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Climbing and Relationships...


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My wife used to give me all kinds of flack about climbing. I think now she is reconciled to it. Actually she is now taking a real interest in what I do. She is even looking through my climbing books and suggesting some climbs. Just the other day right after I increased my life insurance coverage she said “you know, a winter climb up that Willis Wall on Rainier looks fun.”

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Good one Paul!


My wife's made it clear that she not real pleased with me taking up climbing 5 years into our marriage, but, acknowledges I've always been a pretty avid outdoorsman and would have likely gotten into it eventually. I think if you are someone who just climbs for fun and your SO tells you to quit "or else" you should consider it.


However, if you are lucky enough to find your heart singing when you are high in the mountains, you would be selling out to someone who might be giving you ultimatums the rest of your life. Hopefully, you have been fortunate enough to have married someone who recognizes how rare is is for people to find a "hobby" they love to do so much.


Nice topic greg the_finger.gif She's a real firecracker, eh? Sometimes I think she lives to give my buddies hell. pitty.gif I think she might be attracted to Fred though, she was asking when the next slide show is and talking about what an impressive memory he has for a codger.

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My wife is super supportive, and is willing to make sacrafices so that I can do my thing, just like I do for her.


If your sig. other gives you any flak, you should cut them loose for holding you down and keeping you from being the person you want to be, or stay with them, hang your head and sag your shoulders, and live life as less of a person, IMNSHO.

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boy you people sure make this harder than it needs to be. I would never have chosen to be w/someone based on climbing or not climbing. If the ISO had been climber, i certainly would not expect to climb w/him always or even most of the time. Shared interests are great but so is time w/o the other person. Gives you stories to tell


As for the risk factor and family, having an ISO doesn't stop me. Adults should respect each others avocations and passions. Children are different. i didn't climb much at all when my son was a toddler/preschooler. The risk wasn't worth it. But dang was i cranky! I feel like as he's grown my ability to pursue some of my riskier passions does as well. I feel comfortable that if something happened, he'd be well cared for in the aftermath. There's probably as much chance of me getting killed in a car accident as a climbing accident.

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whats a relationship???





i am soo up in the air about this situation. i always take it as each incident presents itself.


i have had g/f's that climbed with me and ones that revolted against it.


in the end. i still climb.




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Necronomicon said:

Mountains don't have a tendancy to burst into tears, crying about how you think they are fat, if you happen to suggest during dinner that they have eaten a larger than normal serving of food.


good grief! what type of women do you hang out with? rolleyes.gif

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minx said:

Necronomicon said:

Mountains don't have a tendancy to burst into tears, crying about how you think they are fat, if you happen to suggest during dinner that they have eaten a larger than normal serving of food.


good grief! what type of women do you hang out with? rolleyes.gif


Thankfully, not the type mentioned above anymore. Young=Dumb, but now that my hair is getting grey, I have much higher standards when it comes to who I spend my time with (except for ML, he's a bottom dweller).

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anyone who is only miserable because of what you love, needs a diffrent relationship. In life it is important to seek balence. BALENCE does not mean giving up who you are. There is never just ONE ultimatum. once they start they never stop. relationships are a good partnership. An exchange, GIVE AND TAKE. In the end it doesn't realy matter if you climb together or not, it comes down to a matter of respect for your partner and SELF RESPECT.

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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

anyone who is only miserable because of what you love, needs a diffrent relationship. In life it is important to seek balence. BALENCE does not mean giving up who you are. There is never just ONE ultimatum. once they start they never stop. relationships are a good partnership. An exchange, GIVE AND TAKE. In the end it doesn't realy matter if you climb together or not, it comes down to a matter of respect for your partner and SELF RESPECT.



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Skisports said:

Shit, Climbing isn't really that dangerous it just how you play your sport. The more you play the smarter you get... well guess it dosen't work forevery one. granted it is more dangourous then team sports.. but on the other hand I hear freinds breaking ankles distroying knees wrists ect.. and most of us who climb it seems teak tendons now and then but thats about it... and if you take a fall most likey you wont die from it just break something so really is that much diffrent then team sports..... The tools and hikers give this sport a bad rap but thats good in a way less people who climb more room at the crag and in the mountain.




I think that your cavalier attitude towards climbing is totally wrong. Climbing is dangerous. People do get fucked up and killed doing the sport and have more chances of getting seriously hurt than volleyball, baseball or basketball. Climbing is much, much different then large team sports. Frankly, one reason way I enjoy climbing is because it, in most situations, is not a large team sportlacks competition towards another team. Back to the point, to dismiss climbing as the some as any other team sport is sugar coating the truth. For me I think I would explain climbing to a person I was in a relationship with as being dangerous, but I climb with people that have the experience needed to climb in a manner that is safety conscience and self responsible in whatever form of climbing it may be from alpine to sport climbing.

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Hellz yeah, the answer is to pair up with a climber. You've always got a climbing partner, and someone who's willing to belay you for days while you figure out the sequences on your latest proj, and vice versa. You sleep warmer at night, too. Perhaps having a non-climbing partner would be OK, but both of you would need to be willing to compromise. But if you can't meet in the middle as a couple, you're hosed anyway, so you might as well call it quits and find someone more supportive or understanding or what have you.

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Bronco sounded about right to me. It's different if you discover your interest in this sport after you've been married a dozen years and have a couple of small kids. My wife ain't too thrilled about my climbing plans/equipment/anything else, and I can kinda understand it. When the kids are a little older, I have a feeling that she will enjoy it with me.

All you young & single folks, have fun climbing now. I can remember saying with great emphasis "Any girl that doesn't like me going surfing, forget her." I haven't surfed in 20 years...and I'm glad I got my priorities right since then. cool.gif

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RobBob said:

Bronco sounded about right to me. It's different if you discover your interest in this sport after you've been married a dozen years and have a couple of small kids. My wife ain't too thrilled about my climbing plans/equipment/anything else, and I can kinda understand it. When the kids are a little older, I have a feeling that she will enjoy it with me.

All you young & single folks, have fun climbing now. I can remember saying with great emphasis "Any girl that doesn't like me going surfing, forget her." I haven't surfed in 20 years...and I'm glad I got my priorities right since then. cool.gif


Sell out!

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