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Where were you a year ago? And now?


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Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:
This is Caveman. What is your definition of a big wall? I want to climb one some day. I like the idea of thrashing my way up one.

Hey CC; lets try to convince Will to drag us up the El Cap Nose next summer, I know he wants to do it. That's a big wall. I failed on it once already. Good practice, huh? You and I can be the best support troup that he could ever imagine and while he's leading the aid pitches we can compare gut size. Waddaya say?


I'm fat too; and I just got 28,800 calories worth of GU in the mail.

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Terminal Gravity ]

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A year ago I was spraying on this site under another assumed name. Now I am Spray God and use Caveman as my name.

I climbed a peak somewhere in between. Yeah it was Mt. Si ! What a stud I am. Anyone else ever climb the haystack. Way sketchy! cool.gif" border="0

I managed to climb with a lot of you bums:

MattpCrackErikPantherRafaelchris_wJordanValenteluckyTim_LDrank with DruBroncoDrank with WallsteinCharliedbconlinsaw highclimbSisu Suomidr.jaysean halling009Outdrank JonOutdrank LyleMet RobertMSaw danielpatricksmith multiple timesSaw Peter PubicChopped bolts with WillstricklandRetrosaurusSaw Wotan of Ballard once or twiceMet the infamous BeckGot beta from David Parker but still too scared to use ithiked with mvsdrank with hikerwadrank with dwaynersaw cascadeclimber several timessaw smoker twicemtnrngrdrank with ehmmicI bet there are more too [Wazzup]

I'll be trying to keep sprayin.

[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Cpt.Caveman ]

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Originally posted by My Tummy Hurts:
One year ago I was eating some bad mexican food at a little place in Redmond, OR, on the main road. I'm sure some of you know of such a place. After that, I was plagued by some terrible pains.... ooohhhhhh the agony!

Hey RURP. Is the "Cirque" that Flatus Flour Tower is in the same one where Poop mistook his sleeping bag for the poop tube??? Cirque of the Unwipeables? tongue.gif" border="0

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Originally posted by Terminal Gravity:

Hey CC; lets try to convince Will to drag us up the El Cap Nose next summer, I know he wants to do it. That's a big wall. I failed on it once already. Good practice, huh? You and I can be the best support troup that he could ever imagine and while he's leading the aid pitches we can compare gut size. Waddaya say?

You only failed once, I still haven't finished it after three tries mad.gif" border="0 It's on the list for this coming year, but nowwhere near the top of that list. I still can't fathom climbing that thing in 4 hours.

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This is RURP:Dru says: "Hey RURP. Is the "Cirque" that Flatus Flour Tower is in the same one where Poop mistook his sleeping bag for the poop tube??? Cirque of the Unwipeables?" RURP says: I do not know what you are talking about, so if it is funny, I hope you are laughing. [laf] Equally incomprehensible: "RURP Bigwalling = Sexual Chocolate moondancing?" I will give you a tentative answer of "no" because you sound ridiculous. Maybe if you spent more time working on your Big Wall excellence instead of writing about "poop-tubes" and "moondancing", you'd achieve your goals in life.RURP has spoken.

[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: RURP ]

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a year ago today i was contemplating the fine mess i had gotten myself into.

no moneycheating girl friend(not the same one)ice climblingwhy my parents hated mewhy i quit going to college the 4th timewhy all the drug use

seemed to me that i found the cause of the problem and it lied within the last issue. this one thing had been able to control all aspects of my life and it did so without me eve realizing it. it wasn't until i met a friend of mine who told me the truth that i started to realize that my life was fucked. and the real problem is there was/is no immediate fix to the problem.

i was climbing a lot but with no advancement in abilities or motivation. i lived in a constant haze of weed reality. though i thought really trying to be something or someone i was not would fix me issues. i was sorely wrong. all it did was to propogate the situation and let it feed on itself and grow to an ever more complex issue.

i waded through my despair for the entire winter being held up by two of my best friends: wallstein and jon jorgeson. carrying me along with humor, friendly violence and plenty of climbing and pointless debating. thanks guys!!!

once the spring time came around and i met a new girl and i even tried to leave the shit hole that i called my life. i challenged myself to be responsible and become a provider for her and myself. it led me back to the real world. i placed climbing lower down on the immportance scale and even started to improve faster then i ever have. i met mr good time and this insightful "old" man showed me that balance in ones life is the key. there are many important issues that we need to approach with thought and patenice. thank you mr goodtime!!!

spring carried on to summer and my life improved i had enough money to do what i wanted again, and still take care of everything. i quit my real job again in pursuit of something(still dont know).

started hang out with crazy jamie and learned even more new things, though i saw myself faloing back again. got a different job to help me feel less anxious and pass some idel time away. hated it and continued to climb.

the gf turned into the best learning experience in my life. i got to move away from my comfort zone and learn new things about life that i had originally shunned. i started to be less hard nosed and accept others for whom they are and not what i want them to be. i learned not to be selfish or onesided.

