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A new career awaits Democratic presidential candidates: Offering advice to hunters.


Tuesday, Vermont Gov. Howard Dean explained his support for extending the assault weapons ban next year because “deer hunters don't need to have assault weapons.” Gen. Wesley Clark says: “I like to hunt. I have grown up with guns all my life, but people who like assault weapons should join the United States Army, we have them.” Sen. John Kerry offered, “I never contemplated hunting deer or anything else with an AK-47.”


Bwahahaha fruit.gif


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Oh shit, Trask. I guess you wanted some opposition. Well, John Allen Muhammad, DC sniper, couldn't have killed his victims without his rifle.


Er, wait a minute, the laws currently in place weren't enforced such as those regarding background check or proper documentation of sale?


Philosophical question: I wonder if DOJ considers all service veterans who have firearms as potential terrorists? Not trying to sully their reputation but most are trained to fight. McVeigh probably couldn't have pulled off his deed without his Army buddy contacts, or operational mindset, etc. though I suppose the Turner Diaries heavily influenced his view of reality.


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Ok Trask. For the record: I'm an independent.


Killed my first deer at age 12 with a Winchester 30-30 lever action. Second at 13 with a Remington Mod 600 .243 bolt action, 3rd-9th age 14-15 with Browning semi-auto .270 and Ruger Mod 70 .243, 10th age 16 with Smith & Wesson 7mm mag bolt action, 11th age 17 with S&W .41 mag pistol.


What's the point? I didn't need anything resembling an "assault" weapon, in fact I think I could get off shots faster with the 30-30 lever than the .270 semi because of less recoil. Should they be banned? I don't think it will matter.Kennedy was waxed with a bolt action. Bolt actions are inherently more accurate, etc. And look at how many homicides are committed with small caliber pistols. It's a violent culture, and banning assualt weapons is like treating the symptoms rather than the cause.



I find it amusing that Kerry would comment because he seems like the one least likely for your typical american hunter to identify with. He won't last long when the race really gets going. Gephardt's got labor behind him, but he won't last either.


I would love to see Dean debate W though, I'd wager he can run mental circles around W. But then again, so could you or I.

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willstrickland said:


I would love to see Dean debate W though, I'd wager he can run mental circles around W. But then again, so could you or I.


That's what they said about Al Gore too. But I guess he must have come across as an arrogant liberal. blush.gifthe_finger.gif


Being regularly underestimated by liberal elites is one of Bush's greatest assets. And besides, I think Dean would likely pop an artery upstairs if any tough questions were put forth during a heated debate. I guess the guy has a pretty short fuse.

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The assault weapons ban; the most ignorant piece of legislation ever. I fellow student at the University of Colorado submitted a wonderful augmentative paper on the assault weapons ban. His premise was wonderful. We started the argument by stating his goal was to be the most efficient killer around and then went on to describe his perfect weapon. I have to admit knowing something about guns he made a good case. The weapon wasn’t banned either.

Ends up you don’t need a lethal weapon to kill lots of people, you just need a lethal mind. I wonder how many bullet holes were in the women Ridgeway killed? Wow none? How could that be I thought guns killed people????

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RuMR said:

Nobody needs a freakin' assault rifle...

nobody needs your whiny candy ass puke neither. you tryin to take away my constitutional rights? you ever read the second amendment?


'A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'


it dont say 'cept for assault rifles' now does it? madgo_ron.gif

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willstrickland said:

Ok Trask. For the record: I'm an independent.


Killed my first deer at age 12 with a Winchester 30-30 lever action. Second at 13 with a Remington Mod 600 .243 bolt action, 3rd-9th age 14-15 with Browning semi-auto .270 and Ruger Mod 70 .243, 10th age 16 with Smith & Wesson 7mm mag bolt action, 11th age 17 with S&W .41 mag pistol.


S&W .41 mag pistol. Impressive. Takes a steady hand. I'm assuming you didn't stalk or sweep an area, probably a tree stand. A friend of mine had a farm and he placed a salt block under his tree stand. Made it easy to get that year's deer.



Looks like you tagged seven deer between the ages of 14-15. Equally impressive. Where I grew up, you were allowed one deer tag per season if I remember right. Most hunters would have their wives buy an extra deer tag though.


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Fairweather said:

That's what they said about Al Gore too. But I guess he must have come across as an arrogant liberal. blush.gifthe_finger.gif


Being regularly underestimated by liberal elites is one of Bush's greatest assets. And besides, I think Dean would likely pop an artery upstairs if any tough questions were put forth during a heated debate. I guess the guy has a pretty short fuse.


Let's see Fairweather, should I debunk your bs...it's too easy man, but hell, why not:


Point 1. Let's not forget, more people voted for Gore. I'd have a hard time not being smug too if I had to debate some dumbshit like Bush. Actually, I'd have a harder time not saying to Jim Lehrer "is this fucking clown for real? this guy is running for PRESIDENT?" confused.gif


Point 2. We know Dean was intelligent enough and industrious enough to make it through medical school, and I don't think Daddy being director of the CIA and a big money alumnus had anything to do with that.


