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Idea for a new forum - Speed!


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Now Erik why would you laugh at somebody elses thing? The site doesn't ridicule anyone like you just did. Be nice! Besides maybe these guys are trainging for the wild enchainments and continuous pushes. Look at the times for El Cap routes - pretty amazing. If I admit to my time on the Horse Chute route (one of my first big walls) and then compared it to the record I just think amazing! A bit of trivia: the Steve Gerberding who has a alot of fast times is a local boy! Son of the former president of the UW.

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"So, how was the North Ridge of Stuart?"


"It went really really fast."


"Yeah, but how was it? Isn't that a great climb? I like those last couple pitches up to the gendarme, what a great position, eh?"


"I dunno, it was all kind of a blur, I don't really remember any of it, but man, it went really fast."


"Oh. Cool."


This little vingette is brought to you courtesy of the new Slow Alpinisim Movement. You work hard enough to get there, shouldn't you enjoy it a little bit? If all you want is the workout, you might as well spend 7 hours on your stairmaster with a glossy mag in front of you. Sure, I'll be happy for you if fast is your thing and you had a good time, but its not really my show.

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That 3 hour time for Rainier seems bogus. (Maybe that's one-way). It's more like 4.5 hours roundtrip. (Craig Van Hoy?) Look in the last edition of the Molenaar Rainier book. That's pretty darn fast. A number of years ago I participated in an informal run up to Camp Muir. It was me and two Rainier rangers and a Paradise Inn employee who were in awesome shape. I made it as far as Pebble Creek before collapsing for 15 minutes and then finishing by hiking very quickly. The two rangers made it up in 1 hour 4 minutes and 1 hour 5 minutes and they were running in tennis shoes. After a couple of hours of laying around, the other guy had yet to appear and we found him down near Panorama Point...he got lost and then exhausted. Yup...it can be done. I can believe three hours to the summit, but coming back is going to take at least another hour! Ain't that right, Petey Puget!

- Dwayner

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It's not my thing either Off but if you are climbing the Nose in a just a few short hours the North Ridge of Stuart isn't much work at all!!!!!


But as a practical matter being a weekend warrior being able to do a big wall and be home in time for Sunday supper does have its advantages.


Damn I still have a long ways to go beofre I loose this Chronic Gumby Status. Jon can't I have my own special designation? I suggest "Weekend Warrior"

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pete in no way am i chuckling at the accomplishment or the people, i am laugh ing at the fact tha compensation(ie: mt wanker is bigger then yours) is now becoming more and more prevelant in todays climbing society. before it seemed like informal one ups manship between friends. But with a site dedicated to it and books being written about it, it seems like it will be another measuring stick for some people to live up too. i guess we all have dreams. mine is not to proave anything to anyone, but to enjoy myself. wheter i try to go really rea;;y fast(which i like to do) or just chill and abosrb as much of the atomosphere as i can. regardless it matters none to others, and i think it comes down to the question. "did anyone ask? or are you just telling?" i know of some people like this and i can say with a good consenous that 'we' find it dumb.


enjoy, cause i know i am!!

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Originally posted by Peter Puget:

Damn I still have a long ways to go beofre I loose this Chronic Gumby Status. Jon can't I have my own special designation? I suggest "Weekend Warrior"

Well, stay on good enough behaviour for a long while, suck up to the powers that be, and maybe they'll make you a moderator, which automatically bumps you to Rope Gun Hooker.


I just checked out that full site. Its a pretty classic example of shameless self promotion for old Hans, eh? Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do if you want to make a living out of the sport, but it certainly looks like he has the ego to match the talent and sense of humor. I particularly liked his lists of six favorite things. Coffee is clearly not his thing. [laf] Pretty entertaining though, thanks for the link Peter.

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I'd say if people want a forum about Speed ascents, more power to them. If I don't want to read it, I don't have to -- nobody's forcing me to. To the guy who said he'll be "laughing at them", you won't even have to enter the forum. You can't laugh at something unless you're reading it .. so why read it if you're not interested in the first place??? If it's out of boredom, you should probably go out and do something with your life instead of sitting around the computer all day laughing at things on the internet. [Embarrassed]

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moutainman, much like yourself i suspect, i am trapped in an office with a view of the olympics. i enjoy my free time in many ways. so i will gleen my work hours entertainment from the people i deal with and the likes of you!


i love when y'all read more into a post then what is there.


i said i am laughing at the idea that others think that others may be concered with their abilites. no where did i point out a person or a single action.




have fun! [big Drink]

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