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Tori seems OK to me.


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minx said:

ok-simple question for all the deep thinkers. would this be ok if it was some unnamed female action figure climbing doll or whatever it would be called?

there prolly are some.... like I said I would buy my girls (if I had them) this doll. I think on one hand that she is a roll model for little girls... so is britney spears.... So was Maddona for girls of my generation....you can put rock climbing or rock music behind it... it is till the media, agents and the like driving the car. YES she is talented, so is britney so is madonna.


Do you want to know who my kids look up to?? who they admire??? Texplorer. If you ask them Tex can do just about anything. When they tell stories Tex always saves the day. They don't realy care about 'super stars' beacuse they have increadible REAL people in theur lives.

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Bug said:

Lambone, I answered your question then moved on. Didn't make that clear. Sorry. Special Ed, maybe if my little girls weren't the best humans to hit the planet this century I wouldn't be so biased. But from a totally different angle, I have to say that anything that promotes an activity increases the voting block that will help ensure the long term survival of the requisite resources.

Muffy, who do you think little girls should look up to?


your girls will admire whom ever they admire... that is not the point. The point is that britney Madonna and Tori are shoved down our throtes by the media.... frankly I think Steph Davis is a far better climber, more beautiful and more interesting... but I am 31 not 7 wink.gif
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Figger_Eight said:

Nope...I don't speak for the whole community - it's just my opinion. If you don't see an issue with the commercialization of climbing in this manner, then you are probably the guy who pulls up to the REI Pinnacle in his H2.


Try again when you have something intelligent to add you tool. rolleyes.gif


OK. Tori Allen's marketing doesn't affect climbing much at all. I mean, I care a little about the public image of climbing, but it's not why I enjoy it, and in any case there's not much difference between Tori's "role model" bit and the serious-ass "incorruptible adventure" routine you're conflating with climbing in general. There were lines on popular routes before TA and there will be after she's largely ignored, because people see positive images of climbing and many of those people give it a try.


But maybe I'm missing something, because hell, I didn't see my own Hummer or the pinnacle, you Outback-driving, integrity-sweating hardman.


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minx said:

Figger_Eight said:

Tori...blah blah blah...Barbie...blah blah blah...Muffy...blah blah blah...Minx...blah blah blah...Bug...blah blah blah...Lambone...blah blah blah


When's beer thirty? bigdrink.gif


it was beer thirty 2 hours ago in my world

WERD thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif
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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

Bug said:

Lambone, I answered your question then moved on. Didn't make that clear. Sorry. Special Ed, maybe if my little girls weren't the best humans to hit the planet this century I wouldn't be so biased. But from a totally different angle, I have to say that anything that promotes an activity increases the voting block that will help ensure the long term survival of the requisite resources.

Muffy, who do you think little girls should look up to?


your girls will admire whom ever they admire... that is not the point. The point is that britney Madonna and Tori are shoved down our throtes by the media.... frankly I think Steph Davis is a far better climber, more beautiful and more interesting... but I am 31 not 7 wink.gif

So is it Tori you are down on or the media? Do you watch TV etc? I am just curious where you are coming from. Do you promote getting rid of media? Cutting kids off from it? Partially? etc.

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Bug said:

Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

Bug said:

Lambone, I answered your question then moved on. Didn't make that clear. Sorry. Special Ed, maybe if my little girls weren't the best humans to hit the planet this century I wouldn't be so biased. But from a totally different angle, I have to say that anything that promotes an activity increases the voting block that will help ensure the long term survival of the requisite resources.

Muffy, who do you think little girls should look up to?


your girls will admire whom ever they admire... that is not the point. The point is that britney Madonna and Tori are shoved down our throtes by the media.... frankly I think Steph Davis is a far better climber, more beautiful and more interesting... but I am 31 not 7 wink.gif

So is it Tori you are down on or the media? Do you watch TV etc? I am just curious where you are coming from. Do you promote getting rid of media? Cutting kids off from it? Partially? etc.

no... I don't watch t.v I don't have one. No I don't promote cutting your children off from anything.... life is all about balence. I never once said there was ANYTHING inhaerntly WRONG with yoiur kids admiring tori. I just think there are better more interesting WOMEN to admire... but again... I am a 31 year old woman... not a kid. your girls will like who they like and do what works for them... my only sugestion would be to balence that with introducing them to admirable people who touch your everyday normal life
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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

Bug said:

Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

Bug said:

Lambone, I answered your question then moved on. Didn't make that clear. Sorry. Special Ed, maybe if my little girls weren't the best humans to hit the planet this century I wouldn't be so biased. But from a totally different angle, I have to say that anything that promotes an activity increases the voting block that will help ensure the long term survival of the requisite resources.

Muffy, who do you think little girls should look up to?


your girls will admire whom ever they admire... that is not the point. The point is that britney Madonna and Tori are shoved down our throtes by the media.... frankly I think Steph Davis is a far better climber, more beautiful and more interesting... but I am 31 not 7 wink.gif

So is it Tori you are down on or the media? Do you watch TV etc? I am just curious where you are coming from. Do you promote getting rid of media? Cutting kids off from it? Partially? etc.

no... I don't watch t.v I don't have one. No I don't promote cutting your children off from anything.... life is all about balence. I never once said there was ANYTHING inhaerntly WRONG with yoiur kids admiring tori. I just think there are better more interesting WOMEN to admire... but again... I am a 31 year old woman... not a kid. your girls will like who they like and do what works for them... my only sugestion would be to balence that with introducing them to admirable people who touch your everyday normal life

OK. What's your address?

Just kidding. Good response.


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Don't think Dean has an agent, homes.


