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Scalia: Defender of the Constitution?


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He's probably on the most hypocrytical and self righteous justices the Sup Ct has ever seen. He claims to be so principled on the original intent of the Constitution until the original intent conflicts with his coservative politics and his rich friends. the_finger.gif

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Maybe Scalia is averse to the press because, in general, their coverage of the high court hasn't been exactly 'even handed'?






Hey Double E!


You sound like just another leftist thug. Maybe you should try to break my kneecaps instead.

Edited by Fairweather
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and fairweather was like

[rant][bully][chestbeat] ..another leftist thug....[/rant] [/bully] [/chestbeat]




Damn those leftist thugs! Sometimes I can't decide which goup is a more clear and present danger- those death-merchants from NOW or those ape-armed gorillas from the ACLU. Better disarm them all now, and make sure the press doesn't cover it.

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Maybe Scalia is averse to the press because, in general, their coverage of the high court hasn't been exactly 'even handed'?

You sure it's not because what he's said has come back to haunt him? After all, if nobody hear's what you have to say that may give the impression your biased, are you giving the impression your biased?

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