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Northwest Forest Pass LOOPHOLE!!!!


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A way to fuck the system.....


Two days ago I was invovled in a search for a lost hiker, the story is pretty entertaining, moving, and from it, one can learn some ways to fuck the forest pass system... so read on my friends, be entertained, and learn some new tricks that actually work!


The Saga Begins

For the sake of the lost person's privacy, we'll call him DAVE. Dave is a physician from Dallas TX, who when he gets stressed out, picks a state from the map of the US he's never been to and buys a plane ticket. This time, he chose or-E-Gone. So he arrived in PDX, where a fine soul told him about this playground called Bend, OR, so Dave got his rental car and was on his way.


The next morning, the folks at his hotel told him of the cascade lakes highway, said it was a peaceful place, and Dave liked the sound of it, and chose it as his destination to relax, do some soul searching, and ultimately get lost.


So Dave found the mirror lakes TH, and set off bible in hand, with an ice tea, his blue jeans, and a cotton shirt, and cell phone, to do some soul searching.


Story goes he hiked in a ways, hit some snow, and decided to hike off trail, found a rock, sat down and read the good book for about an hour.


When he was finished ho looked up and realized he had no idea where he was or how to get back to his car. He picks up his phone and dials the front desk at his hotel! Tells the folks there he's lost, they call 911, and enter us SAR dudes.


So we get up there, and immediately i notice the lack of a NW Forrest Pass on Dave's car! There is a fancy Dodge Ram Deforest service law enforcment vehicle at the scene, and I was curious as to whether or not Dave would get a ticket!


Dave ended up walking out to the road on his own, before we could do a heroic search, but nevertheless he was very thankful for our time.


Ironically, Dave had gotten lost on 2 prior occasions in other soul-searching quests, and both prior times, he was once lost but was now found.


Anyhow, I thought it was a cool story, better than the last search I was on for some 11 year old rapist (thats a different story), but here is the true moral of the story...


loophole revealed

Dave drove off into the sunset, no Forest Pass ticket in hand, I was a bit perplexed, probably understood that the fine law enforcemtn folks didn't want to kick the poor man when he was down, but I also learned the following.... If you are using a natural resource for Religous or for Educational purposes, they can't touch ya! Kind of a recurring theme right now, seperation of gov't/religion... if you leave a note on your dashboard saying you are going to worship your rock-god, the forest service can not write you a citation. Same goes for using the resource for educational purposes. My new study is going to look at the affects of gapage, and the subsequent anger that insues on website message boards.


so there you have it, a way to 8=D ( /*\ ) the system. my friends, choose a religion, and go worship at the crags and free yourself from the chains of trail fees!

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I tried that last year at the snow creek lot. While all the other cars got a warning the ranger personally waited for us, declared rock climbing to be non-religious, and wrote out a full ticket. Try it on your own risk, but you better be ready with a full load of BS to talk your way out of it.

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Check the universal life church. They've already fought the court battles and it is pretty easy to set up a congregation. The mountains are a spiritual place, with references from many a religion (Moses to the mountain, etc...). Why not set up a congregation, tuesday meetings (read: Pub Club), and religious outings to commune with the spiritual world? If you're registered, it's certainly more credible.


I am not a part of any organized religion, but all of my most spiritual moments have certainly been in the mountains. Of course, with Bush (aka, dumb as whaleshit) in office, if it doesn't sound like a one-nation-under-god organization, it might run into trouble.

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