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More left wing paranoia...


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Fairweather, you seem to live in a complete vacuum devoid of any sort of undestanding of what goes on outside of this country, or, for that matter, your right wing circle. Yes, I made up the 5.8 out of 6 billion figure. You would have to be dumb, however, not to realize that the VAST majority of the people on this globe do NOT like your leader one bit right now. Hell, your leader didn't even get enough votes to be popularly elected in *this* country! hahaha.gif He was protested in every mainstream country just 6 or 8 months ago (and they continue) and opinion polls continue to show 70, 80, 90% of the citizens of many countries opposed to his actions. These aren't fringe countries either, but our former allies.


You allow yourself to get so entirely caught up in the us vs. them mentality that you fail to realize that your views are NOT the views shared by most everybody else. Furthermore the people here that you try to box into the radical left are quite similar in views to what you'll find throughout most other developed countries in the world. It is the views of you and your "patriotic" right wing buddies who are viewed as radical to most others.


I feel sorry that you live such a close-minded, constantly paranoid life.




You've got a few problems here. First, it doesn't matter what other countries think of who we elect; we're electing him, they have no input. Second, if you are an American citizen, George W. Bush is "our" leader. Just because you don't like him, doesn't nullify his existence as the President of the United States of America. Third, you need to re-read the Constitution of the United States and give up the "wasn't popularly elected" gambit. When you do re-read the Constitution, you'll see that there is an Electoral College. Fourth, I'll repeat that foreign nationals protesting someone who isn't their national leader, in their own country, is a non-issue. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if they aren't a citizen of the United States then what weight does that carry? And finally, you claim that "that your [Fairweather's] views are NOT the views shared by most everybody else." Look at how the voting went in 2000; it was pretty split down the middle. Further, last I checked (that was a few weeks ago) Bush had a better than 60% approval rating; so, a good number of people DO support our "conservative" leader.


I see what you're trying to say, but I think your basis of thought is a little misguided and based much more on opinion, ideal, and popular liberal rhetoric than actual fact.


Best of luck to you in this Holiday Season.



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Hunger and Homelessness Increase in U.S.

(AP) - Hunger and homelessness increased in many of America's largest cities this year, with growing demand for emergency food supplies for families with children, the elderly and even people with jobs, a survey by U.S. mayors finds. The report by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, released Thursday, found that requests for emergency food assistance rose 17 percent overall from last year in the survey of 25 large cities. Requests for emergency shelter assistance increased by 13 percent, the report showed.


yeah...paranoia...that's it. b/c things are getting so much better under this administration rolleyes.gif

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"Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if they aren't a citizen of the United States then what weight does that carry?"



Greg, by your argument, we would have no right to go in and take out someone like Saddam preemptively...ie, he is the leader of that country and our opinion shouldn't matter...and the reason we went in there is rapidly evolving into "we had to get rid of this lunatic who was massacreing (sp?) his own people" cuz no weapons are turning up...so our good buddy bush is blowing your point out of the water... yellaf.gif

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"Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if they aren't a citizen of the United States then what weight does that carry?"



Greg, by your argument, we would have no right to go in and take out someone like Saddam preemptively...ie, he is the leader of that country and our opinion shouldn't matter...and the reason we went in there is rapidly evolving into "we had to get rid of this lunatic who was massacreing (sp?) his own people" cuz no weapons are turning up...so our good buddy bush is blowing your point out of the water... yellaf.gif


Rudy, as always, it's like duelling with a midget in 5' of water when you try and argue with me. I was responding to JoshK's assertion regarding the citizens of those countries and their opinions. I think most will agree that private opinions and the geopolitical positions of governments are two slightly different cans of worms.


It's better you stick to what you know: climbing really hard, sick shit and making it look easy. Leave the thinking to people who know how. 'MMkay?



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"Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if they aren't a citizen of the United States then what weight does that carry?"



Greg, by your argument, we would have no right to go in and take out someone like Saddam preemptively...ie, he is the leader of that country and our opinion shouldn't matter...and the reason we went in there is rapidly evolving into "we had to get rid of this lunatic who was massacreing (sp?) his own people" cuz no weapons are turning up...so our good buddy bush is blowing your point out of the water... yellaf.gif


Rudy, as always, it's like duelling with a midget in 5' of water when you try and argue with me. I was responding to JoshK's assertion regarding the citizens of those countries and their opinions. I think most will agree that private opinions and the geopolitical positions of governments are two slightly different cans of worms.


It's better you stick to what you know: climbing really hard, sick shit and making it look easy. Leave the thinking to people who know how. 'MMkay?



Nice rejoinder...good to see that you aren't letting the facts confuse you!!! HAHAHAHA But you were talking about both personal opinions and governments as referenced by this quote "First, it doesn't matter what other countries think of who we elect"


My point really was that this is a global community that we live in and we SHOULD be concerned w/ our international image...you want those markets to sell to? you want NATO support? you want EU dollars to help rebuild global disasters?


Or would you rather stick your head in the sand and ignore the world???????


We all live on this planet...AND I CAN'T WAIT TILL THAT IDIOT IS OUT OF OFFICE madgo_ron.gif

Edited by RuMR
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...you need to re-read the Constitution of the United States and give up the "wasn't popularly elected" gambit. -Roark


Chew on this Roark (from gregpalast.com):


What really happened in Florida?


Five months before the election, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris ordered the removal of 57,700 names from Florida’s voter rolls on grounds that they were felons. Voter rolls contain the names of all eligible, registered voters. If you’re not on the list, you don’t get to vote.


My office carefully went through the scrub list and discovered that at a minimum, 90.2 percent of the people were completely innocent of any crime – except for being African American. We didn’t have to guess about that, because next to each voter’s name was their race.


When I questioned Harris’ office about the high percentage of African Americans on the scrub list, they responded, “Well, you know how many black people commit crimes.”


But these people weren’t felons, so why were they scrubbed?


The Florida Republicans wanted to block African Americans, who largely vote as Democrats, from voting. In 1999 they fired the company they were paying $5,700 to compile their felony “scrub” lists and replaced them with Database Technologies [DBT], who they paid $2.3 million to do the same job. [DBT is the Florida division of Choicepoint, a massive database company that does extensive work for the FBI.]


There are a lot of Joe Smiths in the Florida phonebook. DBT was hired to verify which Joe Smith was a felon and which was not. They were supposed to use their extensive databases to check credit cards, bank information, addresses and phone numbers, in addition to names, ages, and social security numbers. But they didn’t. They didn’t use one of their 1,200 databases to verify personal information, nor did they make a single phone call to verify the identity of scrubbed names.


So where did DBT get their data?


From the Internet. They went to 11 other states’ Internet sites and took names off dirt-cheap. They scrubbed Florida voters whose names were similar to out-of-state felons. An Illinois felon named John Michaels could knock off Florida voter John, Johnny, Jonathan or Jon R. Michaels, or even J.R. Michaelson. DBT matched for race and gender, but names only had to be similar to a certain degree. Names could be reversed, and suffixes (Jr., Sr.) were ignored, but aliases were included. So the felon John “Buddy” Michaels could knock non-felon Michael Johns or Bud Johnson Jr. off the voter rolls. This happened again and again.


Although DBT didn’t get names, birthdays or social security numbers right, they were very careful to match for race. A black felon named Mr. Green would only knock off a black Mr. Green, but not a single white Mr. Green. That’s how DBT earned its $2.3 million.


Why didn’t DBT use their own databases?


They didn’t, because the state told them not to. Choicepoint vice-president James Lee was grilled by a Congressional committee, headed by Cynthia McKinney, and he admitted everything, but said DBT was following state directives. Florida state officials told DBT to knock off voters by incorrectly matching them with felons.


Congresswoman McKinney led this commission to her own peril. Choicepoint is in her Atlanta district. She was destroyed in the last election by fabricated quotes and a vicious propaganda campaign.


Is this the only way votes were stolen?


No. There were 8,000 Floridians who had committed misdemeanors, but were counted as felons. Their votes were scrubbed. Katherine Harris’ office illegally scrubbed people who’d served time in other states, then moved to Florida, and Jeb Bush’s office illegally barred these people from registering to vote at all.

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The economy is improving, despite the Democrats attempts to hide it. You're full of shit.


by what measure?


Percentage of "major purchase" sales are up. My investment banker friend is seeing a lot more movement. Indicators like that. Fewer unemployment claims. You know, the standard stuff.

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The economy is improving, despite the Democrats attempts to hide it. You're full of shit.


by what measure?


Percentage of "major purchase" sales are up. My investment banker friend is seeing a lot more movement. Indicators like that. Fewer unemployment claims. You know, the standard stuff.


yeah and this would explain the increase in hunger and homelessness? perhaps unemployment claims are down b/c people have been unemployed long enough to use up all their benefits? is disposable income going up? are people going into greater debt to make these major purchases?

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The economy is improving, despite the Democrats attempts to hide it. You're full of shit.


by what measure?


Percentage of "major purchase" sales are up. My investment banker friend is seeing a lot more movement. Indicators like that. Fewer unemployment claims. You know, the standard stuff.


yeah and this would explain the increase in hunger and homelessness? perhaps unemployment claims are down b/c people have been unemployed long enough to use up all their benefits? is disposable income going up? are people going into greater debt to make these major purchases?


QUIT MUDDYING THE WATERS W/ FACTS! madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif

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Don't think any charges have been or will be brought...Jeb's still the Guv ya know. My best friend from college was one of Cynthia McKinney's chiefs of staff during all this. I will say that there was more to Cynthia's defeat than the propaganda that the right put out after she led the commission. McKinney had voiced some very strange opinions that her district definitely was not down with prior to her defeat.

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