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Apology from Canada...


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Re; the tundra thing...


they werre there first

they like it there

they wanted to hire me, so they must be doing alright with it! but its too cold for us non Inuit, non Siberian, non Lapp types IMHO. I have a low tolerance for seal blubber. too many American PCBs in that stuff nowadays tongue.gif

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Fairweather said:

How long would I have to wait for ACL surgery in Canada? Answer: about 2 years. How about some other "elective" procedures like cataracts removal? Great socialized medical system y'all got up there. Cheap drugs, for sure...but who's really paying the bill? I hear some good Canadian Doc's are moving to the USA so they can be properly compensated for their hard work under a (almost) free market system.


Tell me about Canada's Endangered Species Act; Wilderness Act; Canadians with Disabilities Act. What? No such things?


By the way, nice chunk of tundra you ceded to you indiginous population. Hope they enjoy it! "Seperate-but-equal"?


You hosers like to lecture Americans, but from what I've seen, your environment is getting a good trashing. Too bad the average Canadian has almost NO voice in govt. policies. A lot of Frenchies up there....might explain the arrogance.


By the way...thanks for the raw sewage, Victoria. A real gem of a city! Nice gardens, I hear.



You hosers like to lecture Americans, but from what I've seen, your environment is getting a good trashing. Too bad the average Canadian has almost NO voice in govt. policies. A lot of Frenchies up there....might explain the arrogance.


I have a friend that had the same surgery, ACL, dune in a mounth, from discuvery to recuvery... one poor mother fucker if I mite addd...


FUck Frechies thats what I'd like to say... sure four years more of edjucation, and walk off the street and into the hospital... is it because you're fucking stupid...is that why your government pays for your stupidity... I saw more drunks, and more homeless people while I was in your country than I did in a week here in Oregon... I resently spent some time in nevada and can't say the same for them... I say a ton of both... But us americans look at states the same way you look at providences... Like europe looks at counrties... If you ask me we're alll fucked up...


Don't get me wrong there are plenty of stupid and fuck up homeless, drunks in Oregon, but come on people this is a problem all over the world...



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i realize all of this is just good fun - i like to laugh at clever jokes regardless of whether or not im the victim. but for those of you that are taking this seriously, i think its important to note that both americans and canadians are lumped together in the same boat by most people in the world (sorry canadians, but its true). basically, let the jokes rage in north america. but talking anti-american/anti-canadian crap abroad is just shooting yourself in the foot. we can rag on each other back home - but politics aside, on the world stage it seems we are still best friends. both america and canada are incredible places to live, and are home to some of the most friendly people ive ever met.

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Thats incorrect. Americans are most certainly viewed with a different eye than Canadians in Europe, as well as the middle east. I know this from personal experience. Try an experiment: go to France (or anywhere else in europe) with a backpack that has a Canadian flag patch sewn on it. Then do the same thing with an american flag. Note the results. For a more dramatic experiment repeat the above in Egypt.


Lather, rinse, repeat.

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miller said:

i realize all of this is just good fun - i like to laugh at clever jokes regardless of whether or not im the victim. but for those of you that are taking this seriously, i think its important to note that both americans and canadians are lumped together in the same boat by most people in the world (sorry canadians, but its true). basically, let the jokes rage in north america. but talking anti-american/anti-canadian crap abroad is just shooting yourself in the foot. we can rag on each other back home - but politics aside, on the world stage it seems we are still best friends. both america and canada are incredible places to live, and are home to some of the most friendly people ive ever met.


Nothing serious here, or anticanadian... just some drunkin' spray... drunk off canadian whisky I might add...


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catbirdseat said:

Yeah, their mountains especially suck. You wouldn't like them. wink.gif


One thing I do find ironic is the fact that the mountain environment (climbing/hiking) is less regulated in Canada and western europe than it is in the USA. No permits/fees/helicopter access/etc, in most areas. Nice huts too. I guess in this one case, Canada is less regulatory than we are. Strange.

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Fairweather said:

catbirdseat said:

Yeah, their mountains especially suck. You wouldn't like them. wink.gif


One thing I do find ironic is the fact that the mountain environment (climbing/hiking) is less regulated in Canada and western europe than it is in the USA. No permits/fees/helicopter access/etc, in most areas. Nice huts too. I guess in this one case, Canada is less regulatory than we are. Strange.


Pure speculation here, but it might have something to do with the comparatively low gaper to square kilometre of mountain environment ratio in BC? Or maybe our government just really likes climbers cantfocus.gif

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