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A pretty disturbing picture of how Fox and Murdoc have manipulated so much of the American public. Their tactics are awful. I was left wondering if this conservative Aussie is setting the agenda for the RNC or if it is the other way around. hellno3d.gif : puking gremlin:


Anyone else seen it?

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Yes, I've seen it too. I thought it was quite good (in as much as making you feel appalled can be). I found several of the examples of media influence mentioned were new to me. Quite interesting that Fox was the first to draw a conclusion that Dubya won Florida in 2000 in spite of the evening poll data showing too-close-to-call numbers (the Fox verdict declared by non other than Dubya's cousin, who was the pollster for Fox).


The only problem I see is trying to get the folks that are addicted to watching Fox News to watch something like this that spells it all out for them. They are kinda like the little child that squints his eyes shut, puts his hands over his ears, stomps his feet and throws a tantrum saying "I can't hear you".


Anyway, the movie is worth seeing if you haven't yet.


I saw it and it was disturbing to say the least. I always naturally pass that channel up because it seems like crap naturally, but I cant believe their slogan and propagation they spew in the name of urinalism!

Makes me wonder about the rest of them.

I think NWCN is pretty good about staying nuetral or slightly left.

They are kinda like the little child that squints his eyes shut, puts his hands over his ears, stomps his feet and throws a tantrum saying "I can't hear you".


you just described most of the liberals that post here.



So I rented it last night. I had no idea Fox was so fucked up. What is the average IQ of the people that watch it? My dad is a republican and he thinks it sucks too.


Quote form Merdoch himself in response to a question regarding topless girls in the British tabloids;

"Where taking the papers down market and up profit."

I saw a bio of him on PBS years ago, would be worth seeing again. Can anyone find it?


If we all watch Dan Rather we can get honest insight like this. "although the documents themselves may be forged, the content is none the less true." much more insightful than fox yelrotflmao.gif


What's with the moveon.org-bashing? It's not a news site. The only times I've visited it is when one of you GOPers let the name fly while flogging your talking points and I wonder to myself, what is this moveon.org? Why do conservatives hate it so much? The site just doesn't seem that interesting to me. AFAIK, it's for organizing political meetings 'n stuff, with a liberal bent.


Are you jealous that lefties have the original, and most well-known, "grassroots" political organizing website? Or is it just because you can make such funny jokes as "moveontocommunism.org"? Cause that's just a knee-slapper. Communism! Ha! Get it?


Hey Peter Puget, you should see Outfoxed, since you're so interested in media bias.


regarding topless girls in the British tabloids...


Not safe for work: http://www.page3.com/

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