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I need to change my ISP because I'm sick of not being able to get a connection faster than 45kbps.


I can't afford to pay for DSL or cable modem service, so I'm thinking of trying that NetZero hi-speed service or buying a wireless modem and taking advantage of the few free access places in the neighborhood. If it is slow at least I won't be paying $24.99/moth for it. rolleyes.gif


Anybody have any experience with either?

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Try using OPERA if you are stuck with a dial up. It has a lot of features that can make your connection seem faster, like selecting wehter or not to load images.


Read about it here.


Sometimes the telcos have good sign up deals, I dunno about in the US though. We are getting DSL for $16.95 CDN/mo right now. cool.gif

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The benefit of high bandwith is that you can drop Qwest, the crooked fuckers. We're just now switching over to Vonage.com, which is $14.95/month for 500 minutes anywhere in US or CA. We're saving money on phone and ld and paying more for cable access. Comes out about even in the wash.

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Decided to go for a one month trial with netzero high-speed. $15.95 and it IS WAAAAY faster than my Earthlink connection. Bye bye EL you Suck!!!


It honestly seems as fast as the DSL connection at my parents house that got me to thinking about how SLLLOOOOOW my surfing was.



p.s. if any other dialups users switch over to NZ based on my endorsement, send me a pm and I'll give you my id for the referral. I could use the $20. Starving student and all. yellaf.gif

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lummox quoth: i am switching to an isp other than comcast this month. all this weird wire and connector shit is confusing me. but it is worth it to not bleed from my ass from the pounding concast was giving me with the higher rate bullshit.


In The 'Ham it's $50/month for DSL and I have basic cable included. It sux cuz CONCast is the only provider.

DSL rockband.gif

Edited by MisterE
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Timm@y - what's netstumbler?


netstumbler is a handy little free application that helps find wireless networks. most neighborhoods in the seattle area i'm guessing (like my parents) will have a variety of wireless networks tapped into cable or dsl lines, and might be open, eg anyone can connect to them.


i forgot the name of the project, but there was a grassroots movement up there to have a public wifi network in the greater metro area providing free high speed for the masses... maybe someone here might have a link.

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i just switched to msn broadband. after fuking around a lot today with unsuccessful attempts to install the fuking software i just gave up. instead i just unplugged the fucking comcast cable thingy from the ethernet outlet and plugged in the msn one. wtf? it works now.

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Don't expect any other ISP to be much faster w/o DSL or cable. The condition of your line makes a big difference and all ISPs will share it. NetZero High speed may make it appear a little faster, but I think using Opera or Mozilla and setting some of the popup blockers and futzing around to skip adds will make a difference. I use IE BTW. In any event do youself a favor and get DSL. YOu will use it and the extra $10-15 a months will save you many hours of frustration. If the speed limit on the freeway was 15mph would you spend an extra $10 a month to drive at 60? I would.

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Has anyone here used satellite for internet access such as Direcway? I live in a remote area (17 miles to Springfield) with crapppy phone lines, no tv cable available, only get 21600 bps thru my power company ISP. I understand you cant play games or upload very well but downloads well with satellite. Thanks for any feedback on that.

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