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I saw a comment about me not being on the bbs as much so i thought I would make a post to try to explain. I had a vission (well you don't have to believe me, but I did) and I seem to be going to school. I start in April. So my cc.com slacker days (sigh) are comming to an end. well not totaly, it is only one class one day a week wink.gif but here is to the end of slackerdom bigdrink.gif and to the begining of what ever is next grin.gif

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ChrisT said:

Good for you Muffy! That's a great field to get into. Please just take care of your hands...I hear it can be really hard on your hands...carpal tunnel syndrome, etc. Just like excessive posting on the bbs grin.gif


MAYBE I HAVE BEEN IN TRAINING THIS WHOLE PAST YEAR AND DIDN"I EVEN KNOW IT shocked.gifshocked.gifshocked.gifshocked.gifgrin.gifthumbs_up.gif

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Stefan said:

Why massage therapy? Just curious what leads you in that direction......


Well honestly it is something that has come up alot over the past 10 years or so. I would realy LIKE to be a counsler, but I can't seem to commit to the 6 years of realy acedemic school that would require. Massage therapy seems like a realy posative way for me to help people who want help.


I also have spent a large portion of my life 14 years or so in physical pain. debilitating cronic physical pain. I have an intamite relationship with the mechanics of pain. It would be nice to help people in some small way as I have been helped in many ways over the years. ( BTW pain free for the past 2 years laugh.gif)


I also firmly believe in the power of touch. Touching someone in a non sexual suportive way can add to their well being and physical and emotional healing.

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Good thoughts. Hope it works out. I know the importance of touch when you are in pain. I strongly believe touch is a very important factor in first aid to someone who has been in an accident.


I don't know if they encourage touch to EMTs though as part of their first aid.....

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Thinker said:

The CC.com rope ups will never be the same! Everybody should bring a few extra bucks or some old gear to trade Muff for massages. Talk about a great way to build a rack.....


This is actualy a realy GREAT idea! I want to get licenced in or and wa shocked.gif not sure how yet. but I will hve to put in a certin # of massage hours before I can take my test cool.gif those are free BTW

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Muffy - I believe you had a vision. It's very cool you've found something that you want to do for a living. I've spent a lot of time figuring that one out and think I've finally hit upon something that I can stick to for a while. So congrats to you!


The WA state liscensing board has good info on the requirements in WA. Not sure what they are in OR, but the WA reqs are way more stringent than in CA. I think it's because LMTs can get reimbursed by insurance companies. Check their site for more info and a list of schools up here that are accredited.


I looked into massage therapy as a way to pay for grad school, but decided against it after I realized it would be hard to climb well and also be a good massage therapist (not that this should sway you from your vision though). Good luck with it. bigdrink.gif

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