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This photo was taken today over Baghdad and posted as a header for another story on the FOX website. Anyone find the skyline interesting? Comments?


This is what we call the monster mosque. It was yet another huge palace that was being built using the funds that could have been used to help the Iraqi people under Saddam's rule.



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Are you REALLY comparing the building of yet another mosque built by a bankrupt nation without any kind of public approval to the building of a taxed and subsidized sports structure by a major corporation? Apples and oranges.


Yes, I am. Check what Loren wrote, I thought the stadium construction had gone down something like that.


My point being is to question why a giant public works project in Iraq is somehow immoral compared to a giant public works project in the U.S.?

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Just checking in here onece in a while and have to comment on the genius Work of Loren and Darin. I am sure they have tons of intelligent and or liberal backing here on this board to spew in their defense.


I see it - the starving poor and opressed people of Seattle and Wa and the relation of the sports stadiums is on par with Iraqui Mosques their people and Govt buildings there too.

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My point being is to question why a giant public works project in Iraq is somehow immoral compared to a giant public works project in the U.S.?


One of the big differences being that YOU have the freedom to question it. If you were asking the same questions just like this one in Saddam's Iraq there is a fairly good chance you would be dead already from this mornings postings. Or in Abu Ghraib when they REALLY tortured people there.


I took notice when the corrupt legislature in this state overrode the voters and did what they wanted to anyway. I am not condoning it, but i think it is a FAR cry from a starving nation under sanctions and ruled by a Totelitarian regime having another mosque put up for ONE man's vanity rather than a stadium that is filled with people of all races, religions, and genders watching a ball game for enjoyment. rolleyes.gif

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I don't care that we had to pay for the stadium but $7.50 for a beer is downright wrong. Thank god Pyramid is next door. bigdrink.gif


Hell yeah! Pyramid! I've never been to the stadium. I refuse to go there. I didn't vote for it and baseball keeps all the riff-raff down in the city sitting in traffic where they belong.

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One of the big differences being that YOU have the freedom to question it. If you were asking the same questions just like this one in Saddam's Iraq there is a fairly good chance you would be dead already from this mornings postings. Or in Abu Ghraib when they REALLY tortured people there.


I took notice when the corrupt legislature in this state overrode the voters and did what they wanted to anyway. I am not condoning it, but i think it is a FAR cry from a starving nation under sanctions and ruled by a Totelitarian regime having another mosque put up for ONE man's vanity rather than a stadium that is filled with people of all races, religions, and genders watching a ball game for enjoyment. rolleyes.gif


Good point.


I was not making a 1:1 comparison between being a citizen of Iraq under Saddam and being a citizen of Washington state under a runaway state legislature, though looking at what I wrote I can see how it could read that way.


For the record, I actually agree with removing Saddam from power, I just disagree with the methods, timing, and justification.


Ray, you'd be surprised by how right-leaning I am on some issues, fiscal policy and social programs among others.



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Why was someone as secular as Saddam building bloody great huge mosques anyhow? What part of "secular" didn't he understand? confused.gif


From what I remember hearing/reading, he was using religion to strengthen and consolidate his power by associating himself with it.

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So, who's rebuilding the mosques now? American dollars after we blew them up, or Iraqi money so the public can have places to worship after we blew them up?

Judging by the heavy layer of dust covering all the construction equipment in the picture (and the vertical tanks turned horizontal) I'd say not much of anything's being done at that site.

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Or in Abu Ghraib when they REALLY tortured people there.


Didn't I see reports that one or more Iraqi detainees died at the the hands of their American captors in AGP? There's a contractor on trial for a death....


I'm pretty sure that was in Afganistan.

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