremely useful in seeing the extent to which part of the media will go to any length of deception to make the bad news go away. juan coles comments on the spin of the day: "But if DiRita thought that this officer would clear the whole thing up, he was clearly disappointed. The major said explicitly that he had not seen any seals of the International Atomic Energy Commission, which means that he cannot testify that his unit destroyed the HMX. Then he was asked if insurgents could have carried off 150 tons of that stuff in a short period of time as a practical matter. He replied that it seems like a lot, but in fact it could be done really quickly.


Then he let it slip that his unit was at al-Qaqaa on April 13, before the KSTP video was shot of US soldiers examining HMX there. So Pearson's unit could not have removed all the HMX at that time. Since he didn't see IAEA seals, it seems likely that his unit didn't remove any HMX."



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As the story further develops we see that the military folks that were there earlier did take away weapons, but these were more convential items, not the mx and such. They never even saw the IAEC seals on the bunkers according to today's Pentagon briefing. And the film from the ABC affiliate in Minnesota that shows the intact seals was take two weeks after the cited military unit was there, AND LEFT.


Hey Peter Puget, where are you when your right wing trolls go south?

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But as the story unfolds any rational person will see the real story is kerry's ability to be manipulated.


whoops.... yet another beautiful quote from a bush supporter in denial. So, who exactly is being manipulated? Believe everything you read on fox? You typically seem smarter than that.


Just think - only three days until our unelected moron-in-chief is shipped back to dumb-ass redneckville, and we can wake up from this four-year nightmare. The champagne is on ice.

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Just think - only three days until our unelected moron-in-chief is shipped back to dumb-ass redneckville, and we can wake up from this four-year nightmare. The champagne is on ice.


...and by this time next week the unopened bottle will rest at the bottom of your pail under the warm, stagnant water that was once so cold, clean and crystalized - awaiting a celebration never to be. cry.gifmoon.gif


BTW: Bush was chosen in 2000 by the electoral college. Many subsequent recounts, even those done by left-leaning papers, demonstrate this to be so. It is likely time for you to grow up and accept our constitutional system of government and elections.


This election holds the potential for Bush to win the popular vote, yet lose the election in the electoral. This is our way. I will accept it if it comes to pass. (however unlikely) I will not carry on like a whiney little bitch for 4 years about our "unelected" leader. rolleyes.gif Grow some hair.

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Just think - only three days until our unelected moron-in-chief is shipped back to dumb-ass redneckville, and we can wake up from this four-year nightmare. The champagne is on ice.


...and by this time next week the unopened bottle will rest at the bottom of your pail beneath the warm, stagnant water that was once so clean and crystalized - awaiting a celebration never to be. cry.gifmoon.gif


BTW: Bush was chosen in 2000 by the electoral college. Many subsequent recounts, even those done by left-leaning papers, demonstrate this to be so. It is likely time for you to grow up and accept our system of government.


This election holds the potential for Bush to win the popular vote, yet lose the election in the electoral. This is our way. I will accept it if it comes to pass. (however unlikely) I will not carry on like a whiney little bitch for 4 years about our "unelected" leader. rolleyes.gif Grow some hair.



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But as the story unfolds any rational person will see the real story is kerry's ability to be manipulated.


whoops.... yet another beautiful quote from a bush supporter in denial. So, who exactly is being manipulated? Believe everything you read on fox? You typically seem smarter than that.


Just think - only three days until our unelected moron-in-chief is shipped back to dumb-ass redneckville, and we can wake up from this four-year nightmare. The champagne is on ice.


Upon reading my post again I realize that I was only half correct..Kerry on some level is being manipulated but he is also aware and quite probably grateful for the help. Here is more help he is getting:


[T]he Zogby poll published in the Rapid City Journal ... showed Republican Thune leading Daschle, 48.5 percent to 45.5 percent, just within the margin of error. At first, however, the poll had shown an even larger Thune lead, which seemed so improbable that the pollsters adjusted their voter turnout estimates and arrived at the narrower gap.




Zogby's carefully consistent and thought-through polling procedures turn out a result that's just "too improbable" for his tastes so he adjusts his numbers.....


Despite the overwhelming bias of the MSM, Zogby and others the soon to be Bush win will indicate the true weakness of the left. A weakness that the left will have to deny. This denial will manifest itself as various claims of voter fraud.

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I think the real story is that either side will stoop to anything at this point to get elected.


Pretty disheartening, really.


i strongly disagree. it may be reductionist to focus on missing high-grade explosives but this story is truly indicative of what has gone on. invading a country under pretense of imminent danger when in fact increasing danger through the dispersion of weapons that were closely garded by an anti-fundamentalist regime and united nation inspectors, points to some of the lies that this venture has been built upon.


as for the overall "what does it take to win an election today?" i am afraid there is little choice in the matter considering the immmense role of the media in determining who'll be president and the unfortunate tendency of many to focus solely on soundbytes. a little reductionism seems a small price to pay considering the alternatives.


One of the problems I see though with Kerry being the touter of an anti-war agenda is that he originally gave Bush the authority to go to war. Congress was cowed in a similar way as were the German law-makers in the early '30's. And Kerry was complicit.


I agree that the information is important, but I'm not absolutely convinced Kerry is an honest messenger.

In fact, how can he, with a straight face, be using the war as an election issue when he originally voted to give Bush the authority to execute it? Did he really think Bush is a swell guy, wanting to avoid war???? Come on, he's not THAT ignorant! He reads PNAC, he knows what the neocon agenda is, and HE VOTED TO GIVE THESE GUYS WAR POWERS! (Kerry is a cow, a political machination, and he really pisses me off right now!)


The ONLY two democrats worthy of their party title are Kucinich and Sharpton. The rest can take their kowtowing and hypocrisy straight to Iraq, and help out with the mess they authorized.

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LOL : As far as Bush I am a one issue supporter: WOT.


do you expect anyone to believe this? come on, apart from a few social issues, you have supported bush in everything he has done. as if picking the sole issue of wot to hang your hat onto should legitimize the "strong leader" bs, whereas, in fact, if there is someone not fit to handle questions of national security it is certainly the bungler.


I think that our choices are pathetic and have been for some time. The state of political debate is so poor right now that it is truly amazing - my take is that these guys are chosen specifically to keep the debate at a low level.


as if the level of debate was any better when your hero, reagan, displayed his acting "talent" in the whitehouse. are you trying to conveniently bundle kerry with bush because you know you have no chance of convincing any thinking person of bush's intellectual fitness for the job? your not-so-subbtle attempts at encouraging 3rd party voting are duly noted.

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