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Terminal_Gravity said:

Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

ChrisT said:

yes Steve's great...even if he is having somewhat of a navel crisis wink.gif

I MISSED SO MUCH WHEN I PASSED OUT cry.gifcry.gifcry.gifcry.gifcry.gifwink.gif


Muffy, you were the last woman standing Sat. Night. thumbs_up.gifbigdrink.gif

You didn'tr miss anything.


grin.gif I know... but I didn't climb yesterday so I feel like a looser cry.gif I just barely made it home. AWSOME WEEKEND!!!! TOTALY AWSOME bigdrink.giffruit.gifbigdrink.giffruit.gifbigdrink.giffruit.gif


are there more pictures???


WERD TO AK for the fire wood and for the nice people who fed me breakfast 2 mornings in a row grin.gif


The weekend was awesome! It was great to see people I hadn't seen in awhile and to meet some more of the faces behind the computer screen. My arms feel like lead weights today after 3 fun days of cragging.


Thanks to all my top rope heroes who let me climb fun cracks in the lower gorge. You are super plab. fruit.gif


has anyone seen my ass? smithy handed it to me after all that nummy beer friday night and i think i dropped it while i was clipping a bolt cantfocus.gif


super fun time! like ehmmic said, thanks to all you ropeguns who put up ropes on stuff that i climbed grin.gifwave.gif






Thought I'd start up a rope up TR thread so it wouldn't get lost among the original planning thread. Here's how it went down.



I arrived home and frantically checked the mail, thankfully I saw the package from AMAZON.COM, I ran back to the house and opened it up, I knew my salvation was within the box, and yes it truly was.... my own autographed copy of Rope Up For Dummies by Theodore Ruxpin and Beck.


I spent the remainder of the evening scouring the pages that held the life giving beta on how to have a smokin rope up. I realized that I was already way behind schedule and wouldn't be able to get notices in major newspapers about the smith-up, but I reluctantly forged ahead with my planning. Some last minute calls were made, some sausages were bought, and it was time for bed.


FRIDAY 10:00

gapermobile rolls into smiffy in high hopes of finding crag partners. rumor had it that the ropeguns of the .com would be sending sick lines in the gorge, but the gorge makes my pussy hurt, and i couldn't find that little beyotch erika, so i did some SICK bouldering and went around slapping fine arses of prana babes all the while promoting the evenings festivities.


The bend homies G-RAY and Jlag rolled in wit some serious bling bling around 1ish, and after they signed some autographs in the upper picnic area, the local rock stars rolled down park side, and we set out to work on some of our super secret projects.


FRIDAY 19:00

the party rolls over to the blessed grasslands. G-RAY whips the Deschutes IPA outta the subaru, slapeth the tap on top, and magically sprayers started to emerge from the juniper. as if driven by instincts, erik magically appears right as the keg is taped, followed shortly by fire master AlpineK. K gets the fire sparked and then the wimmin start rolling in droves. Muffy, Minx, Carolyn, ChrisT, sheat like 70percent of the wommen sprayers are in the mix, ahhhh jeah, we gotz da bling bling up in the hizzy muhhhh nizzy!


The rest of the evening gets kind of foggy for me, the last thing i remember is fejas rolling in and throwing some jager at me, trouble was brewing on the high desert. The keg of deschutes runs dry!!!! But in swoops rbw1966 with the gifts of the Terminal Gravity God, another IPA and some stout.


Around when erik was doing solo keg stands, my sorry ass drifted over under a juniper tree and passed out. I discovered the next day that this tree was used as the golden shower tree for most of the evening... but thats a normal friday night for me, drunk, assed out and pissed on.


The morning after:




my sorry ass has to wake up and get back to bend. half drunk, half hung over, i stumble to my WFR class. I made it through half the day and then passed out at home while the true hardmen and women were out climbing. GRRRRR, but I'm still happy to know people were out havin fun on the tuft.



Miss Becky and I load up the kids and bring up the grill for an evening of sausage and fine beer. The all-stars of cc.com once again slowly rolled into the camp sites. Stories of good times on the rock are passed around as if they were trasks' mom, bad jokes that were heard the night before were re-told, and as cletus would say, a good time was had by all.



distel on chain, photo by ehmmic


Terminal Gravity rolls in with the family and blessed us with another partial keg that the dirtbag legion dutifully drained in under an hour. Erik then pooled together the resources of the group, and went out on a beer run.... after an hour passes with no sign of erik, we all figure he took the cash and went to STARS, but he eventually came back and the party raged on.



Texplorer Tending the grill, Off White and others await some HC


Saturday was melow, but plab, it was great to chat and see some old friends, meet some new ones, and well, be plab



Bunch o sprayers, winter, erik, uncletricky, whirlwind, distel32, muffy, michael layton.... notice eriks nice clean shorts


The MRS and I got a bit tired and cruised home cuz she didn't want me sleeping in a puddle of piss again.


SUNDAY 12:00

Becky and I had a leisurly morning, and then rolled out to the smiffy pumpkin patch and met up with Jlag once again for some final tuff-fest craggin. It was damned hot but in the late afternoon, the crowds left, and the shadows grew long over that magical place called Smith Rock:



becky on revelations



some closing notes and thank yous

So now that my poor attempt at a funny TR is coming to a close I wanted to tell eveyone thanks for coming down, I had a great time, and was glad the gathering was a hit. I would especially like to thank the following people who really helped make this thing happen:


G-RAY For the kind donation of the Deschutes IPA keg, and for belaying my sorry ass up easy routes


Terminal Gravity For his more than generous donations of his fine brew, and for being an all around great guy


CC.COM Donors Donations from various folks on the site paid for Saturday nights BBQ food, and some other goodies for the trip, not to mention these folks help keep the site up!


Becky For helping out with the food on saturday and hanging out with all of my freaky internet friends.


Thanks again for all who came down, it was a blast, and plan on it becoming an annual event.





NAH iain was there...he stole like 3 grams outta my pouch!!


and we climbed with dfa on friday and saturday down in the lower gorge. he says his hiatus from cc.com recently was due to an extended trip to indian creek and learn and excel at sending gear routes! and boi was dfa making the lower gorge look like his personal play ground! allez! allez!




I was there later saturday night enduring the counting crows with the rest of you. Erik can vouch since I got hit by collateral damage when people threw beer cans at him. hahaha.gif


werd to the wise - maybe hop into some goretex or somethin before sleeping under junipers at grasslands


also do not sleep near random dirt roads unless you like waking at 4:00am to a convoy of trucks and big game trailer.


I would like to say thank you to everyone for making this such a plab event. I would especially like to thank the host and hostess, Tim and Becky for putting the word out and making it all happen and their gracious hospitality as usual. TG, I'd like to thank you for the most excellent beers even though my climbing partners wish they had never heard of Terminal Gravity Stout. I met a lot of folks from the site and the weather was perfect for climbing all three days that my son and I were there. Sounds like everybody made it home safe and that's the perfect topper to a great weekend. Looking forward to climbing with some of you in the near future. thumbs_up.gif


Thanks to Timm@y and Becky for hostin' the plabin'!

Thanks to Steve and Jlag and UncleTricky for bigdrink.gif !

Thanks to AlpineK for wood.

Thanks to everyone else who contributed time, energy, and finances.

Thanks to all you PLABBERS for being so PLAB.


I had a great time ropegunning for a bunch of fab plab folks. It was great to put some faces with some names.


I even SENT that big juniper tree by the fire! (IV, BW2, contact me for topo)


Where is the PLAB?!??



Plab Folks:



More Plab Folks:




Can you feel the love?



Sleeping in the dirt is fun. Here is my wake-up view:


gapertimmy said:




Thought I'd start up a rope up TR thread so it wouldn't get lost among the original planning thread. Here's how it went down.



I arrived home and frantically checked the mail, thankfully I saw the package from AMAZON.COM, I ran back to the house and opened it up, I knew my salvation was within the box, and yes it truly was.... my own autographed copy of Rope Up For Dummies by Theodore Ruxpin and Beck.


I spent the remainder of the evening scouring the pages that held the life giving beta on how to have a smokin rope up. I realized that I was already way behind schedule and wouldn't be able to get notices in major newspapers about the smith-up, but I reluctantly forged ahead with my planning. Some last minute calls were made, some sausages were bought, and it was time for bed.


FRIDAY 10:00

gapermobile rolls into smiffy in high hopes of finding crag partners. rumor had it that the ropeguns of the .com would be sending sick lines in the gorge, but the gorge makes my pussy hurt, and i couldn't find that little beyotch erika, so i did some SICK bouldering and went around slapping fine arses of prana babes all the while promoting the evenings festivities.


The bend homies G-RAY and Jlag rolled in wit some serious bling bling around 1ish, and after they signed some autographs in the upper picnic area, the local rock stars rolled down park side, and we set out to work on some of our super secret projects.


FRIDAY 19:00

the party rolls over to the blessed grasslands. G-RAY whips the Deschutes IPA outta the subaru, slapeth the tap on top, and magically sprayers started to emerge from the juniper. as if driven by instincts, erik magically appears right as the keg is taped, followed shortly by fire master AlpineK. K gets the fire sparked and then the wimmin start rolling in droves. Muffy, Minx, Carolyn, ChrisT, sheat like 70percent of the wommen sprayers are in the mix, ahhhh jeah, we gotz da bling bling up in the hizzy muhhhh nizzy!


The rest of the evening gets kind of foggy for me, the last thing i remember is fejas rolling in and throwing some jager at me, trouble was brewing on the high desert. The keg of deschutes runs dry!!!! But in swoops rbw1966 with the gifts of the Terminal Gravity God, another IPA and some stout.


Around when erik was doing solo keg stands, my sorry ass drifted over under a juniper tree and passed out. I discovered the next day that this tree was used as the golden shower tree for most of the evening... but thats a normal friday night for me, drunk, assed out and pissed on.


The morning after:





Well Erik wasn't solo in his keg stands... Michael_Layton and I hepled a bit...







I had a great time, so did wife and daughter. Thanks to all for giving them such warm welcomes. Special thanks to host & hostessest, Timm & Becky and to RBW for catching my stupid leader fall.


It was great to be able to attach some real people to all the avatars and to hook up with the ones I already know. I only wish I had been there longer and had brought A LOT more beer.



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