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minx - I doubt the book I'm reading is on that fat whale's list.


what are you reading? "how to repress Dr Phil and Dr. Atkins in 10 easy steps?"


"Every Knee Shall Bow", the true account of Randy Weaver and the government funded murders at Ruby Ridge.


That book snould feed your right wing paranoia. cheeburga_ron.gifcheeburga_ron.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gif


Why do you have to call names, Dave? Can't we all just peacefully coexist in society as fellow citizens with differing viewpoints? What's with the labels, man? That's so divisive.

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minx - I doubt the book I'm reading is on that fat whale's list.


what are you reading? "how to repress Dr Phil and Dr. Atkins in 10 easy steps?"


"Every Knee Shall Bow", the true account of Randy Weaver and the government funded murders at Ruby Ridge.


That book snould feed your right wing paranoia. cheeburga_ron.gifcheeburga_ron.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gif


i think it's been fed, appetite fully satisfied, this book is just a little dessert wave.gif

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minx - I doubt the book I'm reading is on that fat whale's list.


what are you reading? "how to repress Dr Phil and Dr. Atkins in 10 easy steps?"


"Every Knee Shall Bow", the true account of Randy Weaver and the government funded murders at Ruby Ridge.


That book snould feed your right wing paranoia. cheeburga_ron.gifcheeburga_ron.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gif


i think it's been fed, appetite fully satisfied, this book is just a little dessert wave.gif


Yeah. By the way, anyone wanna come over and help build a sandbag bunker in front of my house this weekend? wazzup.gif It'll be fun.

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I thought you had to wash delicates (like gw's panties) w/ something like woolite?


My wife always flips when i use that stuff on my rope...


i don't know. i've carefully avoided any discussion of "delicates" with greg (i'm afraid he'll want to borrow mine)


hmmm...i thought ropes were supposed to be washed on cold w/o detergent. no wonder your wife gets mad! i've seen your rope...it could use some dirt to tone it down!

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woolite doesn't hurt 'em...they are nylon, right????


I just make sure that i've run a few rounds of nothing in the washing machine to get rid of any bleach or other sketchy stuff before i put it in there...


HA! That rope is visible from a mile away!!! shocked.gif

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you gonna put laundry machines in that there bunker, son??


he's already ordered a lifetime supply of all temperature Cheer and some Snuggle fabric softener.


We've run electrical and plumbing out to handle our laundry needs, but I don' use fabric softeners; the chemicals react with my skin poorly. Scoff now, but you'll all wish you were here when the Destroyer comes!!!!!

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you gonna put laundry machines in that there bunker, son??


he's already ordered a lifetime supply of all temperature Cheer and some Snuggle fabric softener.


We've run electrical and plumbing out to handle our laundry needs, but I don' use fabric softeners; the chemicals react with my skin poorly. Scoff now, but you'll all wish you were here when the Destroyer comes!!!!!


"reacts w/ your skin poorly"


Oh...so that's how you've been esplainin' your nasty little rash to the young ladies!!!! hahahahaha the_finger.gif

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