Anyone wanna bet on this one? I could get pretty rich pretty fast. What about Messner, think he didn't have an agent? I'll bet on that one too. Anyone in the public eye today, regardless if you are a musician or a climber, has an agent. You think Dean wants to sit around all day dealing with covers, photos, video shoots, articles, and sponsorship issues? Hell no, he wants to be out climbing. So does Tori. A role model, whether it be someone famous or the molester next door, is still a role model. Whether or not it is a good one for each child is up to that child's parents and no one else. You guys all support the media craze one way or another. You are also all responsible for the direction climbing is going. Climbed at Smith lately? Cause that is what climbing is to 90% of climbers. You all are a minority. Sounds like you all are pissed about that and wish that your style of climbing was more popular. Then you could all feel better about yourselves, because you would then have people look up to you (doubtful). Sounds like the Tori dissenters are really a bunch of narcissitic nerds who have nothing better to do than spend wasted time on this board. Go get some friends! If you can't meet anyone else that enjoys your company and your social conversations revovle around this board, then re-read two sentences prior and maybe that will explain it to you.


Most kids coming up in the world and want to get into climbing aren't thinking about alpine routes and sufferfests. They want to have fun and that is all that matters. Not boosting their egos like everyone on this board wishes to do. Go out, do what you like, climb what you enjoy, for yourself, and quit judging others that you have no idea about who they are, what they are like, or what they represent. If you all would spend half the time climbing that you spend talking shit on this board, you might break into another letter grade level. I praise Tori, not just for her ability, but her perspective, her overall understanding of her situation, and her ability to deal with the media craze that surrounds her. Screw all of you for judging a teenager. Most teens I see around here are uneducated, lazy, disrespectful, unmotivated, and will be a burden to society in a few years when my taxes will have to pay for their food stamps, welfare, etc. Who are their role models? I'd worry more about your own kids then about some teen who is actually doing something positive with her life, unlike the kids out there who are fat, lazy, slobs and a waste to the world. Take a look at your child. Is he/she part of generation "O"? What about you? Are you conveying the lazy, fat attitude that is plaguing the rest of the US? Look at yourselves and your children before you bash on others. If you don't have any, then you have no voice to talk about role models to begin with.


The fact that Tori is so intelligent, can write and get her point across in an eloquent fashion is kudos enough. SHe is more than half most of you all's age and is more intelligent and eloquent than most of you on this Board. She is not even finished with highschool! This website sucks Trask's ballz!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Easy, there, Ryland, don't blow a fuse.


Most teens I see around here are uneducated, lazy, disrespectful, unmotivated, and will be a burden to society in a few years when my taxes will have to pay for their food stamps, welfare, etc. Who are their role models? I'd worry more about your own kids then about some teen who is actually doing something positive with her life, unlike the kids out there who are fat, lazy, slobs and a waste to the world.


That's a bit harsh. Take another look. Most of your lazy, disrespectful teens have their adult counterparts. And some of us actually break your stereotype. Imagine that! thumbs_down.gif

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ryland_moore said:

Don't think Dean has an agent, homes.


Anyone wanna bet on this one? I could get pretty rich pretty fast.


Please include Dean Potter's agent's name in your next post.


Most kids coming up in the world and want to get into climbing aren't thinking about alpine routes and sufferfests.


Good. I won't have to run into the whiney cunts more than absolutley nesscessary.


SHe is more than half most of you all's age and is more intelligent and eloquent than most of you on this Board. She is not even finished with highschool! This website sucks Trask's ballz!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are a great example of the moronism you claim to loathe. Not only are these statements unintelligent and ineloquent, you are also suggesting that most people around here are 7.5 years of age. RANTING DUMBASS

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Necronomicon said:

...you are also suggesting that most people around here are 7.5 years of age. RANTING DUMBASS[/b]


Uhhhh, check your math, Necro. If she's more than half our age, that would put all of us at just under 30. Had ryland said "twice", I would agree with you. Not pokin' fun, but just want to get the #s straight. The new math strikes again!


Why hasn't this thread died a quiet death yet? confused.gif

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sobo said:

Necronomicon said:

...you are also suggesting that most people around here are 7.5 years of age. RANTING DUMBASS[/b]


Uhhhh, check your math, Necro. If she's more than half our age, that would put all of us at just under 30. Had ryland said "twice", I would agree with you. Not pokin' fun, but just want to get the #s straight. The new math strikes again!


Why hasn't this thread died a quiet death yet? confused.gif


My bad...bad math that is.

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That's a bit harsh. Take another look. Most of your lazy, disrespectful teens have their adult counterparts. And some of us actually break your stereotype. Imagine that!
Paul, re-read my statement. It uses the terms "Most teens" not all. I agree that the lazy attitude stems from the parents, and if you re-read my statement, you will see that I blame the parents fore the outcomes of their children as well. ANd no, Paul, I wasn't referring to you. I think you are a fine, upstanding teen!


You are a great example of the moronism you claim to loathe. Not only are these statements unintelligent and ineloquent, you are also suggesting that most people around here are 7.5 years of age. RANTING DUMBASS
Necro, go find some real friends. I see that my post has struck a nerve with you, and I can only assume that my statement above some how turned personal to you and that what I said somehow portrayed reality to you in real life. I am sorry that you do not have friends outside of cc.com and you failed reading comprehension and/or basic math. I can't help that. Go climb, have fun, and why stress or worry what others think og your climbing style or why stress about what you think of others climbing style? You are not them and they have no effect on you or your activities personally. If they do, then you lead a very sad, uninteresting life. rolleyes.gif Oh, and if you want to find out who handles all of Dean Potter's meetings, publicizing, and sponsorship requirements, make all inquires to Wild Things in NH and Five.Ten. They can help you out.
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