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Crack said:

march of the kitchen utensils


and hers in grotto in front of a fresh busload of canadien tourons...


March was an awesome route! When I did it, I looked up and thought it ended much sooner than it did so I was short gear. I ran out the last half of the route.


How about the East Butt on Middle Cathedral with the original (left) last 4 or 5 pitches? WIDE and way at my limit when I did it. There's that bombay "5.8" flare. Anyone else done this route?


The waaaaaaay sandbagged 5.7 Alcoa Presents at Seneca Rocks, WV. This quintessential "Seneca 7" kicked my ass in my early days of climbing.


When you announce around the campfire that you "climbed Alcoa", the first question posed to you is, "Did you step on the pin?" You hang your head and humbly nod in agreement that you did. Many a climber who fancied themselves a 5.8/.9 trad leader has stepped on that aluminum pin from which the route gets its name. Damn near everybody does it on the first try. It's a humbling experience...


That short fist crack at the base of GNS (first pitch of Aries?) kicked my butt the first couple times I did it. I had to pull on gear because my technique was weak cry.gif. There's really just one move you have to commit to -- getting a foot in the crack.

slothrop said:

That short fist crack at the base of GNS (first pitch of Aries?) kicked my butt the first couple times I did it. I had to pull on gear because my technique was weak cry.gif. There's really just one move you have to commit to -- getting a foot in the crack.

Heck, that's not a fist crack, it's a cupped hands crack. No wonder you thought it was hard! tongue.gif

jshamster said:

First pitch Reg. route Fairview Dome.

Slippery! smile.gif


It was wet when I did it a couple years ago. Nice short crux though. How about that cool pitch above when you yard on that chopper flake/block that is gonna kill someone someday.

Norsky said:

jshamster said:

First pitch Reg. route Fairview Dome.

Slippery! smile.gif


How about that cool pitch above when you yard on that chopper flake/block that is gonna kill someone someday.


Word! A thought provoking block for sure.

I miss T-Meadows. Think I'll go next week. grin.gif


you dont need to pull on that block....................

we watched some kids simul past with no gear climb all over the loose flake below the traverse....



erik said:

thunbs down, thumbs down, high step locker hands.


not too bad if you have done it 60327584754275057 times! hahaha.gif


and if those hands are locker for you tongue.gifcantfocus.gif


its tight hands.....green jrs to red camalots...that is a tough size...you just need to know how to do it and trust your jams and move off of them....


sumpin we like to call technique!!!




someday i'll get some technique but prolly not for a while.


until then...the first 2 moves for me are way harder than they look...but so what? it's still a fun crack! cool.gif

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