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Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1/2 c. butter

12 oz semisweet chocolate chips

1/4 oz cannabis indica

1/4 c soy lecithin

1 2/3 c sugar

1 1/4 c all purpose flour

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

3 eggs

1 c chopped nuts (if desired)



Heat oven to 350F. Melt butter in 3pt saucepan. Add finely chopped indica and simmer gently until spicy aroma is evident. (THC is fat soluble) Add chocolate chips stirring constantly, until melted. Beat in remaining ingredients until

smooth; stir in nuts(soy lecithin is a fat emulsifier that speeds the uptake of fats and fat soluble compounds into the digestive system). Spread in greased rectangular pan 13"x9"x2".


Bake until center is set, about 30 minutes; cool completely. Cut into four bars. Eat one bar with 3-6 12 oz beers. Enjoy!!




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Well in the kitchen and for pork, I like to cook pork chops...


4 - pork chops

1 - onion

1 - clove of garlic

1 - table spoon of soy sauce

1 - table spoon of veggie oil

splash - Warchire sauce

1/4 cup - parcily

1 - thin style beer (bud, suparo, labats)

add peper/ salt to taste


dice garlic, add to fry pan with soy and veggy oil/ fry on med-high untill brown


Brown pork on high in garlic mixture


let pan cool and add onion sliced pepper/salt under neith pork


take a large gulp of beer, and add 3/4 of a 12ozer


splash Worchire on top of pork, and sprinkle parsly


cook in pan with lid for 5min. or so... on medm.


remove lid cook at same temp untill beer and onions make a sause


place pork on plate and drul sauce over the top







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I don't get sea sick, it is the strangest thing... For the first six years of my life I was on a fishing boat in Alaska, and spent 85% of that time out on the ocean, even now years later when people are puking off the side, I don't get sick... except when I'm hung over of course, but that is Alcohal induced...

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Dru's Amazing Buffalo Chili


Get a 6 pack of porter, drink one to start. For inspiration.


While working on your porter boil a handful of navy beans and a handful of red beans for 40 minutes to an hour. If you haven't got navy beans use pintos. Let liquid boil and thicken. Don't drain.


In large cast iron pan - 500 grams (~1 lb.) lean ground bison, 1 whole red onion, 4 cloves garlic, med. heat.


When onions are clear and meat is browned add beans and liquid. Simmer. Add the rest of your 2nd beer and open a new one.


Dice 2 large tomatoes and 1-2 green chilis and add. Also a jalapeno, habanero, or cherry bomb if you got it.


Spices: paprika, chili powder, cumin, coriander, salt & pepper to taste but better a bit too much than not enough.


Add a shot of soy sauce, a splash of HP sauce and its good to go. Eat with blue corn chips. Serves 4 hungry climbers.


Aside from the garlic, soy sauce, HP sauce and beer I think every ingredient on this list is native to the New World. Authentic. If you wanna be a purist use oolichan grease instead of soysauce.


I take it back, cumin and black pepper are old world substances too. cantfocus.gif

Edited by Dru
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I make this every year when the rhubarb is ready, and it won't be long.


Rhubarb torte: Killer


3/4 cup butter

1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, divided

1 tablespoon white sugar

6 eggs, separated

1 cup evaporated milk

2 3/4 cups white sugar

8 cups diced rhubarb

1 teaspoon vanilla extract




1 To Make Crust: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and lightly grease a 9x13 inch baking dish. In medium bowl combine butter, 1 1/2 cups flour and 1 tablespoon sugar and blend together with an electric mixer. Press mixture into bottom of baking dish and bake for 15 minutes, until set.

2 To Make Filling: In large mixing bowl combine 6 egg yolks, 4 tablespoons flour, evaporated milk, 2 cups sugar and rhubarb. Stir together and pour over cooled crust. Bake for 1 hour, until set.

3 To Make Meringue: In large mixing bowl, beat 6 egg whites until foamy. Beat in sugar and vanilla until stiff peaks form. Spread meringue over rhubarb and bake 10 to 20 minutes, until golden.



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Cowboy pork chops


oven @ three-fitty

get a frying pan and a baking dish of appropriate size


5 or 6 pork chops (get some nice thick center cut ones)

'bout a cup of rice

'bout a cup of water

healthy-sized yellow onion sliced thick-like

chili powder, s&p

cookin' oil of your choice


on medium-high heat (give or take), brown the pork chops, maybe in a little oil with some s&p


set the browned chops aside, saute the onions


set the onions aside with the p-chops


throw the rice and a bunch of chili powder (a few tbsp or so, better too much than too little) in the pan, add some more s&p, and stir for a bit, 'til the rice soaks up the oil and the pork and onion flava', then dump in the water to deglaze the pan, stir


dump the ricy-mix into the baking pan, and set the chops on top, then put the onions on the chops, toss on some more s&p if you're into it


cover w/aluminum foil, bake (in the oven, stupid) for 20 or 30 minutes, or until chops & rice are cooked




Simple and delish, a DFA favorite since back in the diz-ay, biz-ay!






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