though now as winter appraoches(tommorow right) i no longer have the gf. thank you tricia, but i am better prepared to return to reality with a new sense of excitment. the sad thing is soo many of my friends are now gone, due to the lifestyle that i am now appraoching.

responsibility calls and i want to tackle it the same way i have tried to dominate my and others lives in the past. i want to succed with a high level of achievment and base my self only aginsty myself. the only real competition in life is you vs you and everything else falls into practice.

i would to thank some peeps who have taught me much in my past year either indirectly or directly.

john sharpmike adamsondave parkerbob hockettmy grandmamy brotherray borbonjeremie lyndondr jaybig aaronbrandie morrisonlittle aaronben harperjose pross dunnmaynardmummblesthe dogsbram thriftlynzijoseph girzone

and the people whom i consider life long teachers of me

the schaefer brotherstheir parentsjon jtricia irwinbob hockettrasta jon **edward abbey

thanks for reading my deal, and really it is only a small part of my over deal. you want more feel free to buy me some drinks and i can go on forever!!

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Last year a got a $500 Christmas bonus, 2 weeks off, piad, at the holidays and an all expense paid trip to Steamboat Springs. Welcomed in the New Years sitting in a hot tub at Mt. Bachelor with my girlfriend and good friends.

This year? 10% paycut, no bonus, very little time off and the prospect of a layoff looming large in January.

But the snow is sooo much better...

I guess it all evens out, doesnn't it? [hell no]

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Originally posted by slaphappy:
Hey Freddy!Unbutton your sweater, bend over and grab those tennies. You be taken it in the arse just like the rest of us this year!

* Snow has been damn fine so far, not a bad winter to be unemployed.
[hell no]

Slappy- I'm hoping for the layoff. Don't like the job much anyway. Damn good snow year and a damn good time to be unemployed. I just need to learn how to make my own beer... [big Drink]

Terminal Gravity, any suggestions?

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Originally posted by Dru:
"the sad thing is soo many of my friends are now gone, due to the lifestyle that i am now appraoching."

The lifestyle of being drug free, or of being a climbing bum, or what?


the lifestyle of being a repsected successful memeber of society. and some of my friends are choosing to continue on their path to wherever. though i will never hold that against them. i want to be succesful and continue evolving.

climbing bums are over-rated and that lifestyle is suited for a very few people. the rest of us will just have to be content enjoying climbing recreationally.

long live me!!!!

[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: erik ]

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Originally posted by Terminal Gravity:
Hey Fred, I might be able to fit you into our apprentice program. Experence in drinking, skiing and belaying are pre-requesites.

Well, I used to ski, but then about 15 years ago I fell victim to this passing fad called snowboarding. [laf]

Lots of experience [big Drink]

But I'm no belay bitch [hell no]

But I'll be your neighbor...

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Originally posted by RURP:
This is RURP. Oh my! Aren't we all so impressive! "I went here, and I did this, and look at me."

Oh shut the shit. The thing is, I like hearing about what people are doing and have done. I like hearing about the first time somebody get scared as shit on a slab climb. I remeber what that was like and it brings a smile to my face to be reminded. I like hearing about people headed for SA. I want to go there. It makes me dream. Just clam up, will ya?


Originally posted by RURP:Where was RURP last year at this time? Who cares. But for those who do, it had something to do with a BIG WALL.RURP has spoken.[/QB]

So you're modest and all, but you still have to tell us you were climbing a big wall (somewhere misterious) in the winter. Nobody get excited 'cause RURP's too cool to accept praise.

sorry man, you attitude bugs me.

dave brannon

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oh yeah. all that negative energy just sucked the thoughts out of my brain. now I can remember...

Dang. Is this a pattern, or what!?! Last winter I too was stumbling in the chaos of a broken relationship... but the awesome thing was tat it rocket thrust me out into adventure, making me goat things I never thought I'd be able to do. I never tried! No longer tethered to a girlfriend, I busted a move and got shit done! Now, after a spring and summer of fun and adventure, I find myselfin the numerics lab fussing over stupid math shit that just makes me grumpy! My new home town of Boulder has awesome climbing and skiing opportunities for those that can stomach theboulder scene (it takes a strong stomach, let me tell you!) Winter break is here and it's time to go skiing!Some personal highlights from last year:

-climbing hard with my best friend who had just a year ago been in chemo and rad therapy. Fucking awesome.-Night shift on a fire near chelan. Morning has never been so calm and beutiful.-Hanging out in Cochise stronghold with nowhere to be for three months. While i didn't stay that long, that was the first time I realized "you have no plans for the immediate future" How refreshing! And the stronghold just kicks ass!-climbing with my highschool teacher/climbing partner and talking shit about what has happened in the last six years. I'll always be thankful for his guidance. He's another one of those older guys that kicks ass!

I'm excited to hear from more people about what made their year. Keep it coming!

dave brannon

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