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Preventing shoulders from breaking out...


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When I carry heavey packs my shoulders suffer, ie my pores clog up and I get breakouts. Has anyone heard of a solution that will prevent this from happening?



Wipe the shoulders clean every hour?

Tape the shoulders? (which would just clog them more I would think)

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Unless you are wearing a water proof barrier between your skin and the straps, moisture will transfer between them. Sweat is a great medium for growing bacteria so you need to not only keep your sholder clean, but also your sholder straps.

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Originally posted by Sandy Weil:

I like the idea of washing the straps on a regular basis. But, most of the time I am wearing a polypro shirt so the straps are not in direct contact with my shoulders.

Tell that to the bacteria!!!


E.coli at optimal growth conditions at 37 C (your body's temp) will undergo mitosis every 30 minutes. At that rate one bacteria will multiply enough in 72 hours to have a mass equal to that of the earth.


2^144 = alotafuqenbacteria


Hey I'm a dork!

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frankie also says:if i don't squash it no need to wash it. no need to be rude just because she is a girl and has a question. aber beklecker nicht das Sofa, Sofa!

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I agree with Tim. Jon... seriously.... go drink one of your cultures. Tool.


I have issues with shoulder straps. What is happening is that the grime (sweat/jon's stupidity) is rubbing into the pore's that happen to be wide open due to the heat. As long as you make sure that you wash right after climbing (don't let the sweat dry) you should be good. Use something like Neutrogena's anti-acne body wash with an exfoliating puff or loofa to get rid of any dirt already trapped. Also you may want to use an alcohol pad to dry out any beginning breakouts (the body wash does this too).


Can you tell I've had this problem before?


Jon's ass used to be super-zitty until Tim started scrubbing it with loofa. Hot tub time was never the same....


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Originally posted by ruddersbox:

Get some Doc Bronners and wash the entire body down after adventuring.

You know when you wash your hair with bronners it's realy shinny and healthy and you smell like peppermint. I use that SHIT for EVERYTHING. including mopping my kitchen [Wink]

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Ah! I feel abused! Frickin Pearl Necklaces..... I believe it was you jon in your infinite drunkeness that you whined like a wee biatch for Pizza at 12:45AM? Could have stayed at the Dragon for more Cider... BUT NO..... BTW... the Ranch Dressing for the Bread Sticks? Malenayse! Is that why you ate so fast Gobbler?




[hell no][Moon]

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Originally posted by Chaseabbott:

I agree with Tim. Jon... seriously.... go drink one of your cultures. Tool.


I have issues with shoulder straps. What is happening is that the grime (sweat/jon's stupidity) is rubbing into the pore's that happen to be wide open due to the heat. As long as you make sure that you wash right after climbing (don't let the sweat dry) you should be good. Use something like Neutrogena's anti-acne body wash with an exfoliating puff or loofa to get rid of any dirt already trapped. Also you may want to use an alcohol pad to dry out any beginning breakouts (the body wash does this too).


Can you tell I've had this problem before?


Jon's ass used to be super-zitty until Tim started scrubbing it with loofa. Hot tub time was never the same....


Hey I'm a tool!!!!!


Yeah whatever man you keep using your organic hippy tree hugger chick shit, I'll stick with the Pert Plus and Crest. Maybe you wouldn't have such bad acne if you didn't eat so much damn pizzatime. Hello pizzatime can I take your order.


If you're interested, and I know you are, with the help on Jenna and friends I can conjure up a nice protein smoothy for you that doubles as a skin fortifying face mask as well as a pearl necklace.



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