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I am sure it is somewhere in here, but Ican't find it, or maybe it doesn't exist. Anyway I am looking for info on the Tieton area. I have never been there, but interested in checking out the area, since I have heard good things about it. Any suggestions on where to go, what routes to do, so on and so on? So can any of you help me out?

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I've done only single-pitch stuff at Royal Columns / The Bend, but they're good stuff. The Smoot guide is decent.


Some routes that come to mind:

Ball&Chain, Inca Road, Orange Sunshine, Salmon Seed, Tiers


The rock is andesite, which seems sturdier than basalt. Lots of small edges that you can use for footwork.




The routes at Royal columns that gary mentions are good. There are other good routes there too, and they're all 5 feet apart. smile.gif There are some spectacular 5.4s there too. very fun.


Also check out Ed's Jam at the Bend, very nice 5.8 hand crack. Plenty o harder cracks right next door too.


Tieton is over white pass on highway 12. About an hour and a half from I-5. Its actually 4-5 different areas in a 25 mile stretch. The amount of sun and difficulty you are looking for would determine which area to visit.


I think that the Hyperspud sport in Moscow, ID. has info on this area and it isnt that Smoot guide either. Not totally positive though but check it out.

Is the Smoots guide the only readily available info that is out there? Like I don't even know how to get to the area or anything like that.




I assume you have checked out Joe Puryear's web site ? The page has some beta on Goose Egg mountain which appears to have some multi-pitch routes. Using Smoot's guide will get you there just fine (you'll only curse the book a few times, rather than the normal extended bitch sessions that have taken place when using it for other crags). The grades feel similar to Index at the easy/moderate grades, but I can't speak to the hard routes. The cave off of the trail on the way to the Royal Columns will be a good place to escape the heat during the hottest part of the day; though be aware that you won't be the only species with that idea!


Selected Climbs Volume 2 also has a few of the better routes. If your looking for more info than Smoot's guide, try emailing Joe Puryear (address on his website).


There was an enormous rattler pit just off the trail you took through the burn before the new bridge was put in, and there was a big ground hornets' nest too!


Bring your hexes.


I think Sept-Oct is a perfect time to visit Tieton. The temps have dropped, and at sunset, the desert glows red. One of my strongest memories in the outdoors was when I added some sagebrush leaves to my cheese sandwich. That pungent taste sticks with me, and when I eat anything with sage today, it brings back memories of sunset in the desert, with everything glowing red. btw - a great campsite is to go to the parking lot across from the crags (where they have all those signs showing deer livers), and drive on the backroads uphill for a mile or two until you're on a plateau with solitude.


Yeah its definitely still a little hot over here in Yakivegas. If you can find shade it could be okay in the morning. Most of the areas get a lot of sun in the summer. Some of the areas you might be able to keep cool at are Moon Rocks, the Bend North, and Wildcat Wall. The Goose Egg is pleasant early in the morning, but will be baking by noon. The plus side is, Rimrock lake is only a mile away - great swimming. Temperatures become more manageable by mid-September. The season typically lasts until late November, then starts up again in February.


The most comprehensive current guide book is the 'Quick and Dirty Guide' by Preston & Reid. You can pick it up in Yakima at Hyperspud Sports on 1st Street. I called today and they said they had 3 copies left. A new more complete guide book is due out soon.


The Tieton is great - lots of variety, uncrowded, great camping, and pretty much hassle free. Watch out for rattlesnakes at Royal Columns and the Cave.


Spent last week at Windy Point. Hiked across the street up to some bat caves, and next thing you know, bolts everywhere. I was talking to a guy that works at Backpackers Supply, and he said Yoder is compiling a book of the whole area. I'm guessing that includes all of the above areas at Tieton...


A friend of mine put up a 5.7 there called The Fan. It's fun, easy and safe. It climbs up these strange little 10 inch hexagonal columns. You reach over the tops of them to pull on cracks in the back. The route is long and you must either have a 60 m rope or bring two shorter ropes to get off.


If your in seattle I remember seing a guidebook at Feathered Friends that seemed pretty comprehensive. I don't know if they have any on sale but you may be able to make a copy of the shop one.

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