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Hello, tradsters -


The Doctor has been pondering (just pondering, mind you) the possibility of putting a trad rack together. You know, so Dwayner and that weasel Pope will quit pushing the Doctor down in the sandbox and stealing his lunch money, all the while cackling "tights-wearing sport weenie!"


So, in doing some preliminary browsing, DFA stumbled upon ABC Huevos, which are dirty cheap, and Metolius Curve Nuts, which seem nifty. Does anyone have any experience with and thus thoughts about the Huevos vs. other more expensive and well-known nuts? And also about the Curve Nuts?


OK, thanks in advance for what will surely be a ton of very helpful information. rolleyes.gif

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huevos are a stopper ripoff i believe. dunno any more about em. all those nuts work the same


metoolius curve nuts are kinda cool but i have heard get stuck more easily like most super curvy nuts do. i also heard they arent as good as hb offsets for weird flared pin scars and suchlike but maybe on tuff they are ok.


you planning to fix a bunch on e face monkey face for a few weeks? cause i heard you use like triples of #3-5 RP for that so you better buy some. tongue.giffruit.gif

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I say get any ol' nuts that are on sale and put money into good cams and double the cams w/ mid-range hexs, which you will hardly ever want to use anyways once the cams arrive. I have the WC rocks w/ a scattering of metolius curves and like them both. the colors on heuvos and older dmm wallnuts are a nice touch.

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:


Any advice on cheapo cams vs. their pricier brethren?


If you climb a lot with your rack you are going to become very attached to it. If you buy the good stuff (Camalots, Aliens, TCU's, Friends), over the course of many, many ascents the extra pennies/ascent you spend will be recouped handsomely by the warm feelings of satisfaction and security you will feel using the best sh*t. Conversely, if you buy "good enough" gear, you will get a dig in your ribs everytime you pull those babies out.


Check this out too.


If you're really tradding just to please Dwayner and Pope, then you probably won't be doing it very long. In that case disregard the above advice and minimize your monetary exposure by purchasing the cheapest shite possible.

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I'll second the notion to get whatever nuts you can get a deal on. I have a set of Metolius curved nuts and some regular black diamond stopper. I a bomber nut is generally bomber whether or not its curved. For cams you can save money by buying forged friends in the larger sizes like 3,4.

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Thanks, y'all. Good point about cheap nuts and good cams. DFA is usually of the belief that you get what you pay for (even though you usually have to pay too much for it), and would probably spring for the spendier swag, but you never know, so he had to ask.


And a perusal of Metolius' web site reveals no more slung hex things either, only cables. frown.gif

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned them, but I have a set of the Kong stoppers and love them. Cheap, bomber and the new ones are color coded.


What I also suggest is climbing with people who have different stoppers on their racks. I have another set of stoppers (DMM Wallnuts) that I picked up after using a buddies. They are the bomb.

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The Kongs are probably the same as the ABCs, yeah? Aren't they all from the same Korean slave-labor manufacturing plant? Kong, CAMP, ABC, and Climb-Axe?


Oh, and after scouring the 'net yesterday for slung hexes, the WC Rockcentrics came up. Anybody have any exp. with those? Also, what's the beef with wired hexes? DFA would assume the cable gets in the way in some placements? Or is it 'cause the cable levers them out of placements?

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I end up placing the smaller wired sizes as nuts a lot of the time and the swaged cables are not nearly as strong (they put in a lot more flex than the typical nut cable). I only have the small gold one (#3?) and a larger (#7?) wired. the latter has been useful in places where you can reach up and slot it behind stuff. you could not do this with a corded hex, but then again you're not exactly placing gear in the best fashion when you are reaching up and blindly slotting things.

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I've always climbed with wallnuts. I supplement with met curveswhen I want more than one set.


I think whatever nuts you own will be your faves. Just stay away from anything really weird. You get used to the peculiarities of each shape.


Cams- buy the best. Don't bother with hexes unless you are broke or trying to save weight (ie. alpine).


Best to me eqauls small aliens, midsize metolious, and large camalots. I think large cams are the place to save money if you need to.


There really isn't much diff in a big camalot and a big forged friend. When you are trying to dink in a little placement you will be blessing the guy who invented aliens/tcus though.




Oh yeah, one more thing. BUY SETS. Don't mix and match!

Edited by snoboy
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