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Full Moon Rope Up


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Dru said:

what i was gonna say is that i have a hard problem that any climber chicas are welcome to work from the kneeling or lie-down start smileysex5.gif

You have a problem with that? confused.gif

I prefer standing to start. Must be strong though. grin.gif

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kitten said:

Dru said:

what i was gonna say is that i have a hard problem that any climber chicas are welcome to work from the kneeling or lie-down start smileysex5.gif

You have a problem with that? confused.gif

I prefer standing to start. Must be strong though. grin.gif


walls are aid fruit.gif

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Also, I like the fact that there are no fees for this event. However, if fees ever do come into play, I say we vow right this minute that all proceeds go to CC.com to run the website and none goes to AAC or Access Fund. My dues already go to these organizations. People can sign up at Rope up if they want to, but the benefits should go to Jon and Co. thumbs_up.gif

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ryland_moore said:

Also, I like the fact that there are no fees for this event. However, if fees ever do come into play, I say we vow right this minute that all proceeds go to CC.com to run the website and none goes to AAC or Access Fund. My dues already go to these organizations. People can sign up at Rope up if they want to, but the benefits should go to Jon and Co. thumbs_up.gif

thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifcheers to Jon & co. bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif

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I would never support anything that would be a paying event, and I doubt that's what Beck is trying to do here. Seriously I think this is GETTING really blown out of proportion though.


I've been talking with Beck about this for a couple months now. We have lined up some cool things, like for people who are coming who don't rock climb I think that Cascade Crags will have free rentals or at the very least a special for these people. I think they are also going to be giving some instruction to people as well, not like they are going to set up a top rope on every climb in the Icicle or something. From what I've heard there has been some serious stuff donated for this gear raffle which will support the Access Fund. You can say that you support the AF with your membership but every penny help and they do more out here then people realize.


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We have lined up some cool things, like for people who are coming who don't rock climb


You mean there are going to be people there who don't climb? I assumed that Rope Up meant a climber's rope-up, not a party for the masses from Wenatchee to come and crash when they get tired of trying to not get busted for cruising violations.

So, just for clarification, this is NOT a CC.com event and is now a benefit for Access Fund, AAC, and any other sponsor who is being asked to participate? I think this needs to be clarified. If this is a mass benefit where we can expect a few hundred climbers and another 100+ non-climbers, that is much different than a rope-up gathering that cc.comers have participated in over the last few years in the Spring and Fall. I have no problem with this type of event, and will gladly support AAC and Access Fund, but if it is not for cc.comers specifically, one, I don't think it should be called the Rope up, and tweo, I think we should have just a cc.comers only "rope-up" on another weekend. Back to TG kegs, throwing puppies, and watching Erik solo 5.10 offwidths in the dark!

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lummox said:

fer planning a cool climber type party you fuckers are as subtle as a ripper fart in church. fuckin dumasses gonna fersure attract the attention of law enforcement types. pitty.gifmoon.gifwazzup.gif


this is a distractor party for the reall kegger up the icicle a bit... all the AAC types chillin down there while we are poundin em up the road... thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif

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Well, its sounding like a way more formal event than last year, but I've always been able to take responsibility for my own good time, and October is great in the Icicle. I'll take the beer and raffle, others can have the clinics and top ropes. Maybe Rope-Up Honcho should be a changing position, like Beanmaster at the Beanfest in Arizona. Beck could name the next one at this event and they could put their own stamp on it for next year. For now, while this isn't the event I'd organize, I didn't organize it, so I'll just go and check it out. Hope it doesn't turn out like the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968. hellno3d.gif

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ryland_moore said:

We have lined up some cool things, like for people who are coming who don't rock climb


You mean there are going to be people there who don't climb? I assumed that Rope Up meant a climber's rope-up, not a party for the masses from Wenatchee to come and crash when they get tired of trying to not get busted for cruising violations.

So, just for clarification, this is NOT a CC.com event and is now a benefit for Access Fund, AAC, and any other sponsor who is being asked to participate? I think this needs to be clarified. If this is a mass benefit where we can expect a few hundred climbers and another 100+ non-climbers, that is much different than a rope-up gathering that cc.comers have participated in over the last few years in the Spring and Fall. I have no problem with this type of event, and will gladly support AAC and Access Fund, but if it is not for cc.comers specifically, one, I don't think it should be called the Rope up, and tweo, I think we should have just a cc.comers only "rope-up" on another weekend. Back to TG kegs, throwing puppies, and watching Erik solo 5.10 offwidths in the dark!


I said people who don't ROCK climb. I don't know how many people here don't rock climb, but if they don't and don't have shoes then they have a way for getting them. What if you are a regular poster and want to bring a friend who doesn't climb. Guess what, they will have shoes to climb in!!!! I don't know what the top rope deal is but I think you guys are getting way to worked up over nothing.

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