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I've been spending a lot of time just cragging, nothing alpine for the last month. Same with a lot of folks I know around here.


So here's a question for the folks who've been Oregonians longer than me: what are the good alpine and adventure rock spots in the fall? I've been thinking of going down to check out Wolf Rock -- anyone here know much about the routes there? And how's the scramble to the top? Easy to find, or tricky?


Also the Menagerie: besides Rooster Rock, what are the must-do routes back there (good rock preferred)?

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Dan--get a copy of the Dodge book. It will keep you busy for a while.


Other fall spots: Opal Creek Wall, Adventure Choss in the Gorge, Mt. Washington, Lambertson Butte, Illumination Rock.


There's plenty of stuff out there to get on, its just a quality of rock/amount of work+time equation. Different strokes.

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I've checked out Dodge, and looked at Greg Orton's SW Oregon book (though I don't have a copy; think the 1st edition's sold out). I'm just wondering where other folks like to go when they want to get off the beaten path.


C'mon, who wants to break out the double 0.348 furlong ropes and the crepe soled shoes and send some choss?

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Not my fault he comes off as an arrogant jackass in 95% of his posts.


And it's not my fault I climb harder routes than you. hahaha.gifboxing_smiley.gif


And what's worse? Someone who posts useful information in a supposed "arrogant" way or someone who posts random one liners related to nothing and inside jokes that maybe 4 people on the board get?


It comes down to what you can tolerate. Yes there is some climbing in OR but... it pales in comparison to what WA and CAN have in my opinion. You might actually enjoy short approaches to graham crackers castles... I don't.


Even the Bauman brothers will tell you: the majority of the routes they pioneered are not worth repeating. Or at least that’s what they told me.

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And it's not my fault I climb harder routes than you. hahaha.gifboxing_smiley.gif

I don't know where that's coming from, I made no comparisons to anything I climbed. I (and others) get the feeling you don't climb for the sake of climbing but more to tell other people about it. Do you have any more names to drop? Any more found gear on such-and-such a route?


Yes there is some climbing in OR but... it pales in comparison to what WA and CAN have in my opinion.


Well no shit. The point was not a comparision between WA and OR, but the assumption that you speak for everyone who climbs here. Why do you think I drive all the way to northern washington? To be near you?


Even the Bauman brothers ..blahblah.. at least that’s what they told me.


Oh wait, you do have more names to drop. Any more emails from Barry you want to cc: the entire board?

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I'm just wondering where other folks like to go when they want to get off the beaten path.


the menagerie, a huge amount of routes for you and only you when your there! im trying to find a partner to get in there this weekend if any one want to join me.


Yeah, I saw your partner post - I'd join you, but this weekend I'm following the beaten path to Smith. Maybe sometime later in the fall if it stays dry, though. I hiked up to Rooster Rock last Friday and saw a lot of potentially fun climbing there. I think I was probably the only one up there that day.

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I (and others) get the feeling you don't climb for the sake of climbing but more to tell other people about it.


Then why haven't I posted a TR for ever climb I have done over the past 30 consecutive weekends of climbing if I love telling people about what I have done? I am willing to bet I have posted less than 10 TR on this board.


Do you have any more names to drop?

Yes I have dropped a few names but only when related to the subject... kinda like when you post pics of a rescue when someone asks about it. It’s not like I post a TR about having breakfast with Mark Twight. If it bothers you that I know Bubba or other recognizable names I can stop naming them specifically if it would make you happy.


Any more found gear on such-and-such a route?

You guys love to bitch about this one but why didn't you whine when I posted for a found nut on the west ridge of stuart a few months prior to the found biner post? It’s still there… go look at it. Why didn't you guys hassle me then? Same situation; different route. Maybe it’s your insecurities getting in the way... whatever it is I posted the found biner on the pillar to specifically gather information about pillar. Thanks to the information I got from that post; a local guidebook author and I determined the route I did and special ed did two years prior to us is a new variation on the pillar and the original route is no longer the recommended route on the pillar. And a new unclimbed line exists. Do you see me preaching to the choir about any of this? Do you see me thumping away?


If you don’t like the way I post I’m sorry. If you don’t like the fact I know and have climbed with well respected climbers I’m sorry. I can go back to lurking the page and refusing people information on climbs I have done that no one else on the board has.

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Hilarious. I think it's now crystal clear where the insecurities lie. For what it's worth, I don't really care what you post, who you climb with, or where. it doesn't really bug me. It does bug me when you post as if you speak for everyone. That is all.


You seem like a nice-enough guy. A question to ask is why so many of those negative posts were directed your way....jealousy? I doubt it.

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