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evening beverage?


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Damn, I can't believe I am saying this but I almost miss the rain. It's too fuggin hot here too. My eyes are all dry cause I'm sitting with the damn fan blowing right on my face. Maybe I'll have to go hit up the oh thank heaven for 7 eleven as well. luckily (unluckily?) there is one right next door.

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JoshK said:

Damn, I can't believe I am saying this but I almost miss the rain. It's too fuggin hot here too. My eyes are all dry cause I'm sitting with the damn fan blowing right on my face. Maybe I'll have to go hit up the oh thank heaven for 7 eleven as well. luckily (unluckily?) there is one right next door.


I'm missing the rain as well. A nice downpour would certainly cool things off. cantfocus.gif

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snoboy said:

Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

Thats it... go to the sev... you will feel better for it grin.gif

YA, AND don't forget my lucky strikes evils3d.gif


Timmay, go get something cold, your making Muffy edgey with this talk of winter!



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Figger_Eight said:

I went climbing yesterday and it got cold enough during the day I actually had to put a jacket on. That felt soooo good.


Where tha hell were you climbing that required a jacket?! Wherever it is, I wish I was there...

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