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Bishop Bouldering Slideshow Feb. 24th at WWU


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I'm putting on my bouldering slideshow about Bishop, CA as an WWU outdoor center event. It'd mean a lot to me if some you guys from bham came out and supported me. The show is free, 27mins long, entire program will probably be 45mins to an hour I'm guessing. Don't know what room on campus it will be in yet but I will post it here.







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Rudies pizza!! pizza, beer, babes. Plus you can go to the Up & Up after for 2 dollar pichers. And if the ID checker is there, i think he is a climber (at least he wears prana all the time) so he would probably let the JR's slide if they wore the like. Or you could jump the fence if that dosent work.

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YO! Any Seattlites interested in carpooling up to the B-ham should send me a pm. I ain't drivin' up unless I get a couple people together. If any of you are free during the day on Tuesday, maybe we could go to Mt. Erie and then hit the slide show (weather permitting of course).

I've never been there.



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JayB and I will be there. Can you provide some directions to "Viking Union"?


Any other Seattlites that wish to come along, we are planning to meet at the north side of the 65th street park&ride (under I-5) at 5pm. Look for the faded sheep fucker grafitti on the back of a green subaru station wagon.

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WWU Campus map


The Viking Union is building number 8 on the map.


Follow the directions to campus on the map. You will be able to find parking in 16C, and can walk across campus to the VU or try and find parking off campus on the north side by the VU. If you enter the VU up by the bookstore and Viking Commons, you will see stairs over on your right. Walk down the stairs one flight and 552 will be right in front of you. If you enter the VU from the north side down on garden street, walk up the stairs to the 5th floor, and there will be signs to 552. It is right next to the little post office and round tables with chairs, easy to find.


If any of you have trouble finding anything, please call me and I will do the best I can to help.


Hannah, I called you back but your house has chronic never answer the phone disease! Can't wait to see ya.





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I was gonna be there for ya homie but the multiple bus accident on northbound I-5 this afternoon put the mighty kibosh on Alpinfox and I's attempt to escape from Seattle. We had to pull the plug at 145th at 6:15. Lameness. Anyhow - hope the show went well and I am still down for the last weekend of March/First weekend of April Smithfest.

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yeah I heard about that, the show did go well.


Thanks to thad, wirly, girlclimber, buckwheat and everybody else who showed up. Probably around 50 people in a 75 person room, so it felt good.


I'm going to seattle this weekend, and if some people are interested I can bring my computer and you can see the slide show on that, better than not seeing it. Let me know if interested thumbs_up.gif

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