Short fuse? Who's dropping fucking bombs Fairweather? WMD huh? WHERE DEY AT YO? I'm sure some will turn up...as soon as we can fabricate them.


Point 3. Being underestimated is Bush's greatest asset? Are you kidding me? You act as if he schemed it out..."Hmm, if I act like a fucking clueless redneck, the liberals will underestimate the power of clueless redneck voters in the voting populace.


Ummm, well I guess since he doesn't really have any assets, you might as well choose that. Maybe his greatest asset is his lack of command of the english language, or perhaps his total lack of knowledge of foreign policy, both historically and at the time of his "election".


Fairweather, I'd suggest you make a trip to your local opthamologist, you seem to be a bit blind to the issues...of course that could be because your head is so far up your ass, or perhaps you can't see past big daddy Bush's rod while his nuts are on your chin the_finger.gif


FWIW, I'd vote for McCain before Bush, Gore, or Dean. Hell, I'd vote for Ventura before any of those jokers.


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lummox said:

RuMR said:

Nobody needs a freakin' assault rifle...

nobody needs your whiny candy ass puke neither. you tryin to take away my constitutional rights? you ever read the second amendment?


'A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'


it dont say 'cept for assault rifles' now does it? madgo_ron.gif


That's a good point. As an American citizen, I demand my weapons-grade plutonium! Those ducks won't stand a chance!

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badvoodoo said:

lummox said:

RuMR said:

Nobody needs a freakin' assault rifle...

nobody needs your whiny candy ass puke neither. you tryin to take away my constitutional rights? you ever read the second amendment?


'A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'


it dont say 'cept for assault rifles' now does it? madgo_ron.gif


That's a good point. As an American citizen, I demand my weapons-grade plutonium! Those ducks won't stand a chance!

my line of thinking entirely.

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lummox said:

badvoodoo said:

lummox said:

RuMR said:

Nobody needs a freakin' assault rifle...

nobody needs your whiny candy ass puke neither. you tryin to take away my constitutional rights? you ever read the second amendment?


'A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'


it dont say 'cept for assault rifles' now does it? madgo_ron.gif


That's a good point. As an American citizen, I demand my weapons-grade plutonium! Those ducks won't stand a chance!

my line of thinking entirely.


Mmmm hyperbole.

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scrambler said:


S&W .41 mag pistol. Impressive. Takes a steady hand. I'm assuming you didn't stalk or sweep an area, probably a tree stand. A friend of mine had a farm and he placed a salt block under his tree stand. Made it easy to get that year's deer.



Looks like you tagged seven deer between the ages of 14-15. Equally impressive. Where I grew up, you were allowed one deer tag per season if I remember right. Most hunters would have their wives buy an extra deer tag though.


Yep, shot the one with the pistol from a Summit climbing stand. Propped the barrel on the side of the poplar tree as he walked in from behind me. It was a heavy weapon, with 8" barrel, but I think the Mod1911 .45 we had was heavier.


Deer population keeps rising in GA. When I started hunting it was 1 buck, 2 does during firearms season with does on designated doe days only plus two either sex tags for archery/primitive weapons. They began raising it right about then and now it's up to 5 in firearms and another 3 primitive. My stepdad usually only put one or two down a year, so my brother and I used up his extra tags. We probably ate venison 4 days a week. If the processor adds a little beef fat to the ground stuff, it tastes very close to beef. Sunday dinner was crockpot quarter roast for as long as I can remember.


My brother has put 8 in the freezer a few years. But, he also hunts about 3 days a week during the season and takes a 7-9 solid day trip usually once each year(or he did before he had kids anyway).


Venison is really good, especially in the midwest where they're eating corn all the time. Kill a fat doe for the best meat. Avoid shooting bucks during the rut (although this is the easiest time to take a buck, I didn't hunt for trophy, I hunted for food) they're pretty gamey and tough.

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willstrickland said:


FWIW, I'd vote for McCain before Bush, Gore, or Dean. Hell, I'd vote for Ventura before any of those jokers.


Actually, so would I. (Mcain, not Ventura.) But do you really think the level of vitriol eminating from the left would be any less if Mcain were the prez? I don't. Do you really think Mcain would have handled Afghanistan or Iraq any differently? If you took the time to read up on him you would see that he is at least as hawkish as GW. Do you know that he was one of the first to demand ground troops be sent into Kosovo?


BTW, when does the sun come up again in Fairbanks? You sound like you need a little sunshine.

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lummox said:

RuMR said:

Nobody needs a freakin' assault rifle...

nobody needs your whiny candy ass puke neither. you tryin to take away my constitutional rights? you ever read the second amendment?


'A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'


it dont say 'cept for assault rifles' now does it? madgo_ron.gif


Right on, muskets for everyone!

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