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Speaking of guides..Si?


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What's it like?


For a rock climbing gumby such as myself, it is pretty good. Nice pictures and descriptions of each area. If you know the area already you don't need it, but it is nice to have some one's opinion as to the ratings of each route. If you don't know the area, it can definitely point you directly to the fun stuff for your skill level...

If you haven't seen that guys website, here it is:


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What's it like?


For a rock climbing gumby such as myself, it is pretty good. Nice pictures and descriptions of each area. If you know the area already you don't need it, but it is nice to have some one's opinion as to the ratings of each route. If you don't know the area, it can definitely point you directly to the fun stuff for your skill level...

If you haven't seen that guys website, here it is:


i can't believe marcus' efforts have been immortalized on the front and back cover!!!

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I have purchased 4 different guides to Smith over the years plus at least half dozen photocopied updates/guides.


When will the madness end?


Well, it won't end here cantfocus.gif as I think Burdo is going to put out a comprehensive North Bend guide soon. boxing_smiley.gif The Bruce guide is in the same format as Exit 38: photo topo's (with some confusion due to foreshortening and use of wide angle), concise beta, and updated ratings. Little Si was way out of date in other books and this guide will be popular.

Edited by matt_warfield
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i can't believe marcus' efforts have been immortalized on the front and back cover!!!


Is he up to 200 attempts on Chronic, yet? I'll have to hit the after work sessions to follow the epic.


What's not to believe? Marcus has worked that route more than any route has been worked before. The guy should go into climbing mythology for his single-minded madness. pitty.gif

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Wait- I'm not making fun of Marcus. The guys an effing machine- his mastery of focus is both inspiring and intimidating (I may be easily intimidated).

He's a friend and a hero, and I'll be first in line to buy him a drink when he walks away from Chronic, successful or not (but the machine don't drink).


To Marcus bigdrink.gif

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I have two 32 guides right now I guess I'll have to buy 2 more! I am kind of a guidebook junky.

yellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gifi stay up late quite often reading guidebooks to places i've been, places i'm going, and places i want to go!! yellaf.gifyellaf.gif


i have no life!! yelrotflmao.gif


wave.gif Maybe we need to start a support group.

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Wait- I'm not making fun of Marcus. The guys an effing machine- his mastery of focus is both inspiring and intimidating (I may be easily intimidated).

He's a friend and a hero, and I'll be first in line to buy him a drink when he walks away from Chronic, successful or not (but the machine don't drink).


To Marcus bigdrink.gif


i'm not making fun either!! i think he went "mental" on the route last year and needed some space because he began falling at random spots...time off from the route is all he needs before he sends! thumbs_up.gif

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I have a beef with the new Exit 32 and 38 guides. Half the information is in the front of the book, and the other half is in the back of the book. That frickin' sucks, flippin' the pages back and forth. Not to mention that the Kinko's copy job doesn't really pack well.


I, too, am a bit of a guide book junkie, and I don't recall seeing that style used before. With all the new routes up at 38 and an information deficit on the routes at 32, I welcome the information in the new guides. I just can't stand the layout and format. I will probably get copies of Burdo's new guide when it comes out, just because it will hopefully read better (no frickin' flippin' pages back and forth) and pack better.


But, both guides are a welcome antidote to the inaccuracies published in previous guides regarding the area. (I'm thinking of one book in particular.) I always wondered what Repo Man was called.


Let me add too, that I think it would be the shiznit if Burdo added some history of the area. He seems to be the dude who knows it all, it's not written down in the 32/38 guides, and it would be a shame to lose the history. Yeah, yeah, it's not Yosemite, but I imagine there's still some good background stories about the development of routes out there. And it is, arguably, the most popular Seattle crag.

Edited by assmonkey
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Yeah he is talking about those guides, they blow monkey's. I have the 38 guide and there is no way in the world should that guide be as big as it is. There is a boat load of useless information in the damn thing, and a ton of wasted space. Then as mentioned the information is split up in the book. When I originally bought it I thought I was buying a guide book for both 38 and 32, which is the way it should be. madgo_ron.gif


History???? for a bolted shit crag, I would have been happy with just the photos with the lines and ratings (the only good thing about the books). It is not that hard to count the bolts to decide on how many draws to bring. Who care who bolted it.

Edited by ken4ord
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I haven't seen these guides- only heard of these second-hand. Are these the Garth Bruce guides?


Those are the ones to which I am referring. Someone posted a link to his site earlier in the thread.


Couple more beefs: In the new guides, there is a column denoting if it is possible to TR a route. Cool idea, I think, but the author has X'd (meaning it's not safe to TR) many of the routes that I've been TRing for years. I don't get it. 32/38 is probably one of the safest areas to climb that I've ever seen, in fact, I can't recall a single route I wouldn't TR (with a directional qd placed here or there).


Also, it would have been sweet to have a list of all the 32/38 gear climbs on a single page. Easy enough to solve that problem with a ballpoint pen on the bus to work one day, though.

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i can't believe marcus' efforts have been immortalized on the front and back cover!!!


Is he up to 200 attempts on Chronic, yet? I'll have to hit the after work sessions to follow the epic.


Marcus is awesome - i didn't realize the mythic status the man has on the route. I work with the guy and you couldn't meet a nicer person. I'm new to the area (little over a year) and every time i mention a route i might try the guy can remember SPECIFIC info - i'm talking holds, gear you name it! He seems to have been EVERYWHERE in WA too! We talked a bunch at work about training and i backed him on taking a break for a while - sanity is important too!


To Marcus! bigdrink.gif

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