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Trask's last thread was called:


moon.gifStretch Marked Shit Blister


And his last post, in that thread, was:


skippy cocksmoker moon.gif


So Robbob, is this an important topic that we should discuss? Is your first amendment right resriticted because you can't post to a topic called, Stretch Marked Shit Blister?

Now this asshole has got two FA dudes I know so pissed they will not post here .

As far as I know TRASK has not pissed off any beta giv'n FA dudes .

SO the_finger.gif


So if someone calls one of your buddies routes overbolted then something needs to be done. If someone else abuses half the posters here, including stalking all women posters, then that's OK. That's funny!? confused.gif


Exactly Chuck. If Dickhead's FA buddy is so thin skinned that he can't take a comment like, "I liked your route but there are too many bolts," then I think Dickhead's buddy is a wimp.


Still I think we're all LUCKY to have Dickhead here as a poster.

If someone would like to take on the challenge (robrob) and bring to light 1 (that's one) interesting, incisive or observant Trask post, I would like to see how long it wold take that person to find that post - should it in fact really exist on hard copy and not in your mind.


The clock is starting ...right.....about....now. GO!



So Richard, rather than use your Noggin and find that 1 interesting or informative Trask post, you fill the airwaves with attacks and change the subject. Could be the post in question never existed?


Your lack of information and facts is stunningly obvious.





Having a little trouble finding that ONE Trask post dood which would exonerate your MIA butt-buddie?



Thought so. the_finger.gif



I attempted to take scratchandbleed up on his request to find a serious trask post. I knew of one from about a month back in Spray where he made a well-thought out comment about politicians. I couldn't find the post (there are just too many Spray threads).


What's funny and perhaps ironic is how often I got a good chuckle reading a lot of trask's posts. I have to admit he often made me laugh. That's not saying I think he should be unbanned. I'm neutral in that regard.

I attempted to take scratchandbleed up on his request to find a serious trask post. ..... I couldn't find the post .


Don't beat yourself up Klenke, it's OK, perhaps you could share a humorous one? Trask sometimes cracked me up too, but sometimes he seemed so....so.....so....mean. blush.gif


And vile. shocked.gif


He said he was a lawyer. I think he must have been telling the truth.

Exactly Chuck. If Dickhead's FA buddy is so thin skinned that he can't take a comment like, "I liked your route but there are too many bolts," then I think Dickhead's buddy is a wimp.


Still I think we're all LUCKY to have Dickhead here as a



Let me see, you also called a guide book author... something about a pony ranch and a wet suit

I don't think that had anything to do with overbolting!!!


So enlighten me... newbe's have been notifying

moderators and complaining about TRASK and if so should this not be public beta so we will all know what is going on ..if not then some are putting themselves in an ELITEST possession


Alpinwanker when you start putting mega bucks$$$ and devote a large amount of your free time putting up YOUR so called classics than maybe your opinion might have some weight and I suggest you climb the route first before you trash it

So the_finger.gif PH-Q

I'm a DICK wave.gif I don't have a buddy



It's not my fault that the guide book author's climbing area is close to a pony ranch. yellaf.gif In fact if you climb in the Icicle you'll find a rock with routes that portray the author in less than a flattering light.


I've met the author a number of times, and we've always got along just fine. Perhaps you've taken the comment out of context. I mean who doesn't think ponies are cute. Perhaps you're the one with a sick mind. (I've heard where ironworkers like to stick their spud wrench when they're not using it. shocked.gif)


BTW I don't know where I said anything about a wet suit.

It's not my fault that the guide book author's climbing area is close to a pony ranch. yellaf.gif In fact if you climb in the Icicle you'll find a rock with routes that portray the author in less than a flattering light.


I've met the author a number of times, and we've always got along just fine. Perhaps you've taken the comment out of context. I mean who doesn't think ponies are cute. Perhaps you're the one with a sick mind. (I've heard where ironworkers like to stick their spud wrench when they're not using it. shocked.gif)


BTW I don't know where I said anything about a wet suit.



Well I'm here to tell you, I would not tell him who you are .

You know as well as I do , you were implying he was dishonest ...wet suit.. in reference to money exchange for guide book.

I would like to play boxing_smiley.gif but I have some climbing to do , you like to have the last word so have at it.

WTF does ironworks have to do with it and WTF is a spud wrench..I take it this is some kind of sick comment.

You'v just been trolled by BIG DICK wave.gif


I think you're Lucky enough to know what a spud wrench is Dick. As far as trolling goes I think you're the one who's getting the worst of it. wave.gif


No Spray: You have both me and CrazyJZ baffled about the whole wet suit thing. CJZ has a mind like a steel trap for obnoxious comments, and he can't figure it out. Perhaps you should provide a link or STFU.

i am wondering where scratchassandsnifffinger has ever made a valuable contribution instead of whining either? confused.gif one thread? please provide link?


Dood come-on. Thats easy to answer.






Trying to deflect the orignal question cause you can't answer it Dru? Nice try, ut lame. BTW, like your posts.


Tick..............tock............tick.........tock..... on the Trask post buddy.

i am wondering where scratchassandsnifffinger has ever made a valuable contribution instead of whining either? confused.gif one thread? please provide link?


Dood come-on. Thats easy to answer.






Trying to deflect the orignal question cause you can't answer it Dru? Nice try, ut lame. BTW, like your posts.


Tick..............tock............tick.........tock..... on the Trask post buddy.

that doesn't count cause you were the third person to post about the new cams

Dru: my post was actually supposed to say "I like your posts". Not that your posts or lame or something cause they're not. Sorry to miscommunicate if anyone might have taken it that way.


Now about whay the muff-meister has as a trailing line? blush.gif

A womans place is on the face..... Whew, I like that too, not that anyone gives a rats ass about me or what I think.


And muff-meister, I looked and didn't see any posts on the new TRANGO cams. Saw RBWs Omega Pacific cams talked about 3 times, they are different companies: Trango and Omega-Pacific - you probably didn't know that though. Thats OK, don't feel inferior. You just had another chance to learn something new, think of it as a learning experience.



You're welcome.

Dru: my post was actually supposed to say "I like your posts". Not that your posts or lame or something cause they're not. Sorry to miscommunicate if anyone might have taken it that way.


Now about whay the muff-meister has as a trailing line? blush.gif

A womans place is on the face..... Whew, I like that too, not that anyone gives a rats ass about me or what I think.


And muff-meister, I looked and didn't see any posts on the new TRANGO cams. Saw RBWs Omega Pacific cams talked about 3 times, they are different companies: Trango and Omega-Pacific - you probably didn't know that though. Thats OK, don't feel inferior. You just had another chance to learn something new, think of it as a learning experience.



You're welcome.

actualy I just glanced at you post didn't click the link figured it was about the same thing. my mistake

oh and thanks for rubbing my nose in the fact that I don't know everything. You are right. I don't know everything. I do know that omaega and trango are diffrent comapanies. but I could give a shit realy because If I had the money to buy gear I would most likey purchace other brands metolius, black diamond, custom calorado hard wear are on my wish list. thanks for the little gear lesson wink.gif

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