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Opposition to Vietnam war was a Fad?


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hahaha, you limp-wristed liberal pussies make me laugh. You want to protest this and protest that, then you cry when Daddy Government cuts your handouts. Eat shit and work for a living, instead of smoking dope and chaining yourself to someone else's trees. madgo_ron.gif


I'm confused. What if you think Viet Nam and Iraq 2 were stupid fucking wars and Bush needs a visit from.




But you also smoke dope and cut down trees. How does that fit into your world view Greg. cantfocus.gif


You are obviously schizophrenic and need to be institutionalized. grin.gif

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Face it. The hippy peace movement was a fad.


Unfortunately, I disagree. The hippies of yesteryear have infiltrated the nation's universities and are now inculcating a new generation of "activists" with their ideas. I do agree that the generation now involved in these activities are simply grafting on to the neato idea of civil disobedience. However, long-time "activists" like Martin Sheen, Susan Sarandon, and other less recognizable names glom onto new pet movements all the time. I think it's an attempt to feel that they are somehow useful in this world. Pathetic really.

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When i was in highschool, me and my redneck buddy went down to the WTO mess to watch the coppers beat the shit outta the granolas. Good times were had by all until the gas started flying. You see signs for all kinds of causes at these rallies. Some are theere for pro-choice deals, some are there to actually protest the war shocked.gif but most are just shit disturbers that need to get a haircut, job and some action. wave.gif

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Yes, we mustn't have any dissent in this wonderfully free society now shall we?


Thank god for Ashcroft.


Glad you agree. See some of us are a little sick of the winds always blowing the way of "we can do WHATEVER the hell we want" fucked up society we are currently living in. I for one am sick of having some of this shit shoved down my throat for the last twenty years. Time to start pushing back fuckheads. Like it or leave it, or I'll be glad to HELP you leave it.

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That "like it or leave it" logic goes both ways. Dissent creates a dialectic that will hopefully bring improvement. At the very least it is engagement in the process which I feel confident in saying our founding fathers were very much in support of. I don't see the silencing of the voices of dissent--on either side--as a good thing for the United States. I welcome your views and respect your opinions, as I hope you do mine. I reject the idea of violent protest. I do however, support the first amendment.

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So, exactly what were all you patriots doing during:




Desert Storm?


Did you enlist? Sign up for the reserves? Encourage your children to sign up?


And have you signed up to contribute to the current Homeland/Afgan/Iraq conflict?


If not, what's the problem? Or is it all really just spray in the end - no action or commitment behind the words?

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So, exactly what were all you patriots doing during:




Desert Storm?


Did you enlist? Sign up for the reserves? Encourage your children to sign up?


And have you signed up to contribute to the current Homeland/Afgan/Iraq conflict?


If not, what's the problem? Or is it all really just spray in the end - no action or commitment behind the words?


I served- and have my own combat experience. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is before you start asking for credentials.

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Less than a week ago I was listening to 127mm rockets fly over my head and wondering if I was going to get smoked by some motherfucker yelling "jihad!!" and jamming to a Doobie Brothers CD on his homemade vehicle bomb. That count?


Panama 1989: Infantry US Army

Desert Storm/Shield 1990-1991: Infantry US Army

Operation Restore Hope/Somalia 1992-1993: Infantry US Army

Iraq 2003-2004: Department of State/DoD High Risk Executive Protection

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Cpt.Caveman & gotterdamerung,


Just trying to sort out the posers from folks that know what the fuck they are talking about. Glad to hear you're the real deal. The idle chatter of posers is almost more than I can take sometimes. If you haven't put on the line and aren't willing to than I'm only willing to hear so much bullshit. You guys, well, I may disagree and disagree completely, but I respect that at least you're coming from some place authentic.

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With all due respect to the service you've done - you weren't in Vietnam, and the reason you've probably had a better experience in the military is because all the guys that re-org'd how we conduct operations were in Vietnam and experienced how fucked up things were there first hand.


As far as I'm concerned the protests didn't start soon enough and I joined them the day I returned from my second tour. Many of the policies in place at the time, both military and political, would never have been acceptable during the all the ensuing years until now when the crew in office today decided we can make up rules of engagement as we go along.


Do you really think this crew gives a rats ass about you or anyone else they've shipped out or thrown a stoploss order on - get real, you have to go back to Vietnam to find an administration less interested in the men and women who are actually putting it on the line.


Dwight Eisenhower had an exhaustive in-country study done on what it would take to succeed in Vietnam overseen by one of the toughest frontline commanders from WWII and Korea and he catagorically stated it was unwinnable on the ground. Eisenhower declined to get involved as a direct result of that evaluation and that report was buried by subsequent administrations who had different agendas and didn't care about the folks they'd be sending into harms way.


This crew is even worse - amateur hour for Neocon "Intellectuals" (now there is an oxymoron) heavily aligned with Israeli interests. They had intel and in-depth, detailed evaluations that explicitly described the fact that you were going to be listening to 127's whiz overhead and were going to be fragged relentlessly with IED's. Did they commit the force levels the military recommended to prevent or reduce such events - of course not. Hell, they didn't even secure conventional munitions facilities until they had been completely picked over for months (where the IED's come from).


Again, I'm sure you served admirably and everyone who does desperately wants to believe they did it for a good cause, but it aint so, and we aren't safer here because of these misguided policies and priorities. If they were going to go into Iraq, then they needed to go in three times bigger and clean the place out of weapons and munitions in the first week or two.


Oh, and we won't even talk about the political prowess of a team that can't even bribe the Turks with $32 billion - thank god the Kurds didn't completely write us off after we repeatedly left them hanging out to dry.


Like you said, don't even get me started...

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If they were going to go into Iraq, then they needed to go in three times bigger and clean the place out of weapons and munitions in the first week or two.


1) 20/20 hindsight


2) who do you think prevented this spending from happening? the man who voted for the 82 billion before he voted against it.


Anyways sir, this is no vietnam. In any shape or form